Letters: From Ningenkai


Via: Hikari Rei Mail Exp.


Dear Hiei,

        You’re right- I’m going to ask for a holiday tomorrow. By the way, I’m not sure if you want to know this or not, but the reason why Mukuro is like that every month is PROBABLY because of her… um… physiological cycle. Her- you know… This might make it easier for you, why don’t I send a package of Advil your way- for Mukuro of course. However, if you would like a bottle yourself, just tell me- I have plenty to go around.


        Yes, working in the hospital has it’s own kind of laboring pain, but I do take a sentiment of accomplishment from doing it. As for you, YOU should be proud of the fact that you’re helping to shape Makai’s future. It might be a bore to you, but at least it’s better than waging war all the time. Mukuro has written to me a long time ago that you’re sick of fighting. I personally find that hard to believe, but…. In it’s own right, I reason it makes sense.  She told me this the months prior to Yusuke’s return to Ningenkai. At the time, you were working as, what was it? An officer for the gateway? It’s incredible just thinking about how far you’ve come…


        Where do you think I should go for vacation, Hiei? I’ve been considering Cancun, but argh…. I don’t feel like going to a place so exotic by my self. Hawaii is another idea; it’s probably another tourist trap, but what isn’t? Going climbing in the Himalayas crossed my mind, but when I mentioned it in front o my mother, she nixed that idea.


        I want to go somewhere… with nice scenery, but peaceful… Well, no- maybe not peaceful. A place where I can sit under the sun and read without anyone paging me or bothering me…


Speaking of the devil- I just got paged. I’ll write again later.








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