Letters: From Makai


Via: Hikari Rei Mail Exp.



          I received your letter a few days back, but I’ve only found time now to respond. It sounds to me that you’re bored with everything. Believe it or not, my position is no different from your own. To tell you the truth, Mukuro is being bitchier than normal. Just the other day she threw one of those giant replacement wheels from one of our track vehicles right at me- must I say that I almost lost my head? Overall, she is a good person to have as a companion, but on the third week of every month- stay AWAY from her. I had to learn that the hard way…


       Thank you for telling me about my niece. She’s seven now, isn’t she? I should pay her a visit, but the damn governmental branches won’t give me a blessed day. I would much rather do things the way I used to, rather than run around going to stupid meetings at the legislative hall. Old raspy grandfathers surround me for hours on end… It’s enough to make me want to bash my own brains out with a two by four.


          Kurama, you should take a day off. If they won’t give you that time now, then schedule one in the future so you have something to look forward to. Otherwise, you’re going to hate your life, and you already know that I have plenty of experience in that particular area.






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