“Let’s Fly as the Birds Do…” Chapter of Love


By: Hikari

E-mail to: [email protected]

Notes: Contains adult content. Don’t read if you know you will be offended, although I DO encourage you try. I will accept no flames for this chapter.

‘Love’ replaces chapter 26.

Music themes to chapter: “The Encounter” From Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon &  “Memories of the Times” From the anime, Please Save My Earth & “Woman Warrior” from Vampire Princess Miyu.




            “Well, YOU look worried…”


            “Hn. Kudaran.”


            Yusuke grinned. That was typical of Hiei, when he was concerned denial was at its best. Kuwabara was growing tired of waiting for their companion, thus allowing himself to sit on the forest floor cross-legged and busying his hands with dead twigs and fallen leaves. Their leader blinked at his friend, strapping his arms behind his head and yawning with no shame. The fire demon stood as a statue, eyes closed and arms folded over his chest. Kurama had been gone for more than three minutes past, and Hiei was becoming uneasy with such timing. His partner was not one to take sweet time in thievery, nor was he stupid enough to rush through his task and get in trouble. Originally, Hiei had wanted to go down with him, in that chasm where supposedly an underground ruin lay. Instead he found himself here, standing among imbeciles who, the demon knew, were a lot more useful than they made themselves out to be. If only Kurama hadn’t ordered him to stay behind. It had been a long time since Hiei had stolen anything of worth, and there was a burning desire within him to experience the thrill of thievery again. Alas, the redhead knew Hiei would be needed on the surface- should the prospect something wrong would occur and he would need Hiei to think quickly in order to fish him out of the ground.


            His boot kicked some of the debris on the terrain, causing Yusuke and Kuwabara to look up from their daydreaming state. Not only was he uneasy, but he was also bored as hell. Koenma had told them that what they were after was so precious that should it fall to Reikai hands, then for certain the fate of mankind would be preserved for the better. The prince was quite vague with the details as to what this object actually was, but from old legends and common folklore in the Makai, Hiei was able to piece together the mystery.


            An elixir- cased in blue crystal and hidden in the underground tombs of the destroyed city called: “Ambrosia.”  It was named so because the city flourished with what theoretically was ‘food for the Gods.’ Hiei scoffed at such romanticism. Surely, all great empires meet their downfall once making themselves that kind of flamboyant name. Given the title’s meaning, it was obvious ambrosia existed in the Greek Era of Ningenkai. It made the demon wonder, for a time, just how related man and demon were. At any rate, the city was lost in, what could have been, an earthquake. It sank into Makai’s thick earth just as Atlantis sank into the deep ocean.


            Locating the city was a conundrum in itself. Of course, being one with the Jagan, it would only be natural that HE would lead the team to where they needed to be. ‘Easier said than done.’ Hiei had said, rolling his eyes at Koenma’s simple proposal. The prince had declared the fire youkai in charge of navigation- thinking that the third eye would be enough to uncover an entire lost civilization. As you would expect, he and Kurama knew otherwise. His accomplice was kind enough to offer him aid in the research of Ambrosia. Weeks before the assignment, they were in the Reikai archives- flipping through indexes and whatnot to get the information they needed. It went to the extents of recovering old maps translating ancient writings, and so on and so forth. The two hard nearly sacked out amongst the pile of dusty books and manuscripts, when Kurama found an aged document containing the entire blueprint to the city’s architecture. From there, Hiei matched the buildings to their noted location thousands of years ago. With exhausted eyes and wasted energy, they fell asleep together at one of the wooden tables- books and scrolls creating a fortress for them to hide behind. It seemed as though their problem was solved, when it dawned on them the city was STILL submerged, and therefore, could not be found by appearance or location. At this, they were stumped, until Kurama suggested the idea that perhaps Hiei could sill locate Ambrosia by memorizing the architecture. Once they followed the directions to the city’s location, he may use his third eye to detect the ruins from above ground.


            Problem solved.


            The fruits of their labor waited beneath. The elixir- able to cure whatever ailment or disease that existed. Perhaps it was the medicine that deserved the esteemed name, NOT the city.


            Hiei started fidgeting.


            “I still say you’re worried…” Yusuke monotoned.


            He rewarded his comrade with deafening silence. Worry? Why should he worry? Kurama knew how to take care of himself… It wasn’t as though he would get lost, fall into some God forsaken trap, be eaten by subterranean carnivores, slip and break something, run out of light, get caught in between boulders, or be attacked by some unknown force. No- nothing like THAT was going to happen…. Everything would be fine.


            Hiei started pacing.


            “I hate being forced to do NOTHING…” the demon claimed. “It’s not like him to this long…”


              “Maybe he lost his touch…” Kuwabara offered, still sitting on the ground. “It must have been a while sine he last did something like this…”


            That was a possibility. Kurama hadn’t stolen in sixteen years. Then again, the number was out-ratioed by Kurama five HUNDRED years of thievery as the Youko. Hiei shook his head, being logical. “No, you fool…. Kurama’s craft at such things is quite untainted…”


                  Recently it was getting easier and easier to compliment his friend. In fact he had been doing so from the start. On their first, and surprisingly, successful mission, Kurama defeated one of the four beasts in style and grace. Hiei chided himself now, realizing how much he actually displayed admiration in the redhead. ‘The thorns on his whip act as individual knives…’ he said without a second thought. ‘How skilled he is! Watch as he manipulated his plants – there is no question that he cannot be underestimated…’


                  Admiration. Him having admiration. That wasn’t the first time either. The demon publicly admitted that he wanted to be as strong as his friend, when he had transformed into the Youko in the battle against Ukaurashima. Hiei kicked himself. All those times he slipped with his tongue…


            A pebble rolled. Hiei looked down.




            A hand exploded from the soil, probing for something to pull the rest the body up with… it grabbed the little youkai by the ankle.


            “Nani?!”  The fire demon fell on his rear as he was abruptly being dragged to the crevice Kurama slipped through. Yusuke and Kazuma were actually helpful, as they seized Hiei by the arms and pulled in the opposite direction. Poor Hiei, he felt like a rubber band…


            At last a patch of familiar red appeared- slightly covered with dust, but nonetheless striking/ When Kurama had come out all-together, they released Hiei, who was launched forward by the force- causing him to collide with the other on the chest. His friend caught him inside his arms, smiling mischievously.


            “Why Hiei… Did you miss me?”


            The smaller pushed him away aggressively. “Hn! Baka! If you’re going to grab onto something, use a rock, NOT me…”


            “I don’t know, Hiei…” Yusuke dared. “…Your body is pretty elasticky… Kinda like Gumby… You know?”




            “Now, now…” Kurama soothed, being the usual intermediary. He reached into his clothes and pulled something out of his pocket- the crystal bottle. They hushed. “I found it inside one of the tombs… It took a while to figure out how the stone wall opened, but…”


            “You succeeded no less…” Kuwabara finished. The redhead grinned.


            “Not to brag…” For a moment, he looked up to the skies. “It seems night is approaching…”


             Yusuke sighed. “I guess we’re gonna have to camp out then…”


            “I sense a brook close by…” Hiei perked up his ears. “I suppose I can bring fish…”


            Half of the team was taken aback by the shorter’s generous offer. Kurama only nodded.


            “Mm… I can prepare the fire and cooking…”


            The other two looked back at Hiei, who peered at them in his normal way.


            “How much do you eat?” He asked. “I’m sure to catch more than needed…”


            “Uh… whatever you can carry is fine…” said carrot top.




            Eyes back on Kurama.


            “There are plants here I may use as seasoning… We may clean some lean branches to use as the skewers…”


            To Hiei.


            “Yes… If, by chance, the catch is poor, then I may resolve to the forest…”


            On Kurama.


            “Sounds like a plan…”


            “You guys do this a lot, don’t you?” Yusuke had one finger up in the air, thick eyebrows spasming curiously.


            “Well… if you want to know how we grew up in the Makai…” the redhead reminisced. “…This is it…”




            They made camp a distance from the brook. Since it grew amazingly nippy a night, they decided to not settle too close to the water source, and yet not too far to make it a nuisance for Hiei to bring back food. In the water, Hiei had removed his black boots, cloak, and scarf- sword ready at hand to pierce an unsuspecting victim. Holding onto the hilt steadily, he aimed at some fish doddling around the shallow end among the river stones.




            Water went flying up in thin transparent sheets, when it hit the ground- Hiei was revealed with four fat fish struck straight through their midsections. He smiled conceitedly, and leaned his sword against his bare shoulder on his path back to the others.


            Kurama tended to the fire, while Yusuke searched for more wood to burn, and Kuwabara… went to take a leak behind some bush.


            “That was fast…” He spoke. Moving around the sticks to keep the fire from going out.


            “No, that was EASY.” Hiei handed over his sword. Kurama accepted it carefully- pulling out the fish and fastening them onto a quickly made skewer. The demon sat on a nearby rock. “...Will it be enough for them?”


            To this question, his friend smirked all-knowingly. “Concerned?”


            Damn him. “No.” He retorted shortly. “I despise their whining.”


            Justification for kindness was his forte, and Kurama knew it. “Oh…”


            For a while they were quiet- nothing making noise, save for the crackling of the warm fire and the hoots from owls and singing crickets. All these usual things of a tranquil Makai. The natural light was gone, now they had a blanket of stars and darkness to cover them. Hiei’s white face was illuminated by the fires glow. Kurama glanced at his solemn visage. Fine skin… smooth… The fire was trapped in his ruby irises… The type of rubies they were… Pigeon’s Blood- most precious of its kind. His lips were soft and small- hair weightless to the wind… the demon was beautiful…


            “Is something troubling you?”


            “Hardly… I’m just wandering as to how your venture went…”


            “Quite dull…” Kurama replied with what could have been an ejection of a sigh. “…You would have been disappointed if you came with me…”


            Rotating the fish on the skewer, he added seasoning. “Why don’t you sit closer to me, Hiei? Tell me how crispy you want your fish…”


            Seeming to hesitate, the smaller complied against his first judgment. He sat next to his friend, watching him cook with skill. “Not burnt…” the demon said finally. “…I don’t like the taste of char…”


            Laughing lightly, Kurama handed him a fish.


            “Not that raw either…” Hiei voiced flatly.


            ‘More spices then?”


            “If you will…”


             The demon’s attention was lost on the cooking. Somehow his eyes crawled their way up to his friends dazzling profile. How gentle he appeared… Deep green eyes- so elusive… Slender nose, petite lips. Such a breathtaking face to look at- sly, foxy, but handsome as well as pretty. Kurama was quite the looker.


            “It’s not nice to stare…” His friend said out of the blue. Hiei tore his eyes away, smiling funnily.




“This better be enough firewood!”


            At the hollering, they looked up to find Yusuke bumbling about the clearing with his arms full of dry branches and sticks. Lazily, he tossed the unkempt bundle onto the ground. “Hey! That smells good!” The boy closed his eyes to take pleasure in the aroma. “Oh, man… When Keiko cooks fish, it smells like rotten squid!”


            Kurama sweat dropped. “Make sure not to say that if she’s ever around… Anyway, don’t give me all the credit- it was Hiei who caught them… after all…”


            It was at this instance the shorter wished he hadn’t seated so close to him. Hiei felt awkward being seen shoulder to shoulder with Kurama in front of Yusuke. He lowered his face. “Don’t glorify anything simple…”


            There was some rustling in the brush, and Kuwabara tumbled out, leaves stuck in all places- from his hair to his socks. His face and hands were bright red. The redhead’s jaw slipped down.

            “Eh… Kuwabara-kun, what bush did you use?”


             Not stopping from scratching, he pointed to one with glossy leaves that had arrowhead figures. Hiei rolled his eyes. “You idiot…”


            “What?!” He scratched more, causing his skin to inflame. Kurama stood, raising his hands in caution.


            “You really shouldn’t be scratching yourself like that… The plant you were in… was Poison Sumac…”


            “WHAT?!” additional scratching, the poor young man went so far as to gnawing on his arms. “AHH! My teeth itch too!”


            Yusuke sat on a tumbled log and took his meal. “Idiot is RIGHT…” Almost as a toast, he bit his fish, glanced at Hiei, and winked.


            The demon ate his own bit of food, acknowledged the wink, and beamed evilly as Kurama tried to simmer Kuwabara down and apply ointment on his skin.


            ‘You care too much…’ Hiei thought. ‘Your food will be spoiled…’




            The fire died. They left it to burn out while they lay to sleep. Kuwabara laid himself on the log, often rubbing his back against the bark amidst his monstrous snoring to fight the itching. Yusuke was snoozing with his arms tucked, evidently combating the cold by keeping his circulation close and tight. The last pair leaned against their own boulders, waiting for the sun to emerge.


            “Thank you for brining me and Kuwabara another fish…” Kurama whispered.


            “I was anticipating the need for it…” Hiei retorted quietly.


            “…Sou…” A shadow rose, and walked soundlessly to he fire youkai. Hiei moved to the side, making room for the other to settle.


            “Lean on my shoulder?” His friend asked.


            No answer, he did so. The other leaned his own head against the little demon’s.


            “I’m not tired…”


            “Me too…” Kurama put an arm around Hiei’s waist, he jerked, but later relaxed into it. “You don’t like being touched…?”


            “It’s entirely new to me…” He disclosed.


            “But I’ve held you before…”


            “…Yes, but that doesn’t mean I’m accustomed to it…”


            From his waist, the redhead’s hand searched for his friend’s- fingers independently enlacing together with his.


            “You seem to take holding hands well…”


            Shutting his eyelids, Hiei automatically squeezed Kurama’s entwined fingers. “It… feels good to me…”



            Towards the arrival of dawn, they arose from each other’s arms before the other two would awaken themselves. If they wanted to get home, in Ningenkai by at least the evening, then there would be no time for breakfast. They must depart now. The journey to get to Ambrosia took six hours, and it would take another six hours to reach the temporal gates in order to pass through Reikai and the Gate of Judgment. The process of going through these worlds would acquire another two hours. Kurama groaned. He abhorred having make excuses to skip school and leave his mother all by her lonesome at the house. There must be a quicker way to get back…


            “Kurama, look!”


            Hiei was huddled behind a bush, peering through the foliage by means of a hole he created with both hands. Gesturing for his friend to come next to him, Hiei increased he hole by moving his arms either direction.


            His partner crouched beside him, eyes rather camouflaged by the lush leaves. There was a breeder of horses passing through a trail in the thicket. The animals were plentiful, and strong by appearance. All of them looked to be stallions meant for battle and chase. Some were dark blue in coat, other black. A few were brown, and even fewer were white. The rarer ones- gold and silver- were kept in the middle of the herd to prevent them from theft or fleeing.


            “He must be a seller to the bounty hunters…” Hiei explained. “When I was young, I used to be chased by them, and the hunters rode on such horses…”


            Pausing bitterly, he forced himself to continue. “These creatures are fast. I know because I was captured once, but I managed to escape… There are about twenty or twenty-five stallions here. It would not hurt to steal four of them…”


            “And it would cut our traveling time in half…” Kurama added. “But do Yusuke and Kuwabara know how to ride?”


            Hiei considered it. “Yusuke is a fast learner… He will not be a problem… I don’t know what to say about the fool, however…”


            “He will have to go with the flow then… From the pace this breeder is going, we should have no difficulty in taking a few of his horses…”


            “Hn… We will take the animals from the rear of the herd…”


            Kurama approved. “And quickly… More likely than not, the horses will stir…”


            “Since I have a sword, I will be the first to go- to cut the ropes tied to the reins… The rest is up to you three…”


            Agreeing upon this, they returned to camp to find Yusuke and he taller stretching groggily. Before they could say anything, Kurama and Hiei were already pushing them in the direction of the path from the thicket. Forcing the two boys to hide behind the brush, Hiei readied himself to attack from he back end of the herd. When the trotting of hooves milded, he leapt from the brush and landed on he back of the closest steed. Funny as it was, by luck he wound up on a black one with a white diamond on its forehead. The horse neighed and whined loudly, making the breeder stop from the front. Hurriedly, Hiei withdrew his katana and snapped the ropes of the three horses closest to him.


            “Let’s go!” Kurama jumped out from the bush, towing the oblivious with both hands by their wrists. They blinked vigorously, and were swiftly swung onto the spines of two animals. Because his brown steed reared, Yusuke reacted with instinct and immediately gained control by holding onto the reins and squeezing with his legs. Carrot top, on the other hand, came to rest on his blue horse backwards. Hiei had predicted correctly.


            The redhead cantered on his white stallion, heading for the depths of the forest where Hiei was waiting visibly. He looked back and found Yusuke trailing behind him with Kuwabara’s reins tied onto Yusuke’s harness.


            “Hurry! The breeder is bound to follow!”


            To his call, Yusuke kicked his horse a tad by the heel, racing to meet with Kurama. Kuwabara held on securely with one hand- the other palm blindfolding his eyes.


            Once reaching Hiei, the fire demon started his horse and led the way out of the woods as fast as his ride could take him. He was glad that there was no saddle; extra weight would affect the horse’s speed. The scenery blurred as he and his animal dashed forth- Hiei ducking whenever needed to avoid being whipped in the face by looming branches. Not far ahead, he observed there was a deep ravine just ready to trap an imprudent passer byre. The demon kicked his horse to accelerate ten fold his speed. Holding tightly onto the reins and putting trust into the animal- they leapt over the deep rift. The horse’s legs were outstretched completely- its tail propped high in the air- wind blowing the silky black strands as a thick ribbon. As they were in the air, the gloss of the stallion’s coat shone in the shattered light of the forest- lines of muscle carved all over. Reaching the other side safely and with hard pound, he turned in time to see Kurama leap over the inverted obstacle in a similar fashion… only HIS steed was white… Kurama’s long dashing red hair flew lightly behind him along with his horse’s shiny platinum mane- tail on horses rear propped up as well, elegant and proud.      


Going further into the wood, the demon slowed when he thought it safe. Kurama rode next to him, face bright with exhilaration. Hiei smiled at him, and nearly liberated a laugh upon seeing Yusuke exhausted, and Kuwabara thrashed with branches and twig. There was even a bird s nest on the top of his head.


            Trotting to the redhead, Yusuke took him by the collar. “Don’t EVER make us do that again!! It may be normal for YOU TWO, but we’re human and drive CARS!! That have PEDALS and STEERING WHEELS!! NOT a mind of their own!! When we went over that DAMN RAVINE my horse put on it’s BRAKES and Kuwabara’s HORSE slammed from behind me! DON’T EVER MAKE US DO THAT AGAIN!!”


            Pleasantly, Kurama chuckled. “You’ll thank us later…”


            Which was true. With the horses it was a lot easier to climb and descend the mountains they went through. Rather than going around the river, they went straight through it. The obstacles such as boulders, logs, and rock were no longer a dilemma- they leapt right over them. It was not long when they proceeded through the desert. Yusuke sighed to himself. The horses were a God snd, and he had to pay gratitude towards the ingenious thieves who came up with the idea.


             The travel through the desert was the longest. Even though the deserts expanse wasn’t large, the sun was merciless and it only helped to amplify the slowness of time.


            In addition, the scenery itself was disheartening. Tumbleweeds were everywhere. The soil parched and cracked.


            “Only a little further…” Kurama said. “I estimate five or ten more minutes… we should reach the valley to the Temporal Gates by then…”


            RATTLING. Sharp intimidating rattling. A three- headed snake with a tail resembling to a rattler was at feet of Kurama’s horse.  In fright, the animal neighed and reared far back. It jumped and kicked powerfully, sending Kurama flying off its back and landing him on the hard earth.  Shaking his head in disorientation, his face later filled with terror when the horse’s hooves came crashing down on him. ‘Watch out!’ Yusuke cried, his voice sounding long in distance. 


            He moved, slid, but not under his own will. He was SHOVED.


            Time was even slower now. Hiei seemed to be levitating over where Kurama used to be, then it happened. The stallion’s hoof dug into Hiei’s side, the kick hurling him meters away. Blood showered like rain, the marks of which leaving tracks to where the smaller’s body hit.




            Scrambling up, Kurama ran and rolled his friend over to his back. His eyes widened at the horror of blood completely saturating his clothing, making his black cloak blacker. The demon’s mouth trembled, one hand touching the cut on his side- under the fold of his right arm and directly on top of his ribs, where nerves were most sensitive. Yusuke and Kazuma dismounted their horses, sprinting towards them in panic.


            “He’s bleeding PROFUSELY!” Kurama cried, applying pressure to Hiei’s side. “We need help!”


            Yusuke knelt down. “Hiei, can you hear me?”


            “Argh…” He winced and clutched his ribs where Kurama’s hand was. “It’s … hard… to breathe…”


            Taking Hiei’s sword, his friend sliced where the source of bleeding was. There, he inserted two fingers. Quietly, he gasped. The hoof stabbed roughly an inch into the demon’s flesh and it tore to around four inches in length. He felt around. Good, at least nothing was broken.


            “We need to get him to a hospital!” Kazuma affirmed, upset as well.


            “We can’t! They’ll find his Jagan!”


            “Reikai, then!”


            “The hospital in Reikai will take forever to reach! I doubt even Botan could heal his wound!”


            “He’s coming with me.”


            They turned to the determined answer.


            “It’s because of me he’s injured, and it’s my duty as his friend and partner to make up for this…” Ripping the legs of his pants, Kurama made a bandage around Hiei’s small torso. It wasn’t much, but it would have to hold until he would take him to his home.


            “You sure of it?” Yusuke inquired. Kurama gave a single bow of the head, taking Hiei into his arms.


            “Trust me… I will not allow Hiei to bleed to death from such stupid accident…”




            Their heads flew to Kuwabara, who was standing by an array of shattered blue crystal. Absently, Kurama felt around his pocket… and swore.


            “The elixir!” Yusuke shouted. “FUCK!”


            Looking away, Kurama focused on Hiei who was cuddled up in his hold- one arm behind the shoulders, another beneath the bent knees.


            “…It’s all my fault…”



            A thin needle went in and out of Hiei’s flesh, pulling surgical thread along with it. The demon’s eyes twitched open from that peculiar sensation- vision blurred at first, but then clearing to see…




            Discovering he was awake, Kurama smiled sadly and quickly finished his handy work by cutting the thread and spreading peroxide with some cotton to disinfect. Through with that, he pulled down Hiei’s tattered shirt.


            “Good as new…” He joked dimly.  It was a bad cover up; the redhead almost shed tears at the saying of it. Tranquility dropped on them. Kurama remained kneeling on the carpet by the bed, fingers and hands drained from tedious nursing. Hiei watched him intently, eyelids batting so slowly it seemed like he had no energy to even blink. “I will… sleep on the floor, Hiei… For as long as you’re wounded, my bed is yours…”


            It took a while for Hiei to absorb this. “You speak like a diplomat.” He half-snapped. “I hate it when you do that…”


            “You hate a LOT of things, Hiei…”


            “But I DON’T hate YOU.”


            His heart leapt to his throat. It was like Hiei read his mind.


            “If you think I would hate you for this, then you still have to learn more about me…” the smaller went on. “I’ve had much worse than this, and you KNOW it… Therefore, I won’t allow you to punish yourself merely because I got you out of harm’s way…”


            “Don’t put it so blandly… You saved my life…”


            “And wasn’t it you who said it is the duty of a friend to do as such?”




            “Kurama, I’ve seen you bleed like a carcass hung in a butchers mill… And I’ve never found the valor to help you out of that blood… I was too blind- too perplexed with whatever friendship is to know what to do. Now that I do this, you repay me by punishing yourself? What kind of partnership is that, Kurama?”


            “But you…”


            “Could have died?” He lifted a fine eyebrow. “Yes, I know… But I also know you could live through many things… Experience is a cruel teacher…”


            Gentle sound. Light Sobbing.


            “Kurama…” The youkai softened, reaching to touch his friend’s face. “Kurama… get off he damn floor…”


            The redhead stood.


            “Good, now get next to me… just as before- like always…”


            Order obeyed. Hiei twisted to look toward him, wincing again, but giving effort to ignore the stinging. Some blood smeared on the bed sheets as he moved.


            “Hiei, I’m still sorry about it…”


            “Hn. You’re sorry about meaningless things…”


            “But it ISN’T meaningless… Hiei, what you did for me… You hurt yourself!”


            “Sshh…” He placed a finger on Kurama’s lips. “I always hurt myself… If it’s for someone, at least it has value…”


            “You believe in that?”


            An all-knowing smirk. “You TAUGHT me that… Don’t be hypocritical by not practicing what you preach…”


            Chuckling now, as the despondency had vanished, the redhead countered the argument playfully. “I’m not a priest, Hiei… But if I were- I would have you baptized…”


            The demon snorted, crossing his arms melodramatically. “And blind my third eye? Huh!”


            The chuckling turned to light laughing. “You deserve to be… You’re very selfless…” 


            Without force, Hiei punched him on the shoulder. “You don’t know what you’re talking about…”


            “Yes, I do…” Kurama said earnestly- glowing smile played upon his lips. “I know because I can see a bit of myself in you…”


            His eyebrows went up. “How do you mean…?”


            “Well… When I first looked at you, I saw… Pain. I don’t know why, but I knew it was there… The way your eyes would darken at thought of the past- I saw it when it seemed that no one else could… And, I believe it was the same connection that went from you to me…Wasn’t it, Hiei…?”


            Musing over it, he closed his eyes and bowed his head only slightly. “…Pain… Yes, I saw it too… As much as you cherished your mother- you knew you could never have her the way other children do… You were left so lonely because of this… just as…”


            “Just as you could never have the kind of relationship you desired with your sister… You could not have her as a normal brother would… You may only watch from a distance because…”


            “We live in different worlds… You and your mother… me and my sister…”


            “It was hard… No one knew anything about us. No one knew how it felt to be so isolated while being mocked with the fact we were surrounded by people everyday… No one could have bothered to care, because no one knew- no one could ever comprehend-”


            “-The kind of life we have led… Fighting for the sake of living without a sole purpose to live, save for caring for those who cannot return the gesture the way we wish it…”


            “It hurts… It hurts so much to not be able to touch anyone- not even our own flesh and blood…”


            “…And yet we found one another…”


            Words ceased there.


            Friends. They were friends. It was out in the open now. Close, trusting, and dependable friends. When one was hurt, the other healed. One spoke, the other listened. One needed counseling, the other advised. One in heed, the other was there. One in pain, the other comforted… Close, loving friends…


            Was here any hope to be closer?


            Hiei touched his face gently, pulling away the curtains of red hair to see those big green eyes. Kurama smiled weakly, allowing his eyelids to shut as the demon proceeded to stroke him along the cheek with the back of his hand- lightly with his fingers and knuckles. Leaning toward him in the bed, Hiei gave him a soft kiss. Thick lashes fluttering open, the redhead’s smile strengthened when the smaller kissed him twice. And again… And again…




            Kurama suddenly reclined to lie on his back, while the other went over him. The redhead shuddered feeling Hiei’s hands slowly undo the buttons of his shirt- it sliding from his perfect chest smoothly. Bending over, Hiei kissed his now exposed skin and continued doing so until his wet lips crept up Kurama’s neck and reunited with his mouth. The next kiss, however, was different. It was yearning, searching, desiring… Their lips slid open gradually, allowing each other to taste. Breaking away, Hiei sat up with his legs straddled around Kurama’s torso. His breathing had escalated dramatically…


            “I don’t… understand what I’m doing… I can’t help touching you…””


            Equally jagged in breathing, Kurama responded dazedly. “…You’re kissing me…”


            Worry- concern drenched the demons irises in dark colored blood. “Why…” he asked. “… are you letting me do that…?”


            For this, Kurama could only give one answer: “Because… I feel the same way…”


            Sitting up wit Hiei on his lap, Kurama wrapped his arms around him- holding him more tightly than ever before. Hiei closed his eyes, sensing the other’s cool hand slide under his torn shirt and raise it up over his head. In short, but savory time, the black shirt found its place on the carpeted floor. Hiei’s chin was rested upon his friend’s bare shoulder, and he sighed deeply at Kurama’s subtle stroking along his back. The demon shifted his head to kiss the other on the cheek… Kurama gave him another in return.


            Their lips wandered about, never failing to serve affection on any part of skin. Someone, they descended onto the bed- still entangled in each other’s amorous embrace. While having their lips locked together, Hiei’s hands fingered at the knot of drawstring of Kurama’s pants. He tugged and jerked with a hint of excitement, but did so carefully and at leisure. When the knot had come undone, his hand groped all the way down Kurama’s torso until finding the hem of the garments. He stopped, however, in the process of pulling it down when they gasped for air in the middle of their necking. No matter, they had all of tonight, and they would use every bit of it.


            His pants made it off his legs, and it fell to the right of he mattress delicately. Hiei drew his fingers to outline every curve and detail of his friend’s body- almost memorizing him entirely by the sense of touch. The redhead squirmed faintly, but with obvious delight that made the demon grin peacefully. As the top part of Kurama’s body had already been given much praise, Hiei sought to it that the bottom half would be treated equally.


            Hence, he started dragging his lips down Kurama’s abdomen… and lower. As he did this, his tongue would be a little naughty and it stole the chance to take kitten licks every now and then. When Kurama quivered in surprise, he ceased doing this- subconsciously afraid to disappoint him. Therefore, he went on with tickling kisses- light and sweet, never selfish. Lower and lower he sank, until he met him there lovingly.      


            Kurama moaned.


            Head immediately jerking up, his eyes found his friend holding onto the sheets avidly, as if to restrain himself from reacting with excessive passion. In regards to his face, he appeared thirsty, but at the same time, quite contented. His cheeks… they had blushed.


            “I’ve… never done this before…” Hiei confessed. “Do you… want me to stop?”


            The manner by which he spoke and asked touched Kurama profoundly. His eyes began to well with hot water, but his head shook faintly.


            “No…” he replied airily. “…Everything feels so light- so wonderful…”


            To this, he caressed him there once more, being braver and more daring with every stroke of lip and tongue. Artful hands, belonging to Kurama, delved into the demon’s raven black hair- fingers trapping themselves within the damp strands…


            “…Hiei… Hiei please… let me feel for you too…”


            Obeying his words, he ceased and hoisted himself over the other’s face. Kurama tapped at his cheek, thumbs roaming all around and stopping at the ward covering Hiei’s jagan.


            “You don’t need… to hide your scars from me…”


            With his fingertips, Kurama gingerly removed it from Hiei’s forehead- revealing the third eye. Rising slightly, he kissed it. Hiei gaped from the other’s action, a tear forming at the corner of his eye and splashing on his friend’s cheek as it was released. Kurama blinked.


            “What’s wrong?”


            The demon’s jaw quaked. “No one has ever dared to touch me like that…” His face abruptly twisted in anguish. “This new feeling I have… I don’t know what to think of it… I’ve seen this sensation in the faces of other people… and they’re always bright and filled with… with something I’m not sure of…” Clutching onto Kurama’s shoulders, he seeked shelter in nestling within the crook of his friend’s neck. “I feel cheated!” He cried, innumerable tears flooding out- some of them transforming into pure and sparkling diamons, and others absorbing into the blankets of Kurama’s flesh. “I feel cheated! Why is this only the first time I’ve ever felt this way? …It’s not fair… I’ve lacked this emotion for all my life, and now that I have it… I don’t know what to do with it…”


            Kurama pressed him close to his body, arms encircling the smaller and moving up and down in comforting massaging motions. “…Daijoubu…” he whispered. “…You needn’t be afraid… I’m right here, WITH you…”


            He persisted in his consoling, and the moment Hiei had calmed, he kissed him fervently by raising the other’s chin with his fingers. One hand deftly commenced unbuckling the demon’s belts. When they were unlatched, they were later pulled from their pants. Each belt made a short ‘clink’ upon hitting the floor… and the pants… they came off by themselves, landing on top of all four belts.


            Their skin, bare and truthful now, made contact no matter where they caressed one another. One of Kurama’s arms draped around Hiei’s neck as they shared very close lips. They rolled in bed, jolting from never being naked and so close together before. Now Kurama found himself on top, thin sheets swathing about his long legs- completely entwined. He was more than glad to please the other- for a change. With his irises focused only on Hiei, his hands took the liberty of fondling. He too, wanted to learn his friend for everything he was… and this meant physically as well…






            Hiei’s entire body was shaking, it didn’t understand the pleasure it was experiencing. “I…” He was breathless. “I want us…”


            “Yes?” His hands went lower- stroking all the way which resulted in the other rubbing against his palm. Not vacillating, Kurama lowered himself and his mouth, stroking Hiei with his movements and finally sucking. He parted briefly to examine the stitches on Hiei’s right side… and went up to it to kiss it… “If only I could make this wound go away… Every time I look at it- this ugly scar, I see your body flying through the air- blood coming out of you in waves…” Kurama choked on his tears, suddenly hugging Hiei tightly from he waist. “…I’ve never been so scared for anyone in my life- not even for my mother…” Those tears he released rolled from his face and onto Hiei’s smooth stomach… Hiei felt it- felt that small bit of hot water striking gently against his skin like the raindrops of spring onto summer…


            “Kurama… I need to see you- your eyes, your face…”


            He rose, and the other instantly welcomed him in a hug. Kurama hugged back, smile on his visage widening to never-before-seen lengths. Then, Hiei spoke: “Make me a promise…”


            “…What’s that…?”


            “…Never let me go… I’ve never been held before… Not like this. The way you touched me everywhere, and kissed me as I cried… How you stroked my lips with your fingers, and then embraced me as we possessed each other. I’ve never felt this attached to anyone in my life…  If you dare to throw me away, I will never forgive you... Do you promise?”


            Kurama framed Hiei’s features with his hands. “… A promise such as that does not need words… It has tonight…”


            All at once they began to move. It was peculiar… having their most private and sacred parts touch... But the feelings it sent them were indescribable. When they pushed or rubbed they would gasp at the stinging- he heat building between them. Their legs had already wrapped around one another- efforts to becoming as close to each other as possible growing and growing. For some reason, they both started to shed tears quietly- no sobs. The tears would burn down their cheeks, splash, and mingle with each other- ultimately becoming one. But for them… they couldn’t get that close… It was impossible…


            “I-I want to be with you…” Kurama panicked. They pushed still harder- to no avail.


            “It’s cruel…” Hiei spilled. “…This is the most we can offer one another…”


            His friend tried to maintain the bliss that was still there. “Hiei… If this is the most we will ever have… let it be ours…”


            They beated with each other rhythmatically. Their skin had completely washed in perspiration, likewise their hair – drenched all throughout.  Their rhythm was slow… gentle… However it rose in intensity, in intimacy… After a while it became doubtlessly painful- yet they kept going. Rubbing, moving… hands exploring… touching the face… touching the back… the far lower back… they blushed with shyness…exchanged small smiles… Panths escaped their breaths- as did moans, cries, and each other’s name. Hiei soaked up Kurama’s evocative breath as he kissed him deeply- it scented of fine vanilla, cool and sweet. Kurama buried his nose in the demons hair... inhaling the natural scent of cinnamon…


            “Hi-Hiei…” Kurama tightened their embrace.


His friend did the same- eyelids piercing each other agonizingly. “Kura- uh!”


            Suddenly it became a lot hotter than could have ever imagined… It was not only hot, but wet…


            The redhead blinked rapidly, trying to make the stars he was seeing disappear. The smaller, in contrast, was becoming limp in his arms. Loosening his grip, Kurama turned anxious. “Hiei… daijoubu…?”


            Feebly, he raised his head, eyelids lifting in sync. The little demon smiled- some pink powdering his face. “I’m… fine… I’m… happy…”


Kurama sighed in the relief of both kinds. His eyes then broadened at the most stunning sight he’s ever witnessed… “Hiei… your smile…”


He blinked. “What about it…?”


“…It’s soft…no hurting beneath… it’s real…”


            “Hn…” The shorter sat up momentarily, to get the blanket. Once having it, Hiei tidied it as best he could and rejoined Kurama’s lay- tugging the comforter over them both, but to be more personal, he made sure to have one arm around Kurama’s hip.


            “Thank you…”


            He smirked. “No need for that…”


            After this gap, they enjoyed gazing. Red eyes met with green. Green with red. Although Hiei had his lover by the waist, he- in turn- had Hiei by the shoulders.


            “There’s something about your face that I love…” Kurama whispered.




            “Yes, I believe its familiarity… And being so close to you like now makes me feel as though I can still delve deeper into your breath…”


            “Would you like that then…? For us to breathe together?”




            Nodding, they sealed this with a final kiss they fell asleep to- fingers and hands intertwined, never letting go.

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