“Let’s Fly as the Birds Do…” Embrace


By: Hikari

E-mail to: [email protected]

Notes: ‘Embrace’ replaces chapter 19.

Music theme: “Fear” By: Sarah McLachlan 




            We protect the memories…




            The rain poured down mercilessly.  All the roads were slick with water, if not completely submerged by substantial puddles or rivers. Kurama sat comfortably on his bed- his back rested against the headboard. He didn’t mind the heavy shower, really. The sound of drops hitting the roof and running down the water pipe was particularly pleasing to his ear- especially when he was reading like this. Reading- such an indulgence. He was already more than half way done with the novel, and he couldn’t wait to get his hands on the sequel. Television, unlike to most teenagers, bored him. With most of all the schools closed down due to flooding- including his own- Kurama was left with two choices: read or watch. The answer to this debate was made clear for there was a pile of books on top of the redhead’s night table just waiting to be devoured by his eyes.


            “Damn… He killed her…” He whispered while inserting some popcorn into his mouth. Fingering to flip the page, his other hand reached for more snacks from his bowl. As he took extraordinarily great care of his books, Kurama made sure that what he ate left no grease to ruin the paper or color to stain. Therefore, he resulted to popcorn without the butter, cheese, or salt. Kuwabara and Yusuke would have slapped the backside of his head for the good of it.


            Something hit the glass of his window. The redhead swung his attention.


            Something struck the pane again. It was a pebble.


            Sighing, for he hated being interrupted, Kurama set his book down- marking it first- and headed for the latch. As soon as he opened it, Hiei came tumbling down from the other side- completely soaked to the raw bone. Luckily for the little demon, his friend managed to catch him in his arms before making solid contact with the floor.




            The other sneezed.


            Kurama smiled at the cuteness. “Bless-you.”


            Glaring at that, he found his footing and balanced himself. Hiei was shivering like mad, but what could be expected from being outside all this time? The redhead crossed his arms and examined his friend up and down- shaking his head in disapproval.


            “That won’t do… I’ll get you a nice, dry towel… In the mean time, make sure not to get mud all over the place- otherwise I will never hear the end of it from mom…”


            Another sneeze. Kurama laughed.


            “Oh, never mind… Make yourself comfortable- actually, why don’t you take a hot shower? I’m sure you’ll feel better after that…”


            Unable to talk because of his chittering teeth, he could only nod and begin to remove his garments gingerly. He was about to lay them on the bed, when Kurama noticed this from putting a towel in the dryer to be heated.


            “Wait!” Running back to his room, he took his friends clothes. “I’ll wash these…”


            “… My- my pants too?” He started undoing his belts. Kurama turned away.


            “…Eh… Hai…” To get the soused pants, he reversed one of his hands and waited until he felt the demon put the garments into his bare palm. “You can borrow some of my clothes when you get out…”




            It was a little humorous. It took some effort to form the notorious ‘hn’. Once getting everything- scarf, shirt, cloak, silk belts, pants- EVERYTHING, Kurama went back to the laundry closet in the middle of the hall. He had already put the towel into a mild spin so that it would radiate a pleasant feel the moment Hiei would step out of the bathroom. As for the clothes, they were put into the washer. Mode: SOILED.


            When he accomplished this small task, Kurama twisted for his room again when he caught a glimpse of Hiei without anything on. It was only a short glimpse- side view in fact. In the next second, the demon was in the shower. The sight of his body in the natural made him freeze and then swerve in the other direction. ‘Not as shy as he makes himself out to be…’ Kurama thought. ‘…I should have given him a robe…’


            Too late though. Besides, Hiei wasn’t the type of person to comprehend the purpose OF a robe. He would surely scoff at the sight of it, raise his nose arrogantly, and say: ‘A waste of time. I’m only naked for a moment.’ Not very civilized, Kurama knew. But he also knew that Hiei deserved all the privacy normal people wanted. Then again, had Kuwabara and Yusuke been in the same vicinities, Hiei would likely to second thought the robe after all. Such a confusing individual he was…


            Kurama leaned against the open shutter door. In that same second, the dryer stopped. Bending over, he opened the moderate sized closure and reached for that article of cloth- his fingers tentative to touch it. It wasn’t too hot- enjoyably warm.  He pulled it out of the dryer.


            Walking back, he heard the shower stop. Impeccable timing. The towel was just ready to be used. The redhead waited a while for the door to open only slightly, but instead Hiei came out entirely. Kurama’s green eyes bulged, later to be covered by one of his hands. The demon made a haughty face. 


“What’s wrong with you?”


            He didn’t remove his palm. “Don’t- don’t you want some PRIVACY?”


            Hiei shrugged. “It’s YOU I’m around. Who cares?”


            “I DO.”


            Rolling his eyes, Hiei grabbed the towel- blinking without delay when the squashy cotton made acquaintance with his wet skin. ‘Feels good…’ the demon noted. It felt even better when he wrapped it around his slender form.


            “You can lower your hand NOW. I’m covered…”


            Kurama obeyed- relaxing.  “Good. Let me see if we can get you into something reasonable then…”




            One of the lower drawers was immediately hauled out. Within it was a variety of sweaters. Old- new. Red- blue. Casual- classy. You name it- he had it. Finally, he found something he was sure his friend would like: his school sweatshirt. It was soft on the outside, and even softer in the inside. It came with a hood that had two drawstrings from either side, and on front, a joint pocket for both hands. It was ash gray in color- the school’s insignia marked on the upper left of the garment. After this, he opened another cabinet and found an old pair of cotton sweats. The touch, the feel of cotton- the fabric of his life. For an undershirt: an old tee meant to be worn at home.


            “You need some underwear too- I’m afraid…” He went to a different dresser and found some black boxers. “Since you’re going to wear it…You can HAVE it…”


            “Hn!” Snatching the ensemble, he dropped the towel at his waist without a second thought and began putting on the clothes resentfully. Kurama looked to God and shook his head thoughtfully. ‘Lord…’ He chuckled mentally. ‘I tried to clothe the naked, but he’s just too stubborn!’  


            Although getting into the clothing given was occupying half of his mind, the other half observed the numerous books piled and scattered on his friend’s bed… and the glass bowl of popcorn. Passing his head through the hood, he pulled it down and drew closer to the food. Hands picking up the bowl, he sniffed it. Then he put it back on the bed in disappointment.


            “You eat strange things… It smells like burnt corn and cardboard…” He was on a streak. Kurama wasn’t sure what KIND of streak, but Hiei was on a streak. “What’s this? A book from school?” With the paperback in his hands, he opened it and flipped rapidly. “No- one of YOUR own books, I believe… How is it?”


            “Pretty good. One more chapter and it’s on to the next. Care to read it when I’m through?”


            The book landed on the bed. “Not really…” His blood shot eyes slid slowly from one corner to the other. “Where is your mother?”


            Kurama took the paperback. “Stuck at the office. She’s going to be there until the storm gives way…”


            “And if something happens to her?”


            “I’ll know it.” It grew quiet then. The redhead lifted a corner of his lip to grin, and the other centered his gaze somewhere else. “Are you hungry?”


            His stomach growled. “I suppose that answers your question…”


            “Come then,” his friend ushered. “I’ll make you hot chocolate.”

            Like a Christmas tree, Hiei lit up. “Chocolate?”




            They sat in front of each other- around the round table. Hiei drank and drank, making Kurama giggle quietly when he removed the cup from his face to reveal a milky mustache. Childishly, the little one pulled up a sleeve and wiped his face with his bare forearm. One brow rising, his friend reached over for the center of the table where the napkin holder stood. Fingers yanking at one, the redhead managed to pull a sheet out and handed it to his guest. To be- to some extent- cultivated, Hiei accepted the napkin and used it… even though there was nothing left on his face. Kurama smiled affectionately at the effort.


            The sound of keys entering the front door slot could be heard from where they were. Kurama took a glimpse out the window, seeing the rain had not all together relinquished, but slackened off. Refocusing his attention back on the door, the copper knob shook and revolved, stiffening at long last to be pushed by the person on the other side. Out of intuition, and obviousness, he stood and went for the doorway- taking his mother into his eager embrace in spite of the fact she was soaking wet.


            “Shuiichi-kun! Let me remove my coat first!” She returned the hug anyway, and Shiori closed her umbrella- shaking it to relieve some of the drops it had. Curiously, Hiei eyed her from the counter. She was a very beautiful woman- graceful in appearance and she walked with mild buoyancy. The woman was wearing a pearl white turtleneck with vertical-ridge pattern, pants being long black slacks that emphasized the shape of her bodice. Regardless of her age, Shiori was fit and alluring. Spying Hiei, she served him a beaming smile while pulling back some stray strands of soaked hair. “Hiei-kun, taking refuge here too I see?”


            He didn’t know what to say- he faked sipping from his cup.


            “How was the drive mom?” Kurama took the drenched coat of her shoulders and hung it in the kitchen to dry.


            “Awful! There was so much haze I was afraid I would hit something…” She paused. “Or if something hit me!”


            “Kaasan…” He was almost chiding. “If it’s that bad, maybe you should have waited a little longer…”


            “In MY office?” Shiori laughed. “I’m sorry, but the atmosphere around that place is equally disheartening…” She had been strolling around the kitchen while talking, and as soon as she exited, she had a mug in her right hand and a biscuit in the left.  Drawing out a chair next to the demon, she made herself comfortable and appreciated her surroundings. “Hiei …”


            At her word, he paid notice. Correspondingly, to his small face, she smiled sympathetically since her eyes quickly took recognition of the fact that Hiei was wearing her son’s clothing. “You may stay here for as long as it’s raining…” Shiori’s smile shortened to cover her teeth with her rosy lips. “Make yourself at home, you’re always welcome…”


            “Hn… Thank you…”


            Was that the proper thing to say? Yes, gratitude, yes… Those were the correct words.


            Kurama came into view from behind her chair, his hands gripping around the headrest of the seat. Focusing on his friend, he smiled himself and nodded. To Hiei, the moment gave the impression of interminable time. He had absolutely nothing to say. There was nothing to do, but force a smile back. It was terrible.



            Before long, they found themselves back in Kurama’s bedroom again, reclining on the bed in shared peace. Shiori allowed the two friends be, whereas she withdrew into her own room to work on spreadsheets, accounts, and other real estate work. The system was tiresome, and she knew that one day, she would quit her job and move onto newer frontiers.


            The redhead flipped and flipped, basically speed reading through chapter after chapter. The smaller read along on and off- sometimes cursing when there was a twist or event that sparked his imagination. Every now and then, the redhead would check upon the other- happy to see he was tranquil, yet fascinated. Finishing three or four novels and two pulp fictions, it was then that some pressure pushed against one of his shoulder blades.


            Peering to his side, Kurama found that Hiei had fallen asleep on his shoulder while he was reading. That little face of his- so light and serene in his slumber in comparison to how it normally was when awake. He put down the book. The demon was… COMFORTABLE around him… That was a nice thing to know. It seemed- before- that the only thing his friend thought to be as so was the limb of a tree. Upgrade. Now it was Kurama…


            “Mm…” Hiei stirred- his typical bodily instincts searching for more warmth in the dip of the redhead’s neck.  Becoming sore from sitting upright with weight pressing on him from his right side, Kurama lowered himself along with his friend so that they may lie down. How heavy the demon was. As skinny as he may appear to be, he was brick when knocked into deep unconsciousness. The redhead flipped to face him, feeling somewhat protective. Poor boy, no place to go... And with weather like this raging on, not even a lush tree could provide suitable shelter.


            He began to spoon over him- arms wrapping delicately around the shoulders.


            “…Am I the first…? To hold you like this…?”





            His eyelids opened- fluttering somewhat wildly as he had drifted back into consciousness. So very warm… What a fantastic- out of this world feeling… What WAS this feeling? It was then he apprehended his surroundings, and was promptly knocked for six when he found Kurama’s arms draped all about him. One arm had Hiei at the top of his shoulders… the other was clutching onto his hip. Wine eyes broadened in misconception. That was, if there were any conception at all as to this semi-intimate insinuation. Unsure of how to deal with it- he pushed his friend hard on the chest in an effort to break free of his grasp. From the aggressive movement, the redhead awakened. He squirmed a tad from the hard shove to his solar plexus.


            “Don’t do that!”


            Kurama grew sharper as he shouted. “Do what?” He yawned.


            “Your arms! Get them off of me!”


            Not really wanting to have to hear Hiei’s protests, the redhead obeyed without much of compunction. The demon sat up, his back faintly arched, his arms in front and taut with lean muscle, and his fangs bared. Just like a cat- with his reactions and all. 


            “You shouldn’t get so close to me… You KNOW that…” Now he was hissing. Perhaps he was one-third neko youkai.


            “Don’t be so tight…” Kurama conciliated.  “I didn’t mean to offend you with it- honest.” 


            He pore over his friend’s disposition. A justification- that’s what Hiei wanted. “Hiei,” The redhead began. “Do you remember how my mother took me into her arms when she came home? Well… think of it as the same thing I gave to you…”


            The demon’s eyes twitched at the perversity. “You’re NOT my mother…”


            Amused, a bit of chuckling left his willowy lips. “I’m saying this ONLY as an example… It’s an embrace- a hug. The gesture is perfectly normal, Hiei…” Rising from the bed, he faced the demon and pulled up his knees. Doing this, he dressed his arms about his legs as if to show that hugging yourself was ordinary too. “Families do it, so do friends… people who are MORE than friends… It’s a sign of showing that- that you care…”


            “Why… would you show it?”


            Oh, boy…


            “Well… It’s almost like the time you came to my room and… touched my face… Only BIGGER…” He tilted his head to the right, waterfalls of hair pouring down from the sides of his features.  “Doesn’t it feel nice?”



























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