“Let’s Fly as the Birds Do…” Chapter Eight


By: Hikari

E-mail to: [email protected]

Site: http://www.geocities.com/hikari_nanase/

Notes: Music theme to chapter: ‘Honestly, Ok’ by Dido. 




            “It used to be… that I knew nothing about you… But then you came closer. I

suddenly became aware of your breathing- every heartbeat you gave being a recognizable rhythm to my ear… Yes, I knew nothing about you then… And yet being this amorous with you now only makes you more mysterious… I don’t understand it… How can you always be so far away from me? …No matter how close I am…?”




            His katana ‘shinged’ against the moon light- it glimmered. To the right, and then to the left- to and fro went the blade, sending blood and dew to splatter on the evening grass. He smiled then- delighting in the climax of the mêlée. The messenger demons caught the hint, but some were so stupid and stubborn they fought to the bitter end. One of them took flight, and within its hands was the goal of the mission: the scroll. Hiei sliced down on the remainder of his attackers- arms, legs, and other mangled body parts thrown recklessly onto the muddy earth of the Makai. With lithe and speed he made chase. His boots trampled over the blades of green, sometimes breaching off of the ground and running sideways along the bark of trees.


            The demon under pursuit glided higher above the ground- wingspans increasing to it max. As it flew, crimson irises eyed on its distinctive silhouette. It had Devil’s wings- no less. They were the darkest of black and clearly resembled the wings of the so-called ‘flying-rat’.  It screeched loudly, jetting out through the brush of woods- causing a colossal rain of leaves to shower over his hunter. Hiei didn’t worry. Everything was going the way he wanted it to… More or less.


            Leaping from branch to branch of the closest tree, the youkai stood with unmatched balance as he watched the repulsive creature wallow in its freedom. Hiei gripped onto his hilt, and readied his aim. Close… Very close… Any moment, now, he would throw the sword, and that bastard would lose its arm. The rapier will land no more than three feet away from the demons body- covered with blood that smelt of rotten meat and fish. As for the scroll- it will still be attached to the lost arm. No matter. A little stain here and there on the paper wouldn’t hurt.


            He threw the katana.


            Sure enough, a hand was separated from it’s arm- along with it the prized item. The creature careened to the ground, screams and animal-like moans escaping its breath. Hiei jumped from his stand, his footing landing lightly on the forests flooring. Coolly, he walked toward his victim- unearthing his sword from the ground, three feet away from the demon’s body. The way he expected it, his weapon radiated a foul odor, which made his nose scrunch up in nausea. Not far from the injured one, was the amputated hand- twitching and bleeding within the soil. Seeing it, Hiei moved in the direction of the hand and picked it up with not much emotion.


            “You should wash your hands more often… You have nasty grime in your nails.”


            He pulled the roll out from the gripping hand, and tossed the body part away carelessly. The paper, as predicted, had a few red stains, but it was nothing to cry over.


            “Hn.” The youkai closed his eyes in satisfaction, and went back to the other demon.


            “I feel sorry for you, which is why I have decided to kill you quickly before your accomplices dispose of you the more painful way…” Holding his blade high in the air- he examined it tactfully. “It’s rusted over with blood… However, I believe it is still sharp enough to be painless… Where would you like me to finish it?”


            It pointed to its heart.


            “I see. Close your eyes then- it will be like falling asleep.”


            Obeying his order, the sword came down so swiftly the creature could not have anticipated it. As Hiei had promised- painless. Nonetheless, a heavy amount of red brimmed over the monster’s chest- some of the thick liquid was sent flying and absorbed into the youkai’s black coat. He had severed his heart. Like a shot- it was done, fast and with no effort on his part.


              The scroll being pocketed into one of the many folds of his attire, Hiei re-sheathed his katana, and headed into the thicket. It was incredibly quiet that night- only sound made was the crunching of slick grass as he made his way through the forest... and the inevitable cricket chirping not far off. The trees around him held out so many branches, it seemed as though the thrashing foliage was swallowing up the sky. It was eerie… yes… The seasons seemed to be nonexistent in the Makai…


Reaching into his shirt, he pulled out a silver key and inserted it into a hole of a dead tree only a few paces away from him. The tree hole glew brightly, washing the night into pseudo daylight. Stepping forward, his feet touched not grass, but tile… The tiles of the Reikai.


He squinted, quite annoyed with the luminosity, and walked onward to Koenma’s office. Pushing the massive doors open, Hiei kept his perspective straight and took strides with hardly any fear of authority whatsoever. It almost made him laugh- having a baby nag him around the place as though he were his servant. An even more humorous sight was the pile of papers mounted on the prince’s desk. POUND. POUND. POUND. Stamp. Stamp. Stamp. ‘Some job.’ The fire youkai thought. ‘Do you even LOOK at what you’re stamping at?’


            Heatedly, Hiei pitched the roll of old brown paper onto Koenma’s desk. As much as this baby amused him, nothing could ever make up for doing petty favors.  By contrast, however, these ‘petty favors’ were paying his way out of a severe judicial punishment for a crime he had committed long past. In addition, these little errands were supposedly shortening the time he had on probation. Unfortunately, there were no official papers that would guarantee him this, and therefore, Hiei wouldn’t be too surprised if he had been shanghaied. 


            The roll of paper skimmed the desk and stopped dead in front of Koenma. For a moment, the small prince stopped in his ‘paper and seal’ routine- then, slowly raised his eyes to see a rather displeased employee.


            “Done already? That was fast… But considering it was you, I shouldn’t be so shocked.” His larger- than- life pacifier bobbed as he spoke. Hiei was just tempted to knock it out of his mouth.


            “Hn. You are boring me with your uncomplicated tasks. I’m starting to think you’re part human.”


            Koenma scowled at that. “DON’T insult me.”


            Lifting his eyes to the ceiling, Hiei crossed his arms impatiently. “Will you have anything more for me to take care of tonight? Or may I return to Ningenkai?”


            The child blinked at the last word: ‘Ningenkai’. “No… No… You may go now. However, do you mind answering a question for me?”


            The fire demon shrugged. “What is it?”


            Chubby hands had folded over the table in a businesslike fashion, chestnut eyes tightening slightly as the words took time formulating on his lips.  “What have you to do in Ningenkai? I thought you were held completely disgusted at even the sight of a human.”


            At the inquiry, the other scoffed. “Put your nose back where it belongs. Of what concern is it to you, anyway?”


            Annoyance mounting, Koenma rubbed his temples and shook is head weakly. “Never mind… You should know, however, that I didn’t send you on this ‘uncomplicated task’ for no coherent reason, that is, other than seeing you paint Makai red…” Leaning back on his leather office chair, the prince took the scroll and tossed it airily from hand to hand. The way he held up the melodrama was causing Hiei’s own annoyance to increase manically. The grinding of his own teeth had become quite audible, and when the other noticed this- he immediately went on with his comment. “The last mission I sent the four of you on completely muddled up- specifically because of YOU and your comrade, Kurama. Speaking of which, how is your injury?”


            Hiei gingerly touched the right side of his body- barely below his underarm and directly above his ribcage. “It heals.”


            “Good. With this map you’ve just retrieved, maybe this time we can get our mission completed…”


            “You mean OUR mission.”


            He unfolded his hands, and forced them into fists. Sadly, those fists appeared more cute than they did intimidating. Hiei stifled a chuckle.


            “You are dismissed.”




            No sooner than Koenma had allowed his exit, the demon blurred from sight and was out the room before one could even see the door open and close. Koenma, in turn, spun on his chair- staring out into space through the window-wall behind him. Watching a falling star spark from the sky, he pulled his arms behind his head- pondering over his assumptions.


            “Because of what you did… You’ve put so much at risk. I’m afraid as to where this may lead, Hiei.”




            The latch clicked faintly- glass pane lifting to permit him to enter the bedroom. Bare feet had settled onto the cushy carpet- boots removed for they were caked with mud and blood. Once coming into the room completely, Hiei turned to shut the window again. His sharp eyes slowly roamed around the proximities; they wandered about carefully until they reached a certain person pathetically curled up against the wall. Delicate eyebrows arched at what he saw, that was, the saddest appearance man could ever see: someone so beautiful and strong sitting in a fetal position, hair washing over the carpet as the head was hung low and disheartened.  


            Forgetting about the affairs circulating around his head, the youkai stepped up to his friend- kneeling down slowly to put an affectionate hand over a trembling shoulder. In reaction, Kurama looked up. What a sight he was. If the mood of the atmosphere weren’t so unnerving, Hiei would have flat out said that he looked like shit. Green eyes appeared sore, face flushed, and cheeks tear streaked. As for the fine strands of scarlet hair- they were disheveled. Literally chunks of locks were caught in impossible tangles…


            On the floor itself, were hairs that had been seemingly torn straight out of the scalp. The shorter cringed a little. Not only did it look sordid, but the very idea of ripping your own hair out by the handful was emphatically twisted. Glancing at his friend again, he took note that his lips were dry and cracked, that his long eyelashes were dewy, and that Kurama just could not cease hiccupping as he tried to smile up to him.


            “Bad- Bad day…”


            Kurama wiped his eyes quickly, almost embarrassed at being seen so unkempt.  He released a well held-in sigh, later resting his chin upon his knee listlessly.  Without uncertainty, Hiei stood promptly and headed for his lover’s bathroom. There he found a glass and quickly filled it with cool water. Coming back, he knelt on the ground again and offered the drink. The other gazed at it vacantly- the whole form of the cup appearing blurred before his vision. As the taller squinted, the glass began to materialize, along with it its contents of refreshing liquid.


            “No- no thank you.”


            Hiei’s face contorted at such a ludicrous reply. “You had BETTER drink it… Judging from what I am seeing- you must be dehydrated from crying all day… What happened to you?”


            Finally accepting the cup, his hands shook with frailty as they attempted to lift the cold drink to his lips. Not much success, the redhead almost dropped the water if Hiei hadn’t steadied his grip. The youkai held onto the glass patiently, allowing his friend to absorb every last drop before speaking. Re-hydration first, then the information.


            Kurama’s throat moved quickly as the water went down his mouth. It was revitalizing- he had never thought that water of all things could taste so good. In time, the cup was empty, and found itself a spot on the floor to stand. By now, Hiei sat cross-legged directly in front of a young man who couldn’t quite enunciate the words he wanted to speak. The words that DID make sound were words he had already spoken from before…


            “It was just- just a… bad day.”


            “Hn. Not even bad days are this grim.”


            For a reason he could not conceive, Kurama couldn’t look at him as he had said that.


            Reaching out a hand, Hiei combed some of the hair out of the taller’s face. Coarse, tousled hair. It felt so foreign to his touch. Normally, the strands felt smooth- as if they would melt in your palm. Again, he ran his fingers through- somewhat stroking with unsaid sentimentality- if not empathy. The redhead closed his eyes. This felt nice. It felt… soothing. There was a certain aspect to the way the fire demon touched him. It was as though their skin clashed, and therefore attracted. Hiei’s cold hands against his hot teary face. Fire against water… or perhaps ice. Such a feeling could only cancel out the pain.


He pleasured in being touched by him… Caressed.


            Suddenly, supple lips lay upon the edge of his jaw. He felt them once more as they fondled about his cheek, and then…


            Kurama put his finger on Hiei’s lips. “No… I don’t… feel like kissing you- not right now. Not today- tonight…I mean…”


            The visage on his lover’s face was somewhere in between apologetic and considerate. Clearly, it was one of those expressions that the fire youkai would only give Yukina… and on rare occasions… an expression that he would give only him too. A pity that that occasion should be now. 


            “I see… Why don’t you go to bed then?”


            “I’m… not sleepy.”


            “Don’t argue with me.” The shorter scolded. “You’re tired. Go to sleep. If you don’t feel like confiding in me, that’s fine, but go rest at least. Did you even have anything to eat?” 


            Kurama stared at the cup. The last thing he had was…




            He played around with the cuff of his sleeve. He pulled it clockwise, and then counter-clockwise- loosening the buttons even.


            “You didn’t eat, did you?”


            “… I wasn’t hungry…and I honestly don’t feel like retiring for the day. I just… I just want to sit here.”


            Folding his arms over his chest rather indignantly, Hiei cocked his head to the side in question.  He opened his mouth to say something more, but then halted at seeing the message of pleading written all over the others countenance. After a while, he felt himself soften- letting go of the tight pompous manner that was unsurprisingly growing from the inside out.


            “Would you like my company then?”


            The taller grinned a very humble, but all the same sincere grin. “You’re not obliged to… Go to bed ahead of me if you like…”


            Wordless, the demon stuffed his fists into his pockets. He then turned on his heel, and unhurriedly situated himself to Kurama’s right. Out of habit, Kurama leaned against his shoulder- his eyelids drooping to relax.


            “…How was your day, Hiei?”


            “Stupid. As usual. I ran a few errands- nothing new.”




            The clock on the night table blinked its red digital lights as another minute racked onto the night. It wasn’t exactly so late, but it was affirmative that the children of the city were already tucked in for delightful dreaming. The lights in Shuiichi’s bedroom were subtle, so as to not disturb his mother. The kind of light it was… a gentle light- akin to daybreak, only softer. The two of them, demon to demon- soul to soul- conversed for more than an hour on end. Their voices carried lightly… very secretive and unconditionally intimate. It was as though they were whispering, but they weren’t… They were conversing… in the very same fashion the night they…


            “I saw Yusuke this afternoon… I had to drop a message for Koenma…”


            “…Of what about…?”


            “… I’m not positive… I tried to read the letter by holding the paper to the light, but the note was encrypted… My jagan wasn’t of much help either…”


            “… Do you think it’s serious…?”


            Hiei looked up to the ceiling. “…Saa na…”


            “Hm… Well… If it’s something new to take care of, we shouldn’t be worried…”


            “…Yes… Things always work themselves out… But the very concept of that bothers me…”


            Kurama rubbed his head against the crook of his friend’s neck. “…Why…?”


            “Because… The more you analyze it, the more you think that we never had control in the first place…”


            He closed eyes. “…Maybe… That’s how it’s meant to be…”








            “Did Yusuke…” The redhead stopped. He had to think things out carefully. “Did Yusuke… ask about anything, when you met him today?”


            Hiei blinked. “No… I simply gave him the letter, and he took it.”


            The answer was unsatisfying, the other had to know. “Did he… look funny at you, then…?”


            The corner of the demon’s eye twitched awkwardly. These inquiries were perceptibly evasive… But evasive of what? While trying to decode the question, Kurama’s irises encouraged him to cough up an answer. Relinquishing from his puzzlement, he retorted:


            “As a matter of fact, he did. He looked at me up and down, and said that you were damn lucky to have a bad-ass bastard like me!”


            “Hiei!” Kurama laughed a little. Immediately, his face brightened several hundred volts.


            The shorter, on the other hand, smirked ruthlessly. “You know it’s true.”


            “You’re so narcissistic…”


            “I have the right to be.” The youkai continued solemnly. “I just made you smile, did I not?”


            Shrugging, the taller kissed him on the forehead. “ And who taught you to make the selected few smile…?”


            Hiei shut his eyes as Kurama embraced him a little more tightly than usual.


“You did… Just don’t tell anyone I have that ability… and that I said so myself…”


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