“Let’s Fly as the Birds Do…” Chapter Twenty-Two


By: Hikari

E-mail: [email protected]

Notes: Music theme to chapter: “Right Direction” by En Vogue.




Little sheep, little sheep do you know what to do?

            You’ve stumbled upon a jagged rock…

            Snapping your leg in two…


            Little sheep, little sheep shall you ‘baa’ until noon?

            Your surrounded by your flock…

            Yet, little sheep, no one can hear you…




            Yatori opened the folder and read down the list. Good, everything went as planned. All of his runners were registered with one regional number and one team number. He smiled. With Shuiichi out of the way, Yatori may find peace in that he won’t be humiliated of having his best runner be a ‘fruitcake’. Zero period would be starting in ten minutes. The students should already be in the lockers suiting up for another sprint and relay drill. Once he would take out the roll sheet, Yatori could easily eliminate Shuiichi from the team. His name wasn’t there, and consequently, he wasn’t registered. Non-registry means you never existed on the team. It was the redhead’s own fault for not appearing to the meet, and so wrongdoing cannot be detected. He smiled again. His name, team, and pride were saved.


            Standing from his desk in the gym office, Yatori walked leisurely outside- happy to see that his team was already dressed and ready for the start up jog. He spied Shuiichi from a distance due to his stark red hair, and he chuckled to himself knowing that that blotch of red was going to be an eyesore no more. He was rid of him.










            Standard procedure. Reading down the list was making the coach giddy. The bliss of émigré was in mind. When at last he came to that all-too-familiar name, Minnamino, Shuiichi, Yatori put on his professional tone, as if sorry to have to go by the school districts regulations. “Shuiichi, you weren’t at the meet…”


            The redhead expected this, and smirked coolly. “I wasn’t there when YOU arrived, but I made it no less…”


            “I’m sorry, but your name isn’t on the roll-call… Nor do you have a regional number…”


            “That’s fine.” Kurama replied in utter simplicity. “I have the regional number on the track shirt they gave me…”


            Silence. Some of the other students had drained in color in their face.


            “Where is this shirt, then?” Hope, always reaching for that last string of hope to pull yourself out of blunder.


            Lifting the top of his regular track uniform, which was marked as number three of the school team, there it was- the regional number: U.H. T. 16. Everyone looked at each other nervously, while Yatori kept his composure by swallowing.


            “Well- well-done…” he choked out.




            “You should have seen their faces, it was almost comical…”


            “Despite the nuisance, the victory was sweet, was it not?”


            “Relatively speaking, yes it was…”


            Honoka was lounging on her leather swivel chair, smiling fondly at her student who was sitting at one of the front most desks. Playfully, she swung herself from side to side in a pendulum-like motion- arms settled on their rests. “Well, I’m glad for you… I would have liked to see Yatori’s face, however… That man, really… I find him to be a child.”



            Peculiar, in the few days Kurama had consulted with his sensei- he had never gotten information on her part. She had always been the one to talk and query, while he was constantly the one to answer and absorb whatever advises he could get a hold off.

It was practically uncouth. He wanted to make up for it by switching the tables for a change. “Kairu-san…”




            “You’ve had your own… share of romance, haven’t you?” That was coming out all wrong. The words were too prying. The redhead narrowed his eyes at his slip-up. “Oh, pardon my rudeness- I’m just curious…”


            “That’s fine.” Honoka excused. In a twist Kurama wasn’t expecting, however, Miss Kairu brightened. “Actually, I have much to tell you about MY love life…”


            “Oh?” Unbeknownst to either of them, there was a rise of enthusiasm that filled the room. She wanted to divulge her own experiences and he wanted to hear them. Perhaps Kurama was tired of talking about his miseries, and maybe Honoka was out of guidance to give. Whatever the state of affairs, it was always beneficial to learn more.


            “Yes,” the woman said- preparing to speak of hidden memories. “In all honesty, I’ve had someone sweep me away so quickly I lost my breath… His name was Kojiro… The man of every woman’s dreams- in general, anyway. “ She spun to look out the window in her classroom- eyeing how the sun kissed the cherry blossoms outside with warmth and gold. “Of course, people who look perfect on the outside tend to have something dissolute in the inside… He was a playboy; a man who knew the tricks and strings of the heart. He knew how to play those strings- make you go in the direction he tugged you until at last the chords snapped and you were left broken on the floor…”


            “He hurt you?” The student asked, now concerned instead of curious.


            “And DID he.” She allowed a whimsical laugh to leave her. “I was in college then, could you imagine my reaction when I saw him with another woman in the dormitory? Huh’, I remember throwing the closest thing to me at him… A lamp. It’s quite humorous, now that I look back on it. I was a fool to think I could ever find a place in his heart- let alone have his attention all for myself.”


            “You don’t seem to be so bitter about it…”


            “Why should I be? The man was a bastard- I know I deserve better than him, so I have no regrets in catching him with that other broad…” On the chair, she swung away from the window and directed herself toward Kurama. “But this just goes to show you, Shuiichi, before you can ever intimately love someone- you have to know who that person genuinely is first. I hope that’s how it is between you and Hiei, because otherwise, I would question whether or not your emotions are being wasted…”


            “Did you… ever make love?”


            “No… I have not.”


            Sighing at the response, he moved his focus towards the surface of his desk. “You see, that’s where I’m having trouble understanding myself- forgiving myself… It’s wrong to lose ones virginity before marriage- and in my case, marriage is impossible.”


            “You’re already thinking about that?” The tone by which her voice chose betrayed the real sympathy she had.


            “Does it sound so perverted?” Perversity- always there was the perversity to not neglect.


            “I can’t say it doesn’t disturb me… It IS unorthodox…”


            In self-mockery, Kurama chortled. “I believe everything about me is unorthodox…”


            “Hm…” As she had grabbed one of the fountain pens on her desk, Honoka spun the pen like a pinwheel between her dainty fingertips.  Her eyes grew wary of the next discussion, and it could be seen unmistakably as her irises had darkened in color.


            “That’s most likely why my mother cannot accept it. We’ve rarely spoken, but I can tell the very idea of me and another man is still unheard of…”


            “Traditional- that’s good. ” Putting down her pen, she exchanged it for her glasses, which she promptly placed before her face. “At the same time, unfortunately, her mind is so sure and focused on the label that what you and Hiei have is not only immoral, but also impossible, that her mind won’t permit the chance that there COULD be real love. In other words, there’s no support in your favor for the mere reason she feels it’s ridiculous for such a relationship to exist. In her ideal of a world, it doesn’t exist- period.”


            The redhead found no desire to defend his flesh and blood. “Physical lust…” Kurama offered. “That’s what mother said it was…”


            “And, hypothetically, you’ve been feeling more so ‘lustful’ because you’re deprived of him?”


            Elbows stabbing the table, his palms opened to cover his visage- some mumbling coming out him that Honoka clearly comprehended: “If you mean yearning, yes…”


            “Words are ambiguous, Shuiichi…”


            He raised his head. “True, but I can’t deny that I DID want him in body…”




            “Mm… I plead guilty,” Resembling the gavel of a judge- his forearms dropped to the table heavily. “No matter how close we got- there was always that fantasy of getting closer…” An acidic taste assaulted his senses. “It never happened. We can’t- our own bodies won’t permit it…”


            “I grasp you didn’t make love with him the OTHER way…”


            “What kind of love is THAT?”  Kurama declared, almost standing from his seat. “When you show someone you care about him, wouldn’t it only be right to show him it face to face?”


            She smiled.  “You have very good standards… Other people fail to recognize this facet- this includes ordinary couples.”


            Simmering down, the redhead inclined forward at his desk. “It’s come to the point, where, I wouldn’t mind not having him within me or me within him…” It took some endeavor to haul up his irises without shame. “I know that sounds gross, but… it’s the truth. We can’t have each other that way and the way we want it. If only I could have him as close to me as possible, then… that’s enough for me…”


            Her eyelashes pulsed at his acceptance. “Why?”


            “I don’t know… After all that has taken place, after being- what feels- miles away from him- seeing my friend even at a distance is rewarding to me…” For a moment, he paused. “It still stings… but it’s better than no feeling at all…”




            She had been waiting the whole day for the redhead to leave the proximities of the school. Out in he sun she was, sitting on her oar and praying the bell would ring soon as she began to perspire under the heat. When the chimes finally did their task, her magenta eyes lowered and sought out for the Reikai Tantei below. Given that everyone was uniformed in red, this made her hunt far more difficult- like finding a needle in a haystack. Luckily for her, no one could match Kurama’s shade of hair. She spotted him.


            “Kurama-kun!!” The fairy flew down on her oar, and traveled quickly to not be noticed. After all, it won’t be a good thing if someone were to see her hovering in the air like a witch.


            Hearing his name, he caught the shadow of a flying girl on the concrete of the sidewalk. Halting, he turned and came face to face with a bubbly blue-haired teenager. “Botan?”


            “Konnichi-wa!” The redhead could not prevent from grinning. He loved the way Botan was so carefree and optimistic. “Kurama-kun, we have a group meeting at Genkai-san’s…”


            Especially when she was running errands for the spoiled brat. Reikai meeting equals Genkai’s temple. Genkai’s temple equals big stone steps. Kurama grimaced. “Thanks, but… can’t Yusuke relay the message to me?”


            “I’m afraid not…” She said, clasping onto the sleeves of her kimono timidly. “You have to be there- Hiei too.”


            “What? At the same time?” This would be difficult. If the gathering were to be in early evening or afternoon, there was no way he or Hiei could leave the house without being questioned by Shiori. The contemplation in his features set Botan to apprehension.


            “Is that bad?”


            “No, but… One of us has to be within my household at all times…


            “Doishiite?” She blinked childishly. Kurama enhanced his beam to pay a tribute over her cuteness.


            “Ugh… it’s hard to explain…”


            “Well, whatever the problem is, you BOTH have there. Koenma-sama’s orders…” The firmness in her voice was remarkably adorable.


            “I understand… I’ll… think of a way. What time is the meeting?”


            “Nine-thirty at night tomorrow!” Seriousness was chopped off. One of Botan’s fingers went up and circled around exuberantly. The other thought about it. Nine-thirty was far too early. There was no means it could be done, unless Hiei threatens Shiori with his blade. Naturally, Hiei WOULD do that if he hadn’t taken a penchant to his mother.


            “Do you think you can change that to eleven?”


            “I- I guess so…”


            He nodded. “What’s this meeting about, hm?”


            “Eh…” ‘Trouble! Trouble!’ the fairy sirened in her head. “Koenma-sama will be the one with the specifics, not me…”


            Marvelous evasion.


            “Is it that serious?”


            “Um…” No choice, but to be vague. “It’s a matter of opinion… Will you tell Hiei for me?”


            “Yes, of course…”


            “Oh, arigatou! You saved me! I mean! You saved me the bother!!” Nervous giggles tumbled out her petite lips ceaselessly. Jumping on the bar of her oar, she took off when all the other students had departed. “Ja ne!”




            The blades of grass creased from beneath him as his feet slid to widen his stance. His hands gripped tightly around the hilt, arms pulling the blade in stunning movements. Hiei pulled down, to the side, up, and diagonally. The light from the sun polished the edge of the sword- leaving behind visible slices of flashing white. He was nowhere in particular. Since Kurama was only on his way home, Shiori only permitted him to go into the backyard of the residence. The demon grunted to himself from being so restrained, but he concluded that it was better to be able to get some fresh air rather than be inside continually.


            It was steaming. The patio bricks, when touched, felt as though they were warmed up grills for bar-b-queuing. Hiei put an end to his practicing by resheathing his sword…. with class, of course. By the hilt, he whirled the katana- creating a whistling noise that was very charming to his ear. After revolving it, he let the weapon take flight into the air, and when it descended- Hiei caught it flawlessly with its sheath. Landing inside its cover, it clanged menacingly.


            “Hn.” Shutting his irises, his nose pointed to the air. The feat was too undemanding. With unending time on his hands, maybe he could waste it all by creating new ways to put away the blade. He opened his eyes. ‘So very dull…’


            Shafts of light made the demon shield his view with the level of his hand. Beads of sweat were collecting on his forehead- more than half it sopping up into his ward. “Uh…”


            The palms of his hands went to rub his bare shoulders. Hiei’s frame quaked temporarily, and when the chill ended- he shrugged it off.  “…Kudaran…”




            Arriving home, Kurama was thankful to have had an extraordinarily good day. He began humming to himself as he headed for his room- eyes covered and head swinging to his own melody. One of the best parts was that he had no homework. The redhead finished it all during his lunch session with Honoka. Honoka was a first-rate tutor, too. The teacher knew calculus as if it was the back of her hand, she knew biology comprehensively, essays incontestably were her forte, and she was an intuitive for the arts. History was

one of her secondary points; yet she was still strong at the subject. ‘Be a Renaissance man…’ Miss Kairu stated. “Well-rounded and aware of everything… It’s better to know a little about all subjects than to be a genius in only one…’


            Talking to her was a must. He was estranged from Hiei by a wall, and Kaasan WAS that wall. Yusuke and Kuwabara went to an entirely different school, and Kurama wasn’t on amicable terms with Shidou or Arisu. ‘Communication makes the world go around…’ She told him gently. ‘Whether or not the communication is positive or negative does not matter because people will listen. One speaks, one listens… It’s a partnership that will never be destroyed... The problem with this is misunderstanding- or bias. It’s not the words that are the problem, it’s the people who use and acquire those words…’


            Kurama decided not to go to his quarters, in place of doing so, he knocked on his mother’s door.


            “Come in…”


            Given permission, he pushed on the knob quietly. Shiori transferred her head from the computer screen, sliding down her glasses. “Yes?”


            “Where’s Hiei?”


            His mother went back to the monitor and ensued to type. “He was outside a minute ago… I think he’s in his room now…”


            Swallowing expectantly, he dared to ask. “May I see him?”


            Not looking at her son, she shook her head.




            The redhead was disappointed, but he promised himself not to let it tarnish his day. Going back downstairs, he went into the kitchen and explored the cupboards and fridge. His eyes found him a box of yellow cake mix in the pantry, and from probing the kitchen, he came across chocolate fudge frosting. ‘There’s nothing else to do…’ Kurama thought, opening the box of mix and pouring it into a large bowl. His hands stretched to open the fridge again, where he took out a carton of milk, some eggs, and butter. Walking to an overhead cupboard, he reached for the sugar. By means of a wooden spoon, he blended all the ingredients and poured the batter into a baking pan. With his fingers, he switched the oven knob to the desired temperature and placed the pan inside.


            Over an hour and a half slipping away, he pulled out the dessert with a blue and white-checkered oven mitt. The cake radiated a gorgeous aroma- the mix having turned into a square piece of yellow fluff. Flipping the pan, he carefully removed the treat from its mold. It landed with a slight bounce on another plate- signaling to Kurama he had done a fine job of preparing it. Letting it cool for ten minutes, the redhead later covered it with the frosting- giving it a very French look by swirling the chocolate and glomping it on generously.


            Finished, he cocked his head. “Hm…”


            Tossing the used utensils into the sink, he took out a knife and sliced off a portion. Delicately, he placed that slice into a smaller dish. Glancing about the fridge another shot, Kurama pulled out the chocolate and caramel syrup and drizzled it. As a final touch, he put a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side. Happy with his craft, Kurama carried the dessert and fork to the front of Hiei’s room. Pattering at the door, he turned and started for the stairs.


            Hiei pushed the door open, sensing that it was shoving something on the carpet. Staring down, he smiled. He bent to pick up the plate and found a note beneath it:


            ‘Conference at Genkai’s. Eleven at night tomorrow- you HAVE to be there.





            P.S. – Eat slowly.’





















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