“Let’s Fly as the Birds Do…” Chapter Three


By: Hikari

Category: From the Heart

E-mail: [email protected]

Site: Http://www.geocities.com/hikari_nanase/

Notes: Music theme to chapter: “Pardon Me” By: Incubus




            “There’s something about your face that I love…”




            “Yes, I believe its familiarity… And being so close to you like now makes me feel as though I can still delve deeper into your breath…”


            “Would you like that then…? For us to breathe together?”






            “Twelfth lap, this is your last one Shuiichi!”


            By afternoon he was running around the rubber track in the field. It was hot, and irrefutable steam could be seen rising from the asphalt. His hair had mated over densely, several strands sticking to the back of his neck. Although he was in shorts and a tank top, the few articles of clothing he had were already saturated with sweat, and the crotch of the bottom half was getting abhorrently sticky. Kurama made a turn, and slowly began to pick-up the pace to sprint to the finish.


            Red hair, tied in a rubber band, flew up in masses as his feet reared to a stop. He was huffing terribly, and so bent over, hands on knees and perspiration dripping from the point of his nose. His coach went up to him, and rested a kind hand on his damp back.


            “Great job! You ran three miles in less than thirteen minutes! You’re on the team!”


            “Really?” Kurama stood up straight, a humble smile crossing his features. The coach looked at him for a moment, somewhat marveling at the boy’s reticence. He had heard of Minnamino Shuiichi many times before. The teachers simply adored him. Easy to teach, quick to learn, responsible, and respectful. While the school as a whole consisted of the highest of intellects, many of them were either cheaters or sufferers of a bad case of condescension.  Speculation over Shuiichi’s clean record was brought about on and off like publicity, but there wasn’t a grain of dirt on his idyllic transcript.


            The coach skimmed over the papers on his clipboard and glanced one more time on his newest team member. The redhead had bent over again to lace his tennis shoes, and he couldn’t help, but notice how long Shuiichi’s hair was.


            “You know, it could help you if you cut your hair. Especially since it’s getting pretty scorchy out here…”


            Kurama shot his head up, almost surprising his instructor, and smiled as brightly as the sun. “I would… But then it would grow and I will have to cut it again…”


            The older scratched his head with his ballpoint pen, and shrugged it off. “It’s up to you I guess… Why don’t you head for the showers, you look like you can use it…”


            “Thanks…” Kurama walked over to the bleachers for his towel and rubbed himself briskly. “By the way… When’s the track meet?”


            “ 7:30 AM, Wednesday.”


            “I’ll be there.”


            “You better. Some of the kids are beginning to think they’re hot shots.”


            Laughing, he walked to the boy’s locker room to get cleaned up. The muscles on his calves were pulsating, tight and very well carved. Walking gave him the sensation of being on a trampoline- every step felt like a short bounce. It was a good feeling. A nice workout followed later by a refreshing shower. Opening the metal door before him, he found the whole room to be vacant of any users. Pleased, he stripped himself of his clothing and folded them into his duffle bag. Unzipping a few pockets, Kurama found his soap and second towel- dry and ready for use.


The taps squeaked as he turned the water to warm. That was, warm enough to cause steam to rise and fog the whole locker. He closed his eyes as the water rained down on him, washing away the sweat. ‘How good it is to shower…’ Kurama thought. ‘It’s like I’m pealing away my skin…’




            Taken completely off guard, he couldn’t help, but jump and nearly fumble with the lather of his soap bar. Kurama glanced to the left, and found the improvident prankster peaking over the blue tile wall. The redhead took ease later, clearly recognizing the face even through all the mist.


            “Very funny Shidou…”


            Okono Shidou, high school sophomore sharing the same year and class with Minnamino Shuiichi. He was the kind and joking type- often mistaken for a delinquent because of his antics. But on contraire, he ranked number four in the efficiency exams, and was captain of the boy’s volleyball team. As a friend, Kurama would always wind-up defending Shidou’s name with the simple line: “Don’t underestimate him.”


            Shidou shook his head to the side to take his long dark bangs away from his eyes. His arms were resting casually on the wall, which was soaking the sleeves of his shirt because of the dew, and he went on talking unceremoniously about the runs of the day… So to speak.


            “Did you make the cut?”


            In reply, a mild grin appeared.


            “That’s great! I knew you could do it!”


            Chuckling, Kurama crooked to wash his hair- his arms reaching for the shampoo on the floor. Pumping a dollop into his palm, he massaged the gel into his scalp until bubbles began to fly about the room. One of the luminescent suds floated in front of his friend. It popped as it landed on his nose.


            “Shuiichi, I think it’s more humid in here than it is outside…”


            “You should have thought about that before deciding to stay here…”


            He shrugged, and redirected his stare towards the mirrors. “Nice to know what you think about my loyalty…” Actually, the remark came out as a melodramatic joke. Certainly, though, that was Shidou’s full intention. “Still… You just had a workout…” He continued.


            Kurama turned the taps to cool. The miasma began to dissipate. “It’s not good to get cold water over you after running so much… I don’t want to be sore tomorrow you know…”


            “Oh yeah… Silly me.” He kind of laughed at himself then and there. Sure, he was smart, but only when he needed to be. “By the way…” Shidou added on a rising note. “I asked Arisu to the Spring Ball.”


            Water stopped running- a few drops leaking from the showerhead. “Hand me my towel, if you please.”


            “Yeah, sure.” For a moment he disappeared behind the divider, then returned with a cottony cloth at hand. “Catch.”


            He caught it, and quickly wrapped it around his waist to preserve his unpretentious nature- not that it truly mattered in this case, however. After all, a guy’s locker room was a guy’s locker room. No wonder then, that Kurama chose to bathe when the afternoon rush was low. It felt rather uncomfortable being around men who ran around the stalls naked with wet towels used as playful whips for ‘butt-lashing’. Other than this factor- bad body odor was another problem. In a way, it was almost funny how imposing these ‘men’ made themselves out to be- in reality they were all just boys.


           “On that topic… Who are YOU taking to Spring Ball, Shuiichi?”


            Kurama put on his boxers and slipped a shirt over his admirable chest. One leg, and then the other, his pants were zipped and worn in only a few minutes. “I’m not going…”


            “What? Why?”


            “I… Just don’t want to go… That’s all…”


            Shidou’s eyebrow went up, then came furrowing down at a suspicion far off from the truth. “Shuiichi… If it’s because of Arisu…”


            He rung his towel. Quite a bit of water drizzled from it and soaked the cement flooring. Coolly, the redhead disapproved the suggestion. “No, that’s not it. Don’t worry about Arisu and me, Shidou; we never had anything in the first place. At least, no more than a platonic relationship…”


            Dead memories arose. Arisu and Shuiichi… The love situtation in that state of affairs was all, but forgotten. Yes, a year ago… He had met a stunning young lady with white-gold hair and aqua tinted eyes. Infatuation was what it was… Kurama would never have expected that a certain triangle between all of them- Arisu, Shuiichi, and Shidou- would form. All the same, this occurred a long time ago. Arisu loved Shidou, not him. The revelation of it hurt so much that Kurama cried himself to sleep- soaking his pillows with his hands gripping against the sheets in emotional anguish. He wasn’t alone on this, however. Hiei had come through his window that night- that night of the day he was crushed like a wilted flower…


            “Then… What’s wrong? You can practically pick your date…”


            Grabbing his bag from the wooden bench he set it on, Kurama stood at ease and thought for a moment. “None of those girls… mean anything to me. Besides, I’m happy enough as it is…”


            “You’ve got to be kidding.” His friend deadpanned.


            “No, I’m not. But hey, promise to save me a picture of you and Arisu. Okay?”





            By four PM, Shidou and Kurama had parted after a short spend at a nearby coffee shop. Short stops for relaxation such as this was unquestionably a simple indulgement. Over coffee, discussion in regards to academia was on its minimal- with the exception of group study sessions.


            Somehow, taking the bus home seemed unappealing this day. Come to think of it, taking the bus wasn’t a priority on Kurama’s transportation list.  Why take a stuffy crowded bus, when one may enjoy walking out on the sun baked street and cheery parks? At any rate, he arrived home late in the afternoon. He had made several stops to pick up groceries and flowers for his mother, then as soon as he was home- made the special dinner he promised: stuffed clams.


            The run had completely worn him out, and so he retired to his room and collapsed on the bed- falling into a peaceful slumber. His lover walked in later that night, when the stars where in full life and the only activity about were the stray cats roaming the deserted parkways. Hiei crept upon the bed, as quietly as he could muster. Lovingly, he took the blankets and tenderly draped Kurama in warmth. He grinned smug, seeing the redhead’s lips parted and hearing the shallow exhales departing from his breath. Removing his boots and overcoat, he curled up beside him. His arms found their way around Kurama’s torso, embracing tightly with the expression of utmost compassion.


            Hiei smelled his hair- long red strands scented unsurprisingly of rose and jasmine.

Closing his eyes, he recalled the short and seemingly term-less events after Kurama’s morning departure. As expected, his obligations ran to no more than what he demanded of himself. Visitations to the temple, as usual, and the daily routes over the roof paths of the large city. It was a great thrill jumping down from buildings of inconceivable heights. The adrenaline rush it sent him gave extra sprits to vigor; the wind that rushed over him and the whistling he heard as he descended faster and faster toward the ground. Touching such peril everyday and evading it with unparalleled skill was a sheer pleasure. It was like flying. Soaring into the sky and diving at endless limits.


            “Hn…” He buried his head deeper into the nape of his friend’s neck.


            It was like love in its emblematic form.


            “Hiei…” The serene call of his name was paired with Kurama turning within his arms. “It’s strange… That one of your size is cradling me…”


            The youkai loosened his arms. “Would you prefer I not do it then?”


            “I was just kidding…”


            For a while, they said no more than that and lay on the bed in shared silence. By an unknown means, they had acquired a sense of communication without words or action. They just knew what jogged around in each other’s head, and in bizarre twists- they would find themselves laughing for no coherent or evident reason. They laughed because they felt it. Smiled too.


            “Do you watch me every time I sleep?” Kurama asked.


            “If I’m given the chance…”


            They kissed.


            “Let’s sleep… I think I’m still partially drained because of last night…”


            “You talk about it so offhandedly…” Hiei smirked. “It’s good to know that you’re giving me your sincerity, though…”


            “I don’t think… I can give you any less than that…”


            “Hn. This conversation is growing too sappy for my tastes…” He leaned over Kurama’s side in an effort to turn off the lamp. “Go back to sleep now…”


            Blinking was the redhead’s reaction. “What about you?”


            Off went the light.

















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