“Let’s Fly as the Birds Do…” Chapter 2


By: Hikari

E-mail to: [email protected]

Site: http://www.geocities.com/hikari_nanase/

Notes: Music theme to chapter: “All is Full of Love” by Bjork.




            “Make me a promise…”


            “…What’s that…?”


            “…Never let me go… I’ve never been held before… Not like this. The way you touched me everywhere, and kissed me as I cried… How you stroked my lips with your fingers, and then embraced me as we possessed each other. I’ve never felt this attached to anyone in my life…  If you dare to throw me away, I will never forgive you... Do you promise?”


            “… A promise such as that does not need words… It has tonight…”




             Wakening to the regular duties of the day was met with reluctance. Kurama crawled out of bed, saying goodbye to his dearest friend a little sadly. The other took it all in stride, understanding fully that the world will always turn, no matter the occasion. It was very peculiar. Almost, implausible really. Several hours of thoughtless bliss backed down to a haze with the apprehension of reality. You can’t stay in ecstasy forever- they both knew that. Possibly, it was this mutual awareness that allowed them to part for a modest time.  No matter. There was plenty of time to make these sorts of junctures come true, and while they watched the world spin- the both of them may simply enjoy each other’s companionship.  As for the deepest expression of love, that may come whenever the moment was right…


            The redhead’s mother had blinked clumsily when they had met in the kitchen. There was something about her son that stood out this morning. It was none of those superficial characteristics such as a thin wash of cologne over his chest, or anything of that sort… No, this morning he was glowing softly. It displayed clearly too. Shiori sensed it from the way he went up to her for the ritual morning kiss. His hair smelt good, as always, but it was dewy. His eyes carried an air of mystification… If that was the correct word… A closer fit would have been wistful, but the reason behind this appearance in his eyes was still left to be exposed.


            Kurama stood and walked about lightly, the process by which he retrieved his books was graceful alone. Shiori smiled, nearly ear-to-ear, at seeing this sudden melody being played in Shuiichi’s attitude. Normally, the preparations for schooling were blended with gestures such as grins and salutations to presence. Before he left the door, Kurama had given a considerably large hug- with the added whisper of: “You’re great Kaasan! I’ll make a special dinner tonight…”


            Not to imply that he was never a faithful son, for he always and consistently was. His grades were top of the list, and his obedience consummate. However, the sincerity in his voice this day seemed to be multiplied ten fold.


            Hiei watched his beloved leave the residence, through the curtains of the window. The window that was set in front of the house, a looming tree making a perfect step- hold onto Kurama’s bedroom floor. The pane had permanently remained unlatched. It started, one day, when his friend had realized that he slept upon the bark of trees. It rained that day- poured. No questions asked, and with utmost consideration in mind- Hiei stayed there for the night. Nothing happened. A simple sleepover as teenagers would call it. As the weeks had past, visitations became routine. At one point, Kurama’s mother had walked in while the youkai tried to make sense of human logic regarding socialism in one of the redhead’s textbooks.


            “But what becomes of individuality? How crass… I say that mankind is nothing more than a herd of braying sheep!”


            Thus the introductions:


            “Kaasan, this is my best friend… Hiei…”


            She wasn’t too surprised, Shiori had heard of the name before- typically in her luncheons with her son on the weekends. Subsequent to days of acquaintance in her own household, she took to the young man kindly- even developing a sort of fondness for him… Or was it pity? In all the instances Shiori had encountered him, he never spoke once of his background. The story behind the bandages was never told either. The clothing he wore- constantly black. For a period she considered the idea that Hiei was not the kind of person Shuiichi should be with. There was an eerie manifestation in his hard stare. Threatening, and ultimately active. It made her shiver- be panicky as she tried to pour tea for him. Kneeling on the carpet as she tipped the pot, she would look up and catch his piercing eyes aimed at her. Needless to say, her concentration was shifted and blistering water was spilled over her cool hands. Biting back, Kurama’s mother reached for a napkin or two to clean the mess…


            “Tend to your wound first.” Hiei spoke detachedly.


            She topped in her embarrassment, only setting a cup upright as her last action.


            “Here, mom, let me get you a wet towel and some ice.” Kurama had then left the room, while this friend, or to her, this ‘uncommon stranger’ was left for her company.


            “Gomen nasai… I tend to be inept when-”


            “Don’t mind yourself over it.” He cut her off. “You do enough of that in your workplace and for your son… Am I right?”


            Shiori didn’t know quite what to say to that, and Kurama’s friend gave her the impression that he was literally reading into her thoughts. He softened a little, taking into regard as to how good-natured this woman was.


            “Shuiichi is very talented…” Hiei pointed to the piano and the countless academic awards adorn on the wall above it. “I’m almost jealous…”


            At this, she nearly toppled over the cup again. “… Why…?”


            “He as everything.” He continued. “And that includes a mother like you.”


            “Well, you have a mother too, yes?”


            No reply to that. No waver in emotion.


            “Here. I’ll pour you tea…Minnamino-san.”


            ‘How long ago was that?’ Hiei thought, as Kurama was fully out of view and down the corner of the block. He released the curtain, and it swung down weightlessly to the floor. ‘A year and a half ago, last March on a Tuesday afternoon… I think I’ve finally achieved her trust by then…’ He concluded after short thought.


            When the redhead had admitted to the fact he was obliged to leave for school, the youkai took the liberty of fixing the bed while Kurama was in the shower. He had picked up their clothes and folded them on the night chair. After this, he washed himself at the sink, putting on his attire in following. Now, he finished the few leftover sand dollar pancakes that Kurama had brought to him for breakfast, and flitted out the window for his own regular duties.







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