What�s in a Name?
By Translation:
              When Kurama is broken down into its two Japanese characters, the translation becomes horse stable or animal farm. Don�t reason with his name, it�s just what it is. As for Shuiichi, I�m assuming, since it�s a rather common name in Japan, that it�s English equivalent would be within the proximities of Steven or Sean. I don�t know what the direct translation is.

By History:
               Like Hiei, Kurama is named after a mountain in Japan. Since Youko Kurama happens to be a legendary demon, I suppose it�s safe for fans to take this fact to the next level and say that Youko Kurama once roamed Japan when Makai and Ningenkai weren�t separate worlds, and therefore had a mountain named after him. This, of course, is just my idea and stretches YYH a bit far.

By Definition (personal comments in red):
                  The name of
Kurama has given you a very imaginative, creative mind. You always have new ideas, but too often they are for an easy way out of a difficulty, or an easy way of making money. You are not inclined to apply yourself consistently to a job and to reach the fulfilment of your goals through perseverance and hard work. (I disagree) The influence of this name has caused you to feel unsettled emotionally and mentally. (I agree- Kurama IS very confused with who he is) You are never satisfied with conditions, because your feelings and desires are so changeable. Hence you seek change in order to have the opportunity for travel, new experiences, and new friends and associates. There are people in your association who could influence you unfavourably and thereby mislead you (in example, his match with the shapeshifter at the black martial arts tournament; his name is too long for me to remember how to spell); disillusionment, embarrassment, and bitter experiences then become your lot. You have a very talkative nature (true, according to Hiei) and because of it, you could do well in saleswork or in a position where you handle the public. However, you would find any position requiring self-confidence and aggressiveness very trying. You are subject to moods of depression and self-pity, arising in part from a lack of confidence. Nervous tension often affects your solar plexus and stomach area. Also, the kidneys and fluid functions of the body could be affected. (This name translation isn't as accurate as Hiei's, but I find it's still interesting).
The Colors Green and Red:
By Art and Science:
                Green and red are, in a sense, extremes of their own sects in the color wheel. When mixed together, the intensities of each color are neutralized, therefore producing a gray tone. Depending upon how much green is added to red or how much red is added to green determines the type of gray created. More green creates a cool gray, whereas red creates a warm gray. Gray, in itself, is the color of balance and peace. This thoroughly matches Kurama�s nature, as he is the most level headed of the Reikai Tantei.

By Symbolism:
                 Green, in fact, does not represent greed as the clich�: �green with envy� says. Green, in literature and poetry, is often used to portray rebirth, life, fertility, and nature. As a side note, this could explain why Togashi chose Yusuke to wear his spring school uniform (notably a deep shade of viridian), since Yusuke has been given a new life with a new responsibility. Green works with Kurama in the same way. He was reborn on earth, as a human, and given a new kind of life- a better life.
                   Red, however, is quite the opposite (depending on what culture you�re looking at). Traditionally, red has been the motif for blood, violence, sexuality, and deadly anger. All these symbolic traits of red are perfect characteristics to describe Youko Kurama before he discovered the power of love (which, ironically, can also be represented by red). In China, red means good luck and fortune, and it is the representation of the entire nation. From this point, I see no connections, but I feel it a good idea to provide another example of color representation.
                 In his eyes, you see earthly green. In his long, hair- shaped very much like a foxtail- you see vibrant red. Again, red and green make gray, a variable tone that may easily be changed depending on the intensity and amount of either extreme. This is very true for Kurama, especially when it comes to his temperament. He may choose to be very angry with you, or very merciful.
By Definition (personal comments in red):
                    Green is the color of healing.
Green personalities want to help every one.  They are natures mothers.
(Yes, VERY accurate!) These people are usually in the medical profession or some occupation which helps people.
Preferring to watch rather than to become involved in others business, they usually keep their thoughts secret.  Others see them as good listeners because of this quality.  This characteristic makes them wonderful counselors.
(EXACTLY! I can't think of anyone who doesn't turn to Kurama for advice) Others take for granted that the green personality can see more than one side to a situation without bias.
Green personalities make others feel at home in their house by putting them at ease quickly.
They try to take care of others with all the care their mothers gave them
Peacemaker is their sworn duty. (And with team members like Kuwabara, Hiei, and Yusuke, who can argue with this?) They want harmony in every one's life.  Green personalities may even stop an argument between others by starting one themselves.
Others think that green personalities make the best of friends because they are jovial, caring and can keep a secret.
In order for a green personality to feel good about themselves, they have to be helping someone or something.  Nurturers by choice, they are the ones who take care of animals, humans and plants.
(The last sentence highlights Kurama's essence)
Green personalities need to be careful not to make martyrs of themselves.  This is something they easily can do.
(This is indisputable; Kurama nearly died in all his Black Martial Artist matches)

A person who likes red runs the gamut of personality traits.
This is the color for passion, energy, and money making. It can also have a darker side to it.
If the person has a preference toward the more brick (reddish brown) red colors, they have problems with addictions such as drugs, alcohol, eating disorders or emotional instability. Red oranges are not only dynamos but love the outdoors and anything to do with people.  Red with blue overtones can be energetic people with high emotions.
(Hence, Kurama's scary mood swings).
Red personalities when in their true red mode are sexy and seductive.
(This gives us the notorious Youko Kurama) We now have statistical proof that men will look at a women wearing red, even though she may not be the most beautiful woman there, more quickly than they will anyone else in a room.
It is the color for someone who wants to be powerful and in control. Business people who want to win wear the power color red to meetings in which they want to stand out.  The red personality makes one feel more energetic or activated.
Stop signs are red.  Red gets your attention.  This energetic personality craves attention and what's more: They get it.
(And doesn't Kurama get it? Along with Hiei, he's been ranked under the top 100 sexy anime characters of 2002 and in Japan he was the most favored bishounen for roughly two years)
Being quick with their emotions, they may erupt into a temperamental volcano right in front of you then simmer down just as quickly. (
Fight with Karasu *cough* Fight with Sensui *cough* Fight with Togouro Itouto *cough*)
Quick to give others answers to any question, they feel they know everything.  If they don't and it is proven they don't, you will find them trying to learn why.  They are not frightened of not knowing the answer but only of appearing stupid.
Because they are quick moving people, they want everything done in a hurry.  When tired, they have to lay down right then because it feels as if all energy has escaped them.  Once they have taken a quick nap they are up and ready for almost anything life has to show them. Red personalities feel invincible and others tend to think they are.
(This actually sounds more like Hiei)
Even though red's have all these personality traits, they do not make good leaders.  They do, however, make good followers, once they decide they are being lead wisely.  They have no compunctions in doing whatever it takes to get the job done in the manner needed.
Red personalities, though, do have a tendency to go off on tangents. Their attention span is not all that it should be. When focused, they are very strong in their determination.
(When concentrating, Kurama has the fighting power of a Hydrogen Bomb- you DON'T want to mess with him)
Reds are quick minded, brilliant people who may not be well educated but are quick with answers because they have lived the circumstances.
(Naturally, Youko Kurama has been around for half a century.)
Oh, Hiei! Kurama, do SOMETHING- Yusuke is being mean!
Bloodlines and Intimate Connections:
                   Youko Kurama�s family is a mystery, and this is logical considering how old his spirit truly is. In Ningenkai, however, it is obvious that Kurama�s devotion is concentrated highly on his human mother, Shiori. Since his father died when he was young, he developed a strong connection with his mother in spite of his pride as a demon. For this reason, Kurama was more than willing to give up his life for his mother�s. Later on in the series, Shiori has a second husband by the name of Kazuya Hatanaka (surname last). Kazuya has a son of his own named Shuiichi by strange coincidence (or symbolism Togashi implanted? We may never know). Most people assume Kurama was inaudibly disappointed with his mother�s courtship, and I find that understandable knowing this redhead�s compassion and protectiveness. Nonetheless, Kurama is quite close to his stepbrother and decides not to go to college (OH MY GOD! Well� he probably doesn�t need it anyway) in order to help his stepfather�s computer corporation.
Intimate Connections:
                     Kurama�s closest friend is without a doubt Hiei. They met a year prior to their incident with Yusuke, making them older companions. How they met was by sheer chance with a dose of fate. At the time, Kurama was in middle school and was already developing his demon powers. His friend Maya, had very strong ESP and sensed something about �Shuiichi�. She therefore followed him and to make a long story short, got in trouble. Hiei attacked Kurama and Maya by accident, thinking Kurama was one of Yatsude�s underlings who helped capture Yukina. He was weak, however, and passed out with a bleeding stomach he received from another fight. Kurama, knowing what Hiei was, took him to his home, laid him in his bed, and tended to his wounds. When Hiei woke up, he explains why he attacked and, surprisingly enough, almost immediately tells Kurama about
his missing sister. Kurama, in turn, explains what HE is. Kurama asks for his name and, surprisingly again, Hiei answers with a hint of hesitation. Later that night, Kurama finds out Maya never made it home. Therefore he went with Hiei, realizing they were after the same person. They fought together, received the information they wanted, saved Maya (whom Kurama gave minor amnesia), and returned home. Realizing that their skills meshed well together, Hiei asked for Kurama�s name and promised not to forget it (hence his visitation to Kurama for the Three Artifacts). As for Maya, she did have a crush on Shuiichi, but her emotion wasn�t reciprocated. Her emotions were erased with her amnesia, however, for the purposes of her own safety as well as Kurama�s personal judgments.
Yes, this IS a screenshot
                     Second on the roster is Yusuke. After Hiei, Yusuke is the second to know some of Kurama�s secrets. Yusuke has a natural talent for drawing his enemies close to him and making friends with them, but with Kurama, the trust was reversed. Kurama was the one who came to Yusuke and gave his confidence first. Knowing the fox demon, however, this move was either sincere or a step to making his wish to save his mother come true. A fusion of red and green, most likely his motives were both.
                     Kuwabara is someone Kurama seems to get easily along with because of his silliness. With Kuwabara, Kurama can step out of character a little and laugh, joke, and smile. It seems to me that each of his friends has a distinctive role. Yusuke provides the mutual respect and team gathering, Kuwabara provides the fun and laughs, and Hiei provides a place where he may confide and seek empathy (and vice versa).
                     Then there�s Yomi. The past always catches up with you, and in the Makai arc, it does just that. Originally, Yomi and Kurama were in the same thief guild. At one particular time, leadership of the guild was getting competitive. Therefore, Kurama sought to it that Yomi would be weakened and unable to lead by assigning another demon to blind him. Yomi, however, did not know who did this to him, and continued thinking very highly of Kurama as a great thief and a good ally. When finds out the truth, he naturally becomes enraged, but cools down. Apparently, Kurama�s older friends don�t take long to forgive the Youko for his betrayals (Hiei for example), and this is something I�m still trying to understand.
Wow, Kurama's still alive!
                  Personally, I think Kurama isn�t straight. The funny thing is, my mom (she happens to like anime), my 11 year-old brother, and several friends new to the series think the same. I�ve noted that ALL of Kurama�s closest friends were strictly male, even in his past life. Kuronue, for instance, was loved by Youko Kurama dearly. As a friend or as a past lover, is up to us to decide. As the redhead, Kurama has innumerable pairings in the fanfic world. I suppose many viewers take note of the way he became dangerously pissed off when Hiei was slammed against a tree by a demon robot, the way he was carried by Yusuke when he lost consciousness, and the way Yomi keeps his eyes- er� ears on him.
Youko Kurama (not Shuiichi Kurama) was most likely bisexual due to his essence. The fox in Japan is known for sexuality, love making, cunning, and intense beauty. Because Youko Kurama has irresistible sexual charm, and because he is around 500 years old, I DOUBT he�s a virgin. Being quite biased now, I noticed Hiei�s awe when Kurama changed forms for the first time. Needless to say, Hiei uttered �Youko Kurama� in such a gentle way that HxK fans were fixed for life.
                      Now, there HAVE been a few heterosexual pairings, but not many. Most of them either use Botan (a poor match in my opinion since her character doesn�t complement him) or fictitious female characters (likely to be incarnates of the authors).
                     Togashi admits that Kurama was inspired by one of his friends who acts and speaks in much the same way. He refuses to disclose his friend�s sexuality, which makes things (as usual) highly controversial. Togashi never planned anything final regarding Kurama�s preferences, which nicely makes it more fun for the fans.
                       From Kurama�s standpoint, he probably is still learning about real romance in Ningenkai. While he may be poetic, has a witty, and captivating, he is actually not as romantic as Hiei (who would have known?). Is this my bias? Actually, I talked about it with friends online, and they seem to agree- especially when looking at the near ending of the series. However, there are enough spoilers on this site as it is, you must wait and see.
Ladies, please indulge
                     Kurama is a rather fickle character. He holds his words to the end in one instance, and in another he will willingly go back on it. The way he functions is stringently in self-interest. Remember, however, that self-interest isn�t the same as selfishness. He does things for his benefit as well as the benefit of those who are connected to him. He may, however, go beyond that and make friends with enemies (Tooya, Jin, and Chu to name a few). Other times, if he holds strong animosity for you (Karasu, Sensui, and Togoro Itoto to name another few) you will die a very slow, painful, ruthless, horrible death OR fate. Fate is worse- you don�t want to be left living Kurama does something to you.
                      From this, we can see why Kurama was able to survive so many years in the Makai.
Small wonder, then, that Kurama was willing to kill an unborn baby by pushing his soul out and replacing it with his own. A very cruel act, yes, but he did survive. The irony is that the only person who melted the ice knife in his arms (hence the song, Koori no Knifu wo Daite) was his human mother, who loved him in spite of her son�s cold manner. When his mother came close to death, change struck. He was given a chance by Hiei (who was acutely aware of his situation) in asking for Kurama�s expertise for a Reikai robbery. From this point on, Kurama is torn between his Youko character and his new character developed from 15 years (going on 18 towards the end of the series) in Ningenkai. He comes to a resolution, of course, but I won�t disclose how.
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