Opinions and Human Mentality
By: Jess-san
One thing i dont understand about society is the way it creates so much
contreversy. I for one am a person who gives mutual respect to all people i
come across until they prove to me that they deserve a diffrent level of
respect, weither it be one higher or lower of where they started. I think if
more people did this stereo types might actualy dissapear. It has always made
me very angry to think i am judged everytime i have to walk in public with my
little sister, who is only 11 months as i am 14 years. People are always
giveing me disgusted looks, most likey thinking im a whore or somthing like
that. If people would at least make an attempt to stop automaticaly asumeing
things and respect people for how they chose to live and dress and spend
their money, if people would wait to judge until they actualy have somthing
on which to base a judgement, society would be better off in my opinion.

One thing that is just beyond me is how people will start these absolutly
senseless arguments and end up in a social war. I saw this happen just today,
actually, and it all started with a comment a girl made about a particular
social group (she said cheerleaders suck to short). It was her personal
opinion, no big deal right? Apparently not. 2 girls started to scream at her
about how cheerleading is sooo hard and then of course she has to come back
with something that was pretty offending (but a very good come back) and
before u knew it, nearly the entire cheerleading squad in my school was mad
at this girl just b/c she expressed her opinion and also partly b/c she
fought back instead of telling them it was a general statment of her opinion.
First of all i dont think she had much right to say that in the first place
unless she has some kind of proof and by the sound of the argument her only
proof was her own opinion which gave the cheerleads reason to fire back
anyway. But my point in all that is that if society would just take on the
mutual respect i mentioned earlier and would stop being so aggressive and
deffensive of their views and drop the "I AM RIGHT!!!!" additude and would
just give open-mindedness many, many people would be saved the pain of
another senseless argument and a pointless social war.
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