“Broken: Epilogue”


By: Hikari

E-mail: [email protected]

Site: http://www.geocities.com/hikari_nanase/

Notes: Gomen nasai! It took a WHOLE year before I could find the heart needed to write this piece! I promise you, I had around six versions of the ending until I finally came to a consensus. *bows profusely* I apologize for the EXTREME delay…

All disclaimers apply.




            “Augh…” I scrunch-up my nose at the horrific stench heading straight at me. Looking away, I sloppily maneuver to clean-up the biohazardous mess. My fingers feel around for two tape-tabs, and when they find them, I pull the tape apart…


            “Oniisan! Be sure to put powder on her!”


            “All right!”


 I look back down again, unable to suppress a smug grin at seeing the baby’s face. She looks up at me, with her jewely eyes and coos as she sucks her stubby fingers. Chuckling a little, I roll-up the dirty diaper and toss it in the bin. How does this go again? Powder… Wipes… No- it’s the other way around, wipes and THEN powder… God, I wish Kurama were here…


Finishing off, I set the little toddler to her feet and pull her pink sweat pants up. She blinks and eyes around curiously- two pigtails of carrot colored hair bouncing about.

As I stand from the bed, I crouch beside her to touch her pillowy cheek. Her skin was so soft; it felt as though it would melt under my stroke. My niece turns to me, staggering a little for not fully developing her motor skills, and peers through her long bursting lashes. Again, she sucks her fingers…


            “Saa… At least you eat healthy…”


            As though she understood, she giggles and takes her fingers out of her mouth to touch MY face. I squint a little at the feeling of sticky saliva dressing my complexion, but since it is HER saliva- I say it’s clean syrup…


            Footsteps clack on the wood and I find my sister smiling at us by the doorway. Her hair had grown very long, and so she kept it in a braid to keep from getting untidy. Apparently, Yukina was done with her New Year’s cooking; she had undone her apron and was showing off her beautiful pink dress with a sweaterly turtleneck. The dress accentuated her form- an hourglass figure. The color even matched her lipstick, and brightened the shine of the golden heart locket her husband had given her for their anniversary. She moves towards us, hands folded in front of her, and kneels down by my side.


            “She’s quite the curious one ne…?”


Nodding, I agree to that. “Yes… She’s smart … You can tell Yuwari-chan’s thinking when she stops moving around… It’s as though she were full of intent…”


            Yukina rests her hand on my shoulder and squeezes it. “I think she is… It DOES run in the family…”




            She stands and gestures to leave the guest room. “Let’s go to the living room and wait for the others…”


            I comply and place Yuwari on my hip before she could scurry away from me. When I found out Yukina was pregnant more than a year and a half past, I knew for a fact that the baby was not her destined clone. The Koorime give birth to their copies every one hundred years… my sister was hardly that age. True, I felt sick thinking about it at first, and actually I was acting quite bitter for the first few months… Needless to say, I reverted back to my jaded ‘higher-than-thou’ ways. I dropped it as soon as Yukina’s water broke and everyone panicked for the hospital. Thankfully, Kurama was there, and though he was a young doctor- he was fully trained to deliver the baby. Good. I don’t trust anyone else to do it.


            Carrot colored hair and ruby eyes. The eyes somehow seem to be the dominant trait on our side of the tree. How small she was- when she was just born… eight months later she grew so quickly I could hardly believe it… That was when I was caught. Yuwari was crawling and somehow grabbed onto a chair leg in the kitchen. The leg was burnt to ashes. One week later, burnt prints of Yuwari’s little palm were marked all over the wooden floors, doors, and walls of the temple. The new family was supposed to take care of this place ever since Genkai’s passing, now it seems the new child is doing the direct opposite.


            It came to the point where Yukina finally witnessed the type of flame her daughter was wielding- black. Black, of course, equals me. Me to her child equals blood. Blood equals family. The day she confronted me was the day I felt like combusting right in front of her and disappearing forever… I suppose I was still afraid of rejection… or chance of danger… I don’t know…


            The idea of me feeling such a way was foolish. Dead foolish. She wasn’t angry at all, just walked to me- smiling with tears, and buried her little face in my chest… If… If I had known that would happen- I would have told her whom I really was the second my eyes laid on her…


            Kuwabara, on the other hand, he was none-too-pleased, but because I helped pay for their matrimony- he let it slide peacefully… Hn. Well, there was one catch. I had to teach Yuwari how to control her power when she reached the proper age. That doesn’t bother me- it essentially gives me a legitimate excuse to get away from Mukuro’s clutches.


The living room was clean and freshly furnished- middle table adorn with unlit candles and potpourri. I seated myself on the couch by my sister, while Yuwari managed to wriggle her way out of my arms and onto the floor. She picked a handful- baby’s handful- of the dried flowers and sniffed. She sneezed and the petals sprayed out of her palm like confetti. We laughed and got on all fours to sweep the clutter. As I looked up from shoveling in several more into my hand, I see that my niece’s eyes turned watery, and that her button nose twitches like a bunny… If the demons in Makai could see me now… I’m done for…


            Just then the door slides open, revealing Kuwabara in his tan colored trench coat dusted over with snow. Yukina stands up to give him a kiss, and Yuwari follows after, holding onto her mother’s leg and staring up innocently. Myself, I stand shortly to give him a curt nod and he returns the gesture.


            Before we could even start a word, the door slides open, hastily this time- and as I suspected, the infamous Urameshi Yusuke comes into view… Hair still gelled.


            “Oi! It’s not nice to leave your friends out in the snow!” That big grin of his is plastered across his face, and he makes room for Keiko to enter. Triplets. Fraternal triplets. Two boys and one girl. The brunette efforted to push the bulky stroller into the room, and Yusuke took the hint and gave her a hand. The moment the stroller made it into the housing- the youngest, the girl, Atsuko awoke and frowned. Her little face crinkled, then instantly turned a bright hue red. She opened her mouth and exposed to us the strength of her voice box.


            She cried and cried, and soon the two boys followed in suit. Keiko sighed heavily and walked steadfastly for the couch. Immediately she plopped onto the cushions, closing her eyes to emphasize her position. In the mean time, Yusuke tried to console the fussy infants- making weird faces, noises- shaking a rattle here and there, but to no avail.


            Giving up, Yusuke collapsed next to Keiko.


            “Take them away!” Yusuke cried. “Oh God, take them away!”


            “Take what away?” A young blue-haired girl peaked in-her hair in layers and coming down to her chin. She blinked confused, magenta eyes sparkling as lively as they always had been… I just hope her schoolgirl laugh dissipated.


            Yukina took one of the infants into her arms- Ranza, the oldest boy, rocking for his complacence, only failing as well.


            “Oh, the babies!” Out came those giggles. It wasn’t so bad; I suppose I’ve finally gotten accustomed to them. She took the middle child, Koten, and held him high in the air sticking her tongue out. For a moment, he silented. We heaved out sighs of relief, then he wailed again and harder than ever.


            “What’s wrong with them?” Botan asked.


            By now, Keiko was stretched across Yusuke’s chest and sleeping deeply. Her husband watched over her gently, replying:


            “We’ve been trying to figure that out ever since Kurama delivered them!”


            “Maybe they’re hungry…” I suggested.


            “… We fed them on our way here…” We were all surprised since it was Keiko saying this in her nap… How she must be tormented… Makes plenty of sense, Yusuke’s blood mixed with HER will…


            “Dirty diaper?” Carrot top inquired.


            Then it was Yusuke’s turn. “Cleaned them in the car…”


            “Well, they don’t seem to want to go back to sleep…” Yukina was still cradling the child. Ranza was at least reduced to whimpers. Atsuko wouldn’t let it go though…


            Once more, the door slid open and there- waiting for greeting- was my long-time friend… Kurama. I smile a little, but at his appearance, everyone ran for him and shoved the triplets into his arms.


            Stunned, his eyes broaden and he tries to balance the kids within his brace without harming any of them. “Etto…”


            The brunette headed for her stroller and pulled out an enormous bag filled with supplies. With the strap, she wrapped it around Kurama’s neck and thanked him profusely before he could utter a thing.


            “You can settle in the guest room…” We turned, and Yukina was already leading the way. Smiling and signaling the message: ‘sorry, but we tried…’.


            I feel a little pity and help by taking the bag. Yuwari follows me to the room we just in, all the time curious and studying.


“Gaa… gee ga ge ga!” She exclaims while throwing her head around.


“I know what your mean… They ARE loud…” I spy over my shoulder, see Kurama struggling, and drop the bag.


“Mind helping me…?” He mumbles beneath the ‘bundles of joy’.


I say nothing and take Ranza, the quietist.




We had stopped in the middle of the hall, and I had to bend over with one arm occupied to retrieve the bag. It was a blessing Yuwari knew how to walk…


Laying down the children on the bed- Kurama sat by them and shook his head. “I see babies at least five times a week… Would it sound so bad if I said I was getting a little tired of it?”


“Hn. You’re the one who took-up the profession…”


My friend lies onto his stomach, spread across the mattress so that he may care for all of them. One by one, he gingerly strokes the infants with his fingertips. Their stomachs shiver in reaction to his caress- and slowly, they begin to mellow until at last they cooed contentedly.


As I glance at the redhead, I notice how focused he is… and how loving… He hasn’t changed at all…


“You have a way with children…” I stated.


He smiles, still not looking up. Though… I can see his eyes glisten from beneath his hair.


“Arigatou…” After the gratitude, he gave me a low chuckle. “ I see you’re quite good with them too…”


“Hn?” My eyebrow arches.


Turning to his side, Kurama points behind me. I move, and I laugh too. Yuwari was still in the room, and she was endeavoring to climb and join us by grabbing at the sheets. Understanding this, I pick her up by the hips and set her in front of me.


“Kyaa!” She nests into my crossed legs and lies back against my abdomen.


Fondling over the sight, Kurama spoke again:


“Wish I had a Polaroid…”


I snort at what he says. “Polaroid pictures look bad… Even I think so…”


“If I remember correctly… The first time we caught you smiling on film was with a Polaroid… The hospital… Remember?”


I relent in defeat. He was right. I was smiling when Yuwari grabbed my finger… Damn that Koenma… He appeared out of nowhere…


“Yes, but I didn’t ex-”


Botan startled us all and nearly disturbed the kids when she popped in. Realizing her near-fatal err, she whispers instead.


“Dinner’s ready…” And she tiptoed out the hall.


Carefully, Kurama took one child at a time and set them in the playpen.


            “Shall we…?” He whispered as well, and we filed out- niece at my haunches.




            It’s like deja vu, we’re gathered around a long table- it covered with platters of colorful food, arranged in resplendent patterns. This time, however, I truly get to enjoy the dining. The traditional sushi, soba noodles with tempura, marinated yellowtail sashimi with wasabi mustard, potstickers, inagi, suki yaki soup, and stir-fry shrimp and beef, came in and out of the kitchen in large loads… It was Kuwabara who brought in the sake, which Yukina refused, Keiko accepted-, as did Yusuke for they both needed it, Botan consented after a little thought, and Kurama took a bit himself.


            Kuwabara motioned towards me, and I shake my head: “No, just water…”


            “Wine then?” He pulls out an expensive green bottle- its neck foiled with gold. As he holds it up from the cupboard for view, my eyes catch the liquid within it sloshing around thickly.


“Pour me one…”


            “Me two…”


            “Me three… It’s red right? Oh, definitely…”


            “I’ll have some… But only tonight…”


“Just a bit for me thank-you…”


            My turn.




            I searched the faces in the room, until I found Kurama. Obviously, I was hoping for a sign of sanction. He only grinned wryly, seeing how tempted I was for just a cup full. Finally, he took a sip from his glass, then held it up and nodded.


            “Yes? No? Maybe so?”


            “Just half a glass…”


            “All right then…” The taller started to pour.


            “That’s the spirit!” Yusuke shakes me. He always does that… Except now, his face is flushed from the alcohol and he does it slightly more exaggeratedly.




            What could you expect? I’m not much for conversation… I mouthed a few words every now and then, but I’m sincerely not a socialist. They were casual talks… Yusuke’s ramen shop business, Atsuko’s marriage, Kurama’s promotion- AGAIN, but what ironically occupied the majority of the babbling was everyone’s current hairstyle. Humans… Ch’…


Botan’s hair… She cut it and had it in what they call a ‘bob-style’. I think she looks better this way, at least now she can let her strands hag loose from that everyday ponytail… As for Kurama- he cut it short. There’s no mistaking he’s a man now, which is something he’s quite satisfied with… The taller and Yusuke hadn’t changed, but Keiko completely butchered her hair… She said something about it getting all over the place when it was long… Now it’s a boy-cut.


When it was Yukina’s turn for inspection, we found that she never changed it.


‘Kazuma likes it like this… He says it makes me look like a Goddess…’


I scowl… ‘Don’t you think Yukina always looks like a Goddess? No matter what the hair length?’


Everyone was shoved into an unhealthy silence for a time, and I’m glad to know I still have my air of threat. Her husband thought carefully for a moment, and answered:


‘Yes, but you’ve never seen her when she comes out of the shower, now have you?’


Yukina blushes furiously, and I nearly spat out my wine with that, but swallowed hard in its place. ‘That’s enough… I don’t need to hear anymore out of you…’


The group was still uneasy, but to put them back on track, I spoke again.


‘Anyhow, I believe the strands behind my nape are getting longer… If you wish, I’LL keep my hair long and will walk out of the shower in my sister’s place!’




Hn. That’s better…


Then, Botan just HAD to comment on the attire I was wearing… Black slacks, white mock-turtle neck, and a black snow coat that drops down to my knees- along with a thin gray scarf to complete the set… ‘Nice threads…’ she said. I thought ‘Kudaran…’ but replied: ‘Thank-you, my sister chose them for me…’ It’s instinct now; I try not to use sarcasm unless I feel necessary or provoked to… Or maybe when I have the need to appease for my sick sense of humor…


            One hour… Three hours… We ate with satisfaction while waiting for the clock to strike midnight… My niece was seated upon her father’s lap, eating little bits he offered her with his chopsticks… She has my taste, she can’t stand eggplant… All the same, Yukina’s craft in the kitchen is unparalleled… When we were eating, however, I noticed Yuwari was slipping in and out of consciousness, and even Kurama commented I wouldn’t stop ‘hawking’ her…


            It came to pass that she finally fell into a deep sleep, and so I offered to take her to the room with the other children… I didn’t even THINK about putting her in the netted playpen with those other kids… Never… Knowing them, they would probably hit my little one in the stomach or poke her in the eye without knowing it…


            So I laid her down on the bed, and I spooned over her insignificant little form from her side.  The room was unlit, and the only light came from the thin drapes because of the city in the distance… The room was filled with toys and blankets. There were diaper cases and empty bottles in one corner- baby books and photos in another… On the floor was a teddy bear, made of soft linen and buttons for eyes… I’ve come to the conclusion that the guest room, in truth, was a premeditated nursery…


            Yuwari yawns in her sleep, and I wrap my arms around her… She moves around, seeking my body heat, and snuggles into my hold while rubbing her head against my chest… I love holding her… Smelling her hair… Having her follow me around… and she’s MY niece…


            As I brush away several of her stray strands from her angelic face, Kuwabara comes in and leans against the doorframe.


            “You never came back…” He says. “I was beginning to think you took her out to the park again without telling us…”


            Glancing at the window, I grin. “No… Not in this weather, at least… Besides, I don’t want to wake her…”


            “Keh’!” He shakes his head and stares off to the corner of the door. “You spoil my daughter more than anyone else… I didn’t think you liked children this much…”


            “No… The only child I like is THIS one…”


“Oh yea? What do you have to say about Yusuke’s kids?”


            Good question. “… No comment…”


            “All right, I’m just checking if you’re yourself… That so-called joke you cracked killed everyone…”


            I squint a little. Yes, my remark on that purposeless conversation was completely unexpected. “I’ll have to wash my mouth thrice for that one…”


            “You didn’t mean it did you?”


            My eyes broaden at the perversion. “What the hell? You must be sick! You’re married! And I would rather lick Mukuro’s toenails than undress for YOU!”


            I stopped before I could semi-yell any more. If I stir Yusuke’s brats, I’ll never hear the end of it…


            He laughs lightly, carrying an air of softness around me that was foreign until now. “Well… I’m glad you’re talking that way… It used to be that all I could pry out of you was baka and…” Kuwabara thought for a moment. “Actually… It was just baka…”


            “Hn.” I’ve lost all my distance… Damn.


            “Why don’t you come back out shrimp? We’re trying to catch-up.”


            Stroking the small of Yuwari’s back, a decline was my response.


            “Are you sure? We’ve got cake for ya’…”


            I carry my niece and put her down in the middle of the bed. “What kind?” As if it really mattered to me…




            An answer I wanted to hear. “Go on, I’ll follow later.”


            “Right… And Hiei…”




            “Thanks for… You know…”


            It surprises me how infinite this man’s gratitude is… To think all it cost was several million yen and some white roses from Kurama’s garden… “Hn… Thank me one more time… fool… and I’ll make sure to never do you another favor…”


Now he is giving me a frank look that would make any sane being ponder over what is churning in his head. He better not pop a crack like he did this dinner… otherwise…


“You’re a good actor shrimp… I’ve caught onto it ever since our first mission…”


            Never mind… That was worse…




            Botan giggles and cocks to her head to the side so cheerfully that her hair bounces, and as it lands, frames her face. She never stopped getting compliments, and even Keiko appeared a little jealous. Yusuke walked on thin ice when he went so far as to compare Botan to a modern-day model… Kurama saved his head by commenting over how Keiko’s hair elongated her neck and gave her a sense of elegance… I’m surrounded by vain people…


            Nothing was left on my plate, but clumped crumbs that were spongy sweet. With my fork, I press down on them so that they may stick on my utensil. It turns out that ‘catching-up’ involved feminine gossiping and three liters of sake. As long as I’m left alone, I’m fine…


            “Ne, Hiei, so how is everything in Makai…”


            Pulling the fork out of my mouth- Keiko smiles at me warmly and rests her chin on her enlaced fingers. Kurama turns to look at me, while Yusuke leans forward, Kuwabara sets down his liquor, Yukina leans her head on her fist, and Botan stops babbling.


            “Nothing particularly interesting… But…”




            Don’t you hate it when they repeat your last pitch word? “But… I’m not currently stationed in Makai right now…”




            Unison cries are annoying too- I better move on. “I’m posted in Ningenkai- for the time being at least… On the whole, as highest general, I don’t have many laws to abide by… Since no wars or catastrophic calamities have taken place- my life is one long excursion…”


            “Excursion?” Yusuke asked.


            “Vacation…” My friend verifies.


            “Sounds sweet…” The ‘modern-day model’ acknowledges.


            I sigh. “It’s dull.”


            “Better than communing every eight hours…”


            “Wow… Is it that bad Kurama?” Kuwabara took his drink again.


            The redhead pulls at his optimism to get the right words out. Obviously, he’s overworked. “I get called to the hospital on and off like a light switch…”


            “Can’t you minimize your working hours?” Yukina asked.


            “Or take a holiday?” Botan added.


            He shrugs and pulls something out of his pocket. A thick bulky leather book. It was a calendar and planner. Opening it by unlatching the strap, the book practically bursted open from overflowing post-it notes and papers. All of its pages were filled with scribbled down ink of different colors.


            “You should get a pen-touch organizer… It’s the twenty-first century you know…”


            “I agree with you Yusuke, but there’s…”


            “No time to get it?” I wound-up finishing for him.


            My friend seems a little sheepish, a little pink dashed upon his cheeks. “Exactly so…”


            Everyone sighs in conquer, an akin action to disappointment.


            “You may get burn out… Would you care to trade places with me?”


            One of his eyebrows furrow in curiosity… Oh, of course… I never told them what I was doing in the human world…


            “And… What would be your business here and now?”


            My turn to shrug. “Stalking people.”




            “Yusuke! Turn the channel to seven! We want to see the countdown at Tokyo Tower!”


“Okay Keiko!”


            That noisy countdown. For some reason humans are compelled to join together in THIS temperature outside- at THIS hour, and party away. Humans have such strange festivities… The New Year in Makai is celebrated with several night raids- or something more… ‘dangerous’ than this… Makai New Year… It’s hardly nostalgic. Rather, more along the lines of sickening. The morning after, alcohol is splattered everywhere along with puke. To be blunt, I’m a little glad I’m here…


            “Ten more minutes!” Botan chirped.


            Kurama plops next to me with his camera at hand. He aims for me, but I shield myself with a throw- pillow.


            “Oh common’, Hiei!”












            I throw… Hm… the throw-pillow at him. It mashes his face and he falls backwards from the couch. Landing on his rear, he fumbles with that damn camera.

“Ha! Now you have nothing to cover yourself with!”


            Quickly, I grab Yukina’s arm and pull her in front of me. Click and flash. My friend missed me by a nanosecond.




            “Gomen.” I let her go. Kurama flashes.


            “Arigatou Yukina-chan.”


            “Your welcome.”




            “Gomen.” She replies. Trust me, my sister isn’t as innocent as she makes herself out to be.


            I somewhat pout to myself at my failure. I hate pictures. If anything that shot got me with a stupid look on my face. Hn… I need to steal the negatives and burn them with the others…


            The redhead is smiling now. That victorious smile of his. Too bad I can’t hate him for it. “Hiei… I was wondering…”


            “No… I won’t pose for you…”


            He chuckles and slides the camera into its case. “Actually, I was hoping you’d come with me after the party to see my new apartment…”


            I blink. “You bought a new place?”


            “Well… I didn’t BUY it…” He clarified. “Anyway… My balcony faces the beach now instead of the street. I’m in a completely new complex… It’s great! I have so much more space than before!”


            “We’ve seen it Hiei…” Keiko jumped in. “It’s HUGE! It’s almost hard to believe that it’s an apartment! You should just see his bathroom! Golden rimmed glass shower and a separate luxury tub… Lined with white marble too!”


            “How… How were you able to afford it?” Shit… Is he rich now?




            Kuwabara wouldn’t let him answer my question- he only delved more into my friend’s residence. “And the kitchen! Steel fridge and a center-island stove with a parted oven!”


            “I got the apartment because…”


            “Oh, and the curtains!”


Botan, let Kurama talk.


            “Satin…” She continued. “With long-standing windows… It’s so… Romantic!”


            “As I was saying… The place was from…”


            “Don’t forget the master bedroom! It has French doors with vine carvings!”


            “Yusuke please.” That’s right. I had to say please to get people to stop.


            Kurama sweat drops- overly flattered by how much attention his home is earning him. I suppose he deserves the spotlight. What ever he did… he definitely must have earned it. Kurama isn’t the binging selfish type.


            “Do you remember that run-down Physician Hospital downtown?”




            “I helped fund-raise enough money to make it a REAL hospital. That’s why I work there… The people and original owners of the building are now earning ten times the amount of income they used to before the hospital was rebuilt. I had interned there for years… So… They kind of… Decided to reward me for my loyalty…”


            “Kind of?” Yusuke said. “You’re too modest…”


            “That’s how much money all the employees are making? Enough to pay for your homestead?” Sounds too good to be true. Maybe I should take-up Physiology. Mukuro’s accommodations are good, but with sleezy soldiers all over the place…


            “Yes, but… The hospital is favoring me…”


He’s perspiring. Kurama… you are too humble for your own good.


“They… Sort of… Went looking for the apartment without my consent. The next thing I know… I’m given a note with an address and keys…”


The carrot top shakes his head avidly. “My friend… Your life is GOOD.”


In return, he grins softly.  Kurama’s likely to be getting ready for one of his wise words of advice…


“Life is good if you believe that it is… Happiness can be whatever you want it to be, so it’s really all up to you…”


Hn. I was right… and so was he…














“Happy New Year!”


            Colorful streamers are thrown everywhere, and party poppers explode. Yukina finds the champagne in the fridge and hands it to her husband to uncork it. The mouth of the bottle fizzes over with foam and the cork is sent flying. Straight into the ceiling like a bullet. We all cease our clamoring and peer at the odd hole above us. Some dust powders out, and the inside was pitch black.


            “I… Didn’t mean to do that…”


            Yusuke laughs so hard he nearly disperses his drink. Fortunately, he swallowed before he could drench us in his spit. “Don’t worry Kuwabara… Now you can plan that skylight you’ve been dreaming about…”


            “Heh’.” We’re all in good humor, and so our host raises his glass for a toast. “To a new year!”


            Our glasses met and we take down the sparkling liquid. It’s good. A little too much bubbles, but it’s crisp and tasty- very sharp.


            “I shouldn’t drink so much… I have to drive home…”


            “You should talk!” Keiko retorts. “Yusuke drank five times more than you have! I think I’ll have to tie him to the passenger seat to keep from falling over!”


            We snicker and Yusuke ‘hics’. Bad timing, we laugh even more.


            Kurama glances at the clock on the wooden wall. 12:05AM. He shoots down the champagne and politely wipes the corner of his mouth with a napkin. “Gomen nasai… Minna-san… But I really need to get going now… The traffic will be horrible, and I do live quite a bit away from here…”


            “It’s all right.” Botan permits. “We know how hard you work… Even after a holiday… Just remember to take some of the food home…”


            “Oh! I should pack you some! I’ll be back shortly…” My sister suddenly hastens for the kitchen. Two seconds later, she comes out with a plastic bag, filled with numerous bento boxes. How does she do it so fast? I didn’t see her go into the nook to prepare the take-homes!


            I glance at Kurama, and I notice that he’s very surprised at Yukina’s speed too. Peaking at Botan, her mouth is gaping. Yusuke’s past cloud nine so he isn’t aware of the feat, but Keiko is more than amazed. Kuwabara… I think he’s used to the talent…


            “Thank you… I’ll definitely bring this to work for lunch! I just hope the other employees don’t steal from me again…”


            “That’s the thing about hospitals, Kurama.” Yusuke hiccups again, and pinches his nose bridge because of the fizz. “There aren’t any cubicles for privacy…”


            “True… True… Oh, Hiei- will you be coming?”


            I don’t even hesitate over it. I need to check in on his place. “Sure… Of Course…”


            “Great!” We begin to head for the door, and I put on my snow coat and scarf from the coat hanger. Kurama gets ready too- pulling on his black leather gloves and thick boots.


            “Well… Ja ne!”


            Everyone greets us farewell and I give Yukina a soft peck on the cheek. That was,

when we were interrupted by a very small whine.




            I was almost out the door, but I rotate at familiarizing that sound. “Yuwari?”


            She holds onto the entrance frame of the hall. She must have climbed down from the bed when she heard our racket… My niece toddles towards me, rubbing her eyes as she walks… and stops right before my feet. I kneel down and kiss her on the cheek. Then, I raise her bangs with my fingers and kiss her again on her warm forehead. I’m fully aware that my friends are just giddy at this sight… And that Kurama is preparing to snap his shutter. That’s fine. Let him take this picture. I want it too…


            Yuwari giggles and touches my face- a little sad I am leaving. Her eyes… They’re so big… You can get lost in those pools of deep red…


            “I’ll visit you again… Little one… I promise…”


            Nodding, she walks into my embrace and I hold her there for only a little bit. Backing-up, she waits for her mother to hoist her and seat her at waist.


            “Say bye-bye, Yuwari-chan!”




            I wave and set to leave.


            “That’s right Yuwari-chan!” Giggles Botan. “Say bye-bye!”

            “Ba... Bai… He…”


            He? Again, I swivel around- Kurama does too.


            “Ba… Bai… He… He… eh…”


            My eyes widen… is she?! Is she?!?!


            “Bai… Bai… He-eh… Hiei…”


            She said my name! She said my name! One more time! Please!


            “Bai… Bai… Hiei…”


            Kurama places his hand on my shoulder and looks at me meaningfully. “Congratulations… You’re her first properly articulated word…”


            Yukina and Kuwabara are dumbfounded. “You see…” Kuwabara blanches. “This is what happens if you spoil her too much…”


            My dear sister giggles happily behind her dainty hand. “Don’t worry Niisan, he’s just surprised that your name was said even before ‘Tousan’!”


            I hardly hear what she had just said, but I do find myself reaching to rub Yuwari’s pigtails with much fondness. She looks up, smiling all to impishly… *Did you plan this?* I speak in thought… Her smile broadens… As if she had just heard me…




            “What’s wrong Kurama?” Keiko asks.


            The one besides me, slaps his brow with his palm. “Why didn’t I go by my instincts and bring my video cam?!”


“Oh!!!” All of them were just ready to double over, until Kuwabara rejoices.


            “Yes! This means I can STILL catch Yuwari saying my name on tape before she says YOURS!”


            “You’re very competitive for your daughter’s affection.” I affirm. “We’ll see then, who gets the most love…”


            “Then it’s a challenge!”


            “All right. A challenge. We’ll see in the next few years.”




“Sheesh, you two are going to spoil Yuwari rotten!”


            “Urusei Yusuke!”


            That was the first time the taller and I had ever said the exact same thing at the exact same time… Forbid it happens again…




            Because of the masses of people downtown, we had to take the surface route to get to Kurama’s apartment. The bright lights of the city were slowly fading away as we drew closer and closer to the beach area. The window over the dashboard was hazing up again, and my friend had to turn on the de-fogger to clear the view. I lay back on the leather seats, very comfortable. The redhead just had his car washed. I can tell… The inside was very clean and parts of it smelt of scented wax. I grin to myself a tad. Even his car was nice, dark green skin with black seats…


            We make another turn, and Kurama adjusts his footing from the clutch and his hold on the stick shift. I don’t know how he can put up with it, the last car he had was an automatic, but then again, that car was his mother’s.


            “Did your workplace pay for this too?” I asked.


            “They paid the down payment… “ He centers his attention the on the slick road we were on and checks another turn for pedestrians. There were none. “You’d think I was working for one of those multi-corporations… It’s almost like I was associated with Mass Com. or Public Advertisement. Legal trusts like those always pay for their workers’ welfare and benefits…”


            Kurama grinds on the gears, but quickly transfers them for going down a hill. “The parking area is separated from the building complex… We’ll have to walk only a few meters…”


            Entering the garage, my friend enters his key card into the receiver and the gates open for us… Top security too… I think I can break into it if I wanted to though… Our car rounded about the building, until we found a vacant space reading his numbers: 239.

The car stopped and the lights went off. I take off my seatbelt and step out. The other cars in this place were SUV’s, jeeps, sports cars, and the like. Who lived here anyway? I can’t say I’m not amazed…


            “Follow me… There’s a backdoor to the garage that leads to the front of the edifice.”


            I take his lead and eventually we found ourselves outside. The snowing had sedated a few mere minutes ago, so the crystals floated down as softly as fluff. The redhead is just several feet away from me… So why don’t I…


            I stop in my tracks and gather some frost into my palms. I pack it down really tightly and hid it behind my back. Kurama had gotten far ahead of me, so I jogged to where he was. Walking beside him, I assumed he suspected nothing and chucked the ball of ice directly into the side of his face.


            “Hey!” Clomps of white slides off of his features, and he had to wipe the rest of it off with the back of his hand. Smiling amused, he heaps together some snow himself and throws. To bad for him I anticipated this, so I jumped and perched myself on a nearby tree branch. By chance of fate, part of my cloak was within his reach, so he pulled me down and I fell heavily onto a mound.


            Exploding out, with snow all over my hair, and my apparel quite wet- I struggle to get free, but Kurama kicks the tree and MORE snow buries me alive. Instead of bursting out again, I fake being knocked out, and wait for he sound of Kurama’s footsteps crunching on ice head towards me. When I sensed he was close enough, I pounced out and pushed him on the sidewalk. His hair got so wet, and he practically had a white hat on top of his head. Seeing how ridiculous we both looked, we sat up- wetting our asses on the snow- and laughed our heads off.


            “Didn’t know you had a sense of humor!”


            “Neither did I… You look like what you humans call Santa Claus! Only without that beard…”


            “Oh? Is that so? It looks like you went in your pants!”


            “A shame… It’s the same with you as well!”


            Rising, Kurama offers a hand to help me up, and we both dust ourselves off before going into the building like stupid fools. My friend sighs from the excitement, and we continue to walk on.


            “I haven’t done that since I was a teen! It’s nice to fool around every once in a while…”


            “Speaking of which, how was your birthday? I wasn’t able to visit you that time…”


            “It was good.” He replies. “But you still owe me an explanation as to why you made a no-show…”


            I know he’s disappointed. Better make it up to him now… “I was at a legislative assembly… Mukuro had other business to attend to- so I went as her representative… The new governmental affairs in Makai are a pain… I have to sit in a hall with leaders of the provinces and listen to them drone on and on about the reconstruction of our world… Besides that, I had to meet with the top tactics generals to plot for army camps…”


            “Sounds both interesting and tiring…”


            “The latter is a more accurate description…” I stop and reach for something in the breast pocket of my cloak. “Here… I almost forgot to give you this…”


            He turns as I hand him something wrapped. I’m not good with wrapping paper. I admit that- I had to get Yukina to help me.


            “A gift?”


            “No, a death threat attached to a brick… Open it.”


            Shredding away the paper, his lips part as his eyes wander over what I had given him… “It’s… A Bible…”


            “Yes. I still… Never apologized for what happened a few years ago.”


            The memory of me being so angry that I threw his old book into the river in flames suddenly passes between us. Indicating he understood, my friend whispers something in between: ‘I forgive you’ and ‘It’s all right…’ He flips the book around, admiring the red covering with gold cornered edges- even the text within the pages were written in gold, and the paper was thin and fine- so much that it crinkled at your touch. Looking up, he seems too shocked to know what to say. “Where… and how… did you get this?” 


            “I… asked Botan to change currencies between Ningenkai and Makai…” I pause to examine my friend. “I went looking for it on my own…”


            Fingering though the pages, Kurama finds that I left a bookmark within the hardbound.


            “That’s for you too.” I said. “You always dog-ear where you at, and that ruins the book… I read a few entries actually…”


            “That’s good… The Bible makes good guidance… even if you don’t celebrate the religion… Hm… Wisdom 1:13 -15; 2:23 – 24 (98B). A reading from the book of Wisdom… God did not make death, nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living. For he fashioned all things that they might have being; and that the creatures of the world are wholesome, and there is not a destructive drug among them, nor any domain of the netherworld or earth, for justice is undying; For God formed man to be imperishable; the image of his own nature he made him. But by the envy of the devil, death entered the world, and they who belong to his company experience it…” He closed the book. “You stopped there…”


            “I felt… That I didn’t have to read any more than that…”




            When we went into the complex and took the elevator to the sixteenth floor, Kurama showed me around and helped to settle me in the guest bedroom. Like the master’s- it had white French doors with ivy carvings as Yusuke had described. The kitchen was substantial, with a nice window above the sink facing he city walk. The carpet was nice and tan, and the tiles were white and gray marble. The study of his lodging was large in size too; it had enough space for not only a moderate library and desk, but for a couch and miniature fridge.


            Sitting at the dinning area, my best friend comes in from the kitchen with two mugs of cocoa and marshmallows. We had dressed in some relaxed house clothing- me borrowing a pair of Kurama’s pajamas and socks. They were a bit long, and flopped as I moved around. At least they were soft and roomy…


            He sat in front of me and blew the steam off of his piping drink. I take a few sips myself and we sat quietly together like we did in the old days. From the glass door of the veranda, we watched the snow fall and mantle the panes and fence with slush. We started talking softly, about queer events and hapless, yet humorous accidents. Then about what life might be like in a few years- even the next decade. We talked about our hopes and ideas- regular philosophy exchanged between two friends. I liked this… I liked this life… I can see my sister, my niece, my friends, and Kurama whenever I liked…


            I sipped again from my cocoa, and glanced out the windowpane. Yes… I can see them whenever I wanted to- that makes everything worthwhile…












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