  I was e-mailed a while back regarding homosexuality and the Bible. Since she did not e-mail me back after I responded to her, I will be leaving her name as anonymous. To the point- she commented that I should look at Romans: 1.18-32. In these lines it shows that homosexuality IS wrong, however, we must look closely at the text. Although the wording is very specific in terms of sin, I have decided to look deeper by going to my Catholic Youth Church administrator regarding this issue. Ms. Amy later then arranged for me to speak with Father John. He told me that the state of sexuality is actually not a sin. The sin is that actual act- NOT the state. To further prove to me that this misconception of this passage is VERY dangerous, Father John issued me the Catholic Youth Bible. Here, some of the passages are clearly explained- and to my relief, passage: Romans: 1.18-32 was among those of the discussed. Here I quote:

               "In making case that all people are in need of salvation, Paul talks about the sinfulness of humankind inRom 1.18-32. As a specific example of what happens when people turn from God's truth, he discusses homosexual activity in verses 26-27.
                Some people interpret these verses to mean Paul is condemning homosexual persons. But this is a serious misinterpretation of Paul's words. Why? First, look at the context. After this specific example in verses 26-27, Paul lists all kinds of sinful behaviors in verses 28-32. He is not picking on homosexuals- rather, he is showing that all people are
guilty of sin.
                Most important, notice that Paul never condemns people; he condemns sinful behavious. The Catholic church does the same. The church teaches that homosexual orientation is not sinful, but it also states that any sexual activity outside marriage is wrong.
                  Romans 1.18-32 has also been used wrongly against AIDS victims. Some of them have been told that their horrible disease is a result of God's vengeance against homosexual behavior. Our loving God would never use AIDS, or any other disease, to punish people" (PG.1326- The Catholic Youth Bible, Saint Mary's Press)

   All I can say to this quote is: "Well said."
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