</frame> PunishtheDeedNottheBreed
This is for the Ignorant Breed Haters... STOP MURDERING INNOCENT DOGS......

Although the APBT was once used as a national symbol of courage and pride, from the Buster Brown and RCA Mascot to a decorated War Hero in World War II, to Petey the Pit Bull from the Little Rascals, etc... the breed is largely misunderstood today. The APBT has been bred throughout history based on performance. A well bred APBT has a steady temperament and is NOT inherently aggressive towards humans. In the past several years, an alarming number of local jurisdictions throughout the US have passed "breed specific" laws pertaining to "Pit Bulls" or "Dogs that are found to be of Pit Bull type". These laws are written in vague language and range from requiring the dog to be muzzled in public and forcing owner to take out a special insurance policy, to the outright banning of "Pit Bulls". These laws are unfair because they discriminate against a dog just because it is a certain breed, or that it "looks" like a certain breed. These laws fail to address the real problems of truly vicious dogs of any breed: IRRESPONSIBLE OWNERS!!!

~~~The handler of course.~~~
~~~The handler of course.~~~
~~~The wielder of the bat of course.~~~

~~~The owner of course.~~~

~~~The owner of course.~~~

~~~The owner of course.~~~

~~~The shooter of course.~~~
~~~The owner, the dog or the breed? Of course it is still the owner right and the ONE dog, not the entire breed???? Why would it be any different from anything mentioned above?~~~

Stop The Ignorance... Stop The Hate... STOP THE SLAYING OF INNOCENT DOGS.... There are HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of American Pit Bull Terriers in this world that would NEVER harm a child or person... There are HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of APBT's out there living as family pets, therapy dogs, show dogs, rescue dogs, etc... why don't we hear about those? The bites done by this breed, if they are really TRUE APBT's that is, because most of the time they are not, are in the minority... PLEASE...don't let the mongrels, ill bred dogs and mixed mutts mistaken for our breed, condemn an entire breed of dog..... This is ABSURD....... Punish the IRRESPONSIBILTY OF HUMANITY,Punish the owners of the dogs attacking people, punish the human aggressive dogs, not the entire breed.



Right to left: Our Lab, a pure Sorrells dog "Widow", a pure Boudreaux dog "Jaden"
and "Pistol", a pure Boudreaux male pup.. having some fun,..........




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