Page Last Updated: Dec 1, 2008
  • The Females...  KENNEL CLOSED - WE ARE OUT OF THE DOGS! Featuring our house dog only on this page !!!
              ^ Indicates DNA Profiled Through the ADBA

Our Queen Bee ... The Alpha Bitch
  "Our Gift From God"
We will always love you! Your memories will always be with us!!! Thank you for being you!!! I Miss You So Much Mama

"Krazy Keena"
Click Here to see Info on her... 7-Generation Pedigree & more pictures

My beloved Keena - 1997 - 2006 RIP - 
The Dog of my Dreams!
Forever In Our Hearts our Sweet Krazy Girl

Keena, you were my best friend. I lost you over 2½ years ago and it still seems surreal, still can't believe you are gone. Time doesn't heal wounds, just makes it easier to accept, the void is always there. I can still see your krazy ass bouncin around, shaking the toys.  I miss you with every ounce of my being.  Although you were getting up in years you were still full of life and vigor, which is what hurts the most! So many more things for you to experience. You were so active and happy as can be & wagged that tail of yours till the very end. You fought so hard mama, thank you I know you did it for us. 3 Surgeries in 4 days, not many dogs could handle that, but you hung in there like a bulldog. $10,000 trying to save you, would have spent 100 grand mama, you were priceless, my gift from above. You didn't act a day over a year old, always our super hyper, krazy girl, full of spunk and life. 

You filled everyday of our lives with happiness... Always fun, always had an adventure, always happy, nutty, full of drive and ready for anything. Our super smart girl, the smartest dog I have ever met. You never met a stranger, such a happy girl. I can't believe you are gone mama... I thought I had  a few more years left with you, if only I knew what was lurking inside you. 

Keena was our house dog, she was never in a kennel outside or a chain her entire life. She didn't sleep outdoors not ONE day in her ENTIRE life. She was  my constant companion, my best friend & bed sleeping buddy for almost 9 years since you were just 3½ weeks old... Who would have known you would change my life this way the day we picked you up at Bert's house, who knew I would ever feel this way for a dog, seems crazy to think of it. You weren't just a dog, though, to even try to put into words what you mean to me is an injustice. The house feels empty, 24/7 with you and now nothing... It will never be the same without you. You were such a lively dog & never sick, still can't understand why this happened, still so hard to accept. For those who've never shared a deep unconditional bond and love with that one special house dog like this, they will never know or understand what it feels to lose one like you my girl. You can "have love" for dogs and care for others as I do, but there is that one special soul and Keena you were it for both of us. 

You were taken from us too soon, our hearts our broken even after so long! There will never be another like you! I will always love you my Krazy Girl!!! I will see you on the other side mamma. No one will ever replace you! You live in my heart forever!!! I miss you every second of every day, but I celebrate your life now. It took me 2½ years to get to this point, but I can talk about you now and not cry at just the mention of your name. I can write this here and  I can look at all your photos I just added below and think how blessed I was to have your krazy ass in my life instead of just crying over you, it's not fair to you, you were always so happy, I try to be strong for you. You were the dog of my dreams, the once in a lifetime dog and I will never forget you.
Love, Mom

Run Free Mami, Run Free with Buddy now...


The Cord
We are connected,
my dog and I,
by an invisible cord
not seen by the eye.

It's not like the cord
that connects humans at birth
this cord can't be seen
by any on earth.

This cord does its work
right from the start
it binds us together
attached to my heart

I know that it's there
though no one can see
the invisible cord
from my Keena to me.

The strength of this cord
it's hard to describe
it can't be destroyed
it can't be denied.

It's stronger than any cord
that man could create
it withstands the test
can hold any weight

And though you are gone
though you're not here with me
the cord is still there
though no one can see

It pulls at my heart
I am bruised... I am sore
but this cord is my lifeline
as never before.

We may not be together
in the way we used to be,
We are still connected by
a cord no eye can see.

So whenever I need to find you,
we're never far apart
I’ll look beyond the Rainbow
and listen with my heart.

I am thankful that God
connects us this way
it’s a bond so strong
death can't take it away!!

A Tribute to My Girl
"Through the Years"

THE BEGINNING...... If we could only rewind time......
The Day we got her, Bert Sorrells house, she was 3½ weeks old 1997

4 weeks

4 weeks old - She was wild, sweet, rowdy and confidence galore since DAY 1
She is less than a month old in this photo below, What a Doll!


Keena 5 weeks


Keena 6 weeks old at her first ADBA Show... in Defuniak Springs Florida Nov 1997
She was a hit at this show, walking areound on a leash, tugging, growling at the other dogs, it shows how early sopcialization worked on this baby... Everyone had to pet her here and say hi to her. We still have this collar, it says CRAZY DOG on it lol...


10 weeks old

12 weeks

3 Months

Keena ... what adventures we had with her as a puppy...
This was certainly a KEENA AND ME moment... we just laughed when we found her in the mud and bathed her....
Jan 1998 4 months old


Keena's 1st Ribbon at the 1st ADBA Show she was old enough to compete in....
March 1998 - 6-9 Month old Puppy Class


Her 1st and only Trophy BEST PUPPY 7 months old -
ADBA Show in Florida 1998 - Judge: Ron Ewing
We retired her from the ADBA Shows after this show. She was too long and really didn't have correct conformation for the ADBA showing, but I could care less... that wasn't the reason we purchased her anyway and wouldn't have traded her for a million bucks!

Keena, working it... 7 months old...

AADR Show 9-12 Month Old Puppy Class -  June 1998 - 1st Place


Classic Keena, a toy and a big smile... 6/18/98


Keena Oct 1998

Keena at a year old on the Springpole... 1998

Feb 25, 1999


Sleeping in one of the many Hotels we stayed at Bud and Keena 1999

Road Trip - Bathroom Break, she hated cows 1999

Keena in May 2000 - 3yrs old


This is the day after we almost lost her due to Anaphalectic Shock
due to a Corona Vaccine back in Sept 2000 - Emergency Vet Saved her life


Keena Nov 2000 in NC, her only Snow Day


Keena almost 4 years old June 2001
Chillin' with her 2 month old grandaughter GRUNT off Badger x Krazy Widow


Keena and her pups off Badger August 31, 2001


Keena Working it... July 2002


Keena and Daddy 2002


Her favorite things in life, her big balls... 2002


Keena and all her kongs 2002


She was eyeing that Turkey Boy... Thanksgiving Nov 2002
My 1st Turkey I ever cooked, pretty good, Keena would agree


Dec 2002 - Cooling off in the hole she dug lol




Keena with a litter off Badger x Miss Skull pups... she was always our PUPPY KEEPER...
Jan 15, 2003


Keena's LIFE - What she lived for, her toys March 11, 2003
We placed them all around her while she slept, she awoke when we snapped the pic, too funny.
I have this framed on my wall. CLASSIC KEENA!


March 2003

Keena Working the flirtpole Mach 2003

Sunbathing - May 2003

Keena and Bud May 2003

This is the litter off Dragon and Garner's Negra from Tanya at Cold Steel Pits
I took care of this litter  here on the yard while Tanya went to a show... Keena of course loved them, she was our NANNY DOG... our puppy sitter... she taught them it was ok to be crushed, smooshed and run over and then loved on like a momma would do... what a dog she was...
March 28, 2004  (That's CALDWELL's LUTHER Whispering in Keena's ear)


Keena and Badger's son BUCKWHEAT enjoyng a McDonalds Ice Cream Cone


 - Her life were her toys lol - March 2004


Keena working it May 2004


Oct 2004 - Road Trip to Louisina to breed Miss Skull to Reno on Floyds yard.
Keena rode SHOT GUN, all the way lol



Dec 14, 2004


If you ever got a puppy from us and it was shipped, you can bet Keena was with us as she went everywhere with us. Here she is with some Badger Pups at the Airport before we shipped them....

Keena running with a ball with her grandson "Exile's Scratch" off  Badger x Beanie
at the Airport the day he left the yard Nov 2004


Celebrating her 8th birthday 2005 with a sugar free cake... Silly Girl with frosting on her nose, look at that face lol

Christmas Day 12/25/05 - Her Last Christmas

Stupid Xmas Tree Hat and Collar, but it was her last Christmas ever and now we are glad we
have these goofy photos of her... we literally had to yell at her to get her to leave it on lol.. crazy girl...
Then the Toys came out and forget taking pics lol...  memories...



February 11, 2006
The worst year of my life, the year we lost Keena...
These Balls were her favorite the last year of her life, she had 4 of them...


Keena and Dad on a cold Winter morning 2/13/06


Unfortunately I had no clue we'd lose Keena 2 months and 20 Days after this photo below was taken so I don't have many photos of her last months except her Hospital Photos and I will not post those here as they bring back bad memories and this is to HONOR and CELEBRATE her life....

This is one of the last photos I have of her
March 4, 2006


This was a truck who passed us by on the Interstate, had to take a pic...
This was back in like 2001....

We had her paw bronzed after she passed away....

And she rests in our room, where she always was... her Urn

To Some people all this may seem silly, to those I say... you've never had a bond like this with your dog, especially dogs that have shared a third of your life with you. It's a friendship like no other.
There's one saying I have always loved:
The more I know People, The more I LOVE MY DOGS!
The purest form of true unconditional love!
It' Just a Dog(s)

From time to time people tell me, "Lighten up, it's just a dog," or, "That's a lot of money for just a dog."
They don't understand the distance traveled, the time spent or the costs involved for "just a dog."

Some of my proudest moments have come about with "just a dog."

Many hours have passed and my only company was "just a dog," but I did not once feel slighted.

Some of my saddest moments in my life have been brought about by "just a dog," (Losing Keena)
and, in those days of darkness, the gentle touch of "just a dog" (like Bud when I lost Keena)
gave me comfort and reason to try to overcome the day.

If you, too, think it's "just a dog," then you will probably understand phases like
"just a friend," "just a sunrise," or "just a promise."

"Just a dog" brings into my life the very essence of friendship, trust, and pure unbridled joy.

"Just a dog" brings out the compassion and patience that makes me a better person.

Because of "just a dog" I will rise early, take long walks and look longingly to the future.

So for me, and folks like me, it's not "just a dog"
but an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of the future,
the fond memories of the past and the pure joy of the moment.

"Just a dog" brings out what's good in me and diverts my thoughts away from myself and the worries of the day.

I hope that someday they can understand that it's not "just a dog"
but the thing that gives me humanity and keeps me from being "just a human."

                    They are "just my dogs". They are my other eyes that can see above the clouds,
my other ears that hear above the winds.

So the next time you hear the phrase "just a dog."
Just smile....because they "just don't understand."

From the beginning to the end on the bed... Spoiled Bitch...

I will never forget you Keena........ ever!!!
Other dogs will come and go, there will only ever be one "DOG OF MY DREAMS" and that was you, I will never feel like this for another one, believe me, you were just something out of the ordinary. I miss you today, like if I lost you yesterday. Time doesn't make it less painful, I always have the void with me, time just makes it easier to accept. You were the most important thing to me... I will love you till the day we meet again. I was blessed by your presence all these years, your spirit lives in my heart mamma........... I love you so much!
Love Always, Mom




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