2001 Hess Toy Helicopter

2001 Hess Toy Helicopter with Motorcycle and Cruiser   (SL)
The 2001 Hess Toy Truck is a remarkable transport Helicopter with a Motorcycle and Hummer-like Cruiser that store in the transport bay of the Helicopter. The Helicopter has operating rotors, blinking emergency and marker lights, head and tail lights as well as pulsating emergency flashers and very cool sound effects. The Motorcycle and Cruiser each have operating head and tail lights and friction motors, all adding lots of extra play value to this very unique toy Hess truck! The 2001 Hess Helicopter is sure to please youngsters and oldsters alike, and is a great value at any price. Now shipping, but hurry before the limited supply is exhausted!

#HT2001T......................$99.95 US   Special Price.....$79.95 US - LIMITED QUANTITY!

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Updated 11/17/2003
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