Blue Panel Cruiser

Chrysler® Blue Panel Cruiser   (SL)

Watch Out Volkswagen® — Move Over For The ‘Cruiser’! Direct from Chrysler® comes this collector’s dream-replica of the first new concept car of the millennium…the Chrysler ‘Cruiser’. A bold automotive breakthrough that blends 40’s styling-Indy fireball performance-and a showcase interior you could die for. Precision-Engineered To Original Chrysler® Specifications - Each Has Operating Doors, Die-Struck Logos & Insignia - and Factory Baked Enamel Finish. Here in this individually die-cast metal 1:38 scale (approx. 4 1/4" bumper-to-bumper) special inaugural edition every last feature and intricate component is finely detailed in precise scale ratio: the distinctive dolphin-nose grille, doors that open and close, spoked hubcaps, working rubber tires, simulated double beam headlights, why even an exact replica of the showcase interior with its bucket seats and enough room to "carry a ladder 8-feet long…" and each and every one showroom perfect as if it just rolled off the assembly line. Comes in three original Chrysler® colors/models: Red PT Cruiser, Blue Panel Cruiser, and Silver GT Cruiser. These will look GREAT on any "O" or "S" scale model train layout. Order just one or save over $10.00 and get the complete set of all three while they last! (NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN UNDER 6 YRS). Pre-Christmas Special Price for all three!

#PT2000B......................$10.98 US   Blue GT Cruiser   Special Price............$8.98 US - LIMITED QUANTITY!
#PT2000RBS.................$21.95 US   All Three Models - Red PT, Blue Panel & Silver GT      SUPER Special Price............$12.95 US

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Updated 09/14/2003
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