A Crack in Love
chapter 5
by Gini 

"So this is the Darknight Castle?" Yuusuke asked rather to himself.

"Hey, it suits that tower well. It gives me goose bumps." Kuwabara said as he pulled his coat tighter.

"No matter how eerie it is, we still have to go in. We've come this far..." Yuusuke said.

"Come on, Setsuyo," Kavelu called his sister, who was looking at Kurama. But Kurama had something else on his mind.

Hiei, I am coming. Wait for me, my love, Kurama thought.

All of them stepped into the dark surprise awaited for them ahead.

Yuusuke and the others arrived in the great hall. Everything was in dark colour. Kuwabara could feel the high youki from some direction.

"I think we are being watched," he warned in a small voice.

Kurama tried to locate Hiei's ki...but couldn't trace anything.

"Welcome!" A chilly voice said.

The team jumped a little, but soon recovered and stood in battle condition.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" Yuusuke shouted into the dark emptiness.

"Welcome, the great Reikai team." A black shadow came out.

"Welcome to this castle of mine." Pazeru said softly as everybody watched him.

"Pazeru." Kurama said between his teeth.

"Where is our friend? Give him back to us!!!!!"

"Your friend?" Pazeru asked with a rising eyebrow.

"Stop being so stupid. You know who the fuck we are talking about!" Yuuske said.

"Young man," Pazeru smiled while shaking his head. "you need a better language skill to talk to me."

"We don't give a shit who the hell you think you are, we just want our friend back!" Kuwabara said outrageously.

"Come and fight me to get him then." Pazeru smiled faintly.

"You ask for it!!!!" Yuusuke pointed his finger at Pazeru. "Rei-Gun!!!!!" A red fire ball of energy blast launched straight to Pazeru.


They were all clouded with dust.

"Ha-ha! Got him!" Yuusuke laughed.

"Don't be so sure," Kavelu warned as the cloud began to slip away. There stood Pazeru, untouched.

"What?" Setsuyo gasped.

"Spirit sword!!!!!!" Kuwabara ran forward and started to slash him.

"Careful Kuwabara! Look behind you!" Kavelu yelled...but it was too late. A blade came thrashing toward him. Just before it was going to hit Kuwabara at the chest, the blade got snatched away.

Everybody looked. It was Kurama. He used his rose whip to take away the blade and threw it to somewhere else.

"Very impressive," Pazeru walked to Kurama who didn't even flinch.

"I can see why Hiei likes you. You are a pretty boy." said Pazeru who extended a hand to touch Kurama's face.

"Hey! Get your dirty hand off Kurama right now!" Setsuyo shouted as she rushed in front of Kurama.

"Ooooo...." Pazeru looked at Setsuyo, amused by her reaction. "This must be the third person." He said with a cold laugh.

"Catch them. We've waste too much time on those unimportant beings." He then said.

Suddenly, Kuwabara and the others were surrounded by countless demons.

"Oh shit." Yuusuke swore.

"Let's kill!!!!" Kavelu shouted as he withdrew his dagger and started the mad killing game. Kuwabara kept slashing the demons with his spirit sword but only managed to wounded a few of them seriously.

Yuusuke had some trouble of his own. His rei-gun couldn't do a big damage on those monsters at all!

Setsuyo was trying to use her dagger to fight with her brother, but there were too many monsters.

"Careful Setsuyo!" Kurama came to her rescue. One hand with a rose sword, the other with a rose whip, he successfully crippled the demons.

"Net them." Pazeru commanded.

"Wahhhh~~~~~" Everybody except Kurama screamed as the ground suddenly disappeared. They all fell into a pitch darkness.

"Get them up here to watch the show too." A few demons pulled the net up, revealing.

The ground reappeared. Everybody was forced into a small cage.

"Get me out of here!" Kavelu exclaimed.

"Let us out of this fucking cage right now!!" Yuusuke yelled.

"Let me try." Kuwabara started to slam his body against the metal bar, but the cage door didn't even budge.

"I am not interested in any of you guys." Pazeru announced as he walked toward Kurama who stood there, stunned.

"This is an one on one battle. You have to fight my guards in order to leave this castle alive." Pazeru looked at the rest of the team. "But nobody has ever get away from this place."

"Let my friends go," Kurama warned as his green eyes torched by anger.

"What if I say no?" Pazeru playfully.

"Then prepare to die."

"I am afraid not, Kurama. I have a surprise for you." Pazeru said with a dark smile.

Kurama frowned. "And what might that be?"

"Well, don't you want to see your lover?" Pazeru asked.

"Hiei!" Kurama said angrily. "Where is he?"

"I am right here Kurama." A cold voice said. Kurama spun around and saw Hiei with his katana walking toward him.

"Don't Kurama! It's a trap!" Yuusuke yelled.

"Oh God Hiei! You are still alive! " Kurama ran to him and hugged him. But Hiei remained motionless.

Kurama touched his face gently. He had imagined this moment a thousand times. And now it finally came true. A single of tear slide down his face.

Hiei looked at him with no expression except his eyes lit up with blue light once in a while.

"What......" Kurama began to back away unstably.

"What's wrong? Aren't you glad to see your beloved?" Pazeru asked.

Kurama flashed him an angry look. He lifted up his rose sword and pointed at Pazeru's chin.

"What've you done to him! What have you done!!!!!!!!????" Kurama shouted out of control.

Clink! Kurama's sword flew away from his hand.

"What the...." Kuwabara murmured under his breath.

Kurama turned and saw that in a blur, Hiei had arrived by Pazeru's side with his katana unsheathed.

"What did you do that for Hiei?" Kurama asked.

"Kill him and I will kill you." Hiei answered icily.

"......what?" Kurama couldn't believe what he had just heard.

"Hiei....can't you see? He is the bad guy here!"

"From my eyes, you are no better." Hiei replied.

Pazeru laughed out loud.

"It seems to me that he isn't interested in your anymore, lover boy."

"Shut up." Kurama said.

Pazeru turned to the youkai. "Kill him."

With a spin kick, Kurama was a mile away on the floor. He didn't even have a chance to dodge.

"Kurama!" Setsuyo exclaimed.

Kurama sit up and found the katana in front of his throat.

"Hiei...." Kurama whispered painfully.

"That name belonged to a dead person long time ago." Hiei said. "Prepare to die, Kurama."

"No..I can't believe this is true....I can't."

"Hn..you better believe it." Hiei thrust his katana forward but Kurama dodged.

"No Hiei!" Kurama brokenly.

"That's not my name!" Another launch of the sword. With a flip on the ground, Kurama snatched back his rose sword from the floor, just in time to stop Hiei's katana chopping him in half. Their eyes met.

No...those are not Hiei's eyes. Kurama kept thinking to himself. But he couldn't stop the fact that this was Hiei fighting him physically.

"Kurama! What the fuck are you doing!? Fight back!" Kavelu shrieked.

"Fight back before that shrimp cut you in piece!!" Kuwabara roared.

But Kurama couldn't.

"Hiei, stop this!" Yuusuke shouted. "You can't kill your best friend!"

"I have no friends." Hiei said coldly.

"Kurama! Watch out!" Setsuyo screamed.

Kurama was tripped and fell down on the floor. He rose up his sword to defend himself as Hiei's katana smashed down on top of his. They wrestled for a while.

"Rose whip!" Kurama used the whip to tie up Hiei's arms and then he jumped away. But those whip couldn't even tie Hiei down. Hiei flew after Kurama and they began a sword match.

"Good good! Fight! my boy!" Pazeru cheered as he sat on his throne.

With a stretch of his leg, Kurama accidentally kicked Hiei on the chest, causing Hiei to fly away.

"No!" Kurama shrieked when he realized what he had done. He rushed to Hiei's side. "I am sorry Hiei, I didn't mean to do it."

"Stop explaining!" A dark shadow came crossed Hiei's face. He raised his katana and slashed Kurama on the arm and kicked him away.

Kurama looked at his wound as it started to bleed.

"Hiei." Kurama said painfully, holding his arm.

"Ready to die now?" Hiei said with a cruel smile on his lips.

"Never." Kurama hissed through his pain.

"You have to now!" Hiei threw his katana at Kurama's direction.

"Kurama!!!!!!!!" The Reikai team yelled.

With a reflexive action, Kurama used his whip to avert the katana. But it's sharp end flew backward toward Hiei's chest.

Everybody gasped. Hiei didn't even have a chance to react yet.

Yuusuke closed his eyes. We are going to lose a member of our team.

Kurama ran as fast he could to Hiei's side. He grabbed the katana's sharp edge metal just before it was going to stab into Hiei's chest.

Hiei's eyes opened wide.

On the floor beneath him was a small pool of blood - Kurama's blood.

"Why?" Hiei's voice asked, trembling.

Kurama looked at him with pain in his eyes. "Because I love you, Hiei."

For a while, Hiei couldn't speak. Hiei took the katana from Kurama and dropped it down to the floor. He took the bloody injured hand Kurama used to grab his katana. "You....you do?"

"Of course I do, Hiei."

"No he does not!" Pazeru said with dark anger. Hiei looked up to Pazeru.

"Hiei, look inside your memory. He abandoned you for another woman." "No...it's not like that Hiei..." Shaking his head Kurama's eyes filled with tears.

"He gave you his promises but he broke them with his very hands." Pazeru tried manipulating truth. Hiei looked back at him angrily.

"No..Hiei... listen to me... it's not like that." Kurama said weakly.

"It is the truth, Hiei." Pazeru said coldly. "No one has ever loves you. You have always been alone....haven't you? This Kurama is the one who betrays you. He is your enemy. Kill him, and you will soon be freed from your hatred." Pazeru gave him back his katana.

"No Hiei! Don't listen to him! He is lying!" Yuusuke shouted in rage as he rocking the cage bars.

Hiei took the katana. "Yes. I remember clearly how you left me for that brat. I was such a fool to believe in you. Now it won't be so easy." He pointed the sharp end of the sword at Kurama's throat.

"You had a chance to kill me. You are a fool to let go of your choice." Hiei looked at Kurama's eyes which were brimmed with tears.

"What's that in your eyes?" Hiei asked.

Kurama swallowed hard. "Those..... are tears."

"Why do you cry? You in pain?"


"You are a coward. That small wound is not even deep enough to hurt." Hiei said emotionlessly.

"No. I don't care about my wounds. I am in pain because my heart hurts....because I was stupid enough to let my love go threw my fingers.. because I was too dumb to realize it sooner..... and I can't fight you back because you are that person I love.

"Liar" Hiei said, pushing the sharp end a little inward toward Kurama's skin.

A drop of tear landed on the shinning metal. Closing his eyes, Kurama swallowed his sobs.

"Hiei...." Opening his eyes, Kurama began slowly. "He may have your mind......but your heart belongs to me."

"Look into your heart. What do you find?"

"Hatred for you." Hiei answered stonily.

"No Hiei. You see my love for you. Open your mind.....open your heart." Kurama closed his eyes as he concentrated hard to send their happy memories through his ki to Hiei's

"What...." Hiei began..but closed his eyes so that he received those memories.

The memories they fooling around in the woods; how they fought together as one, how they always shared the cold night together, how Hiei loved to be surrounded in Kurama's arms, how they kissed.............

"Setsuyo...." Hiei mouthed the word.

Kurama said softly. "Hiei...please forgive me. I was wrong to leave you when you needed me the most. I don't love Setsuyo Hiei. You have mistaken. I am only treating her like a sister. And that's what she is to me. I am begging for your forgiveness. The only person I love....is you. And nothing is going to change that."

"Nothing....?" Hiei looked at him...his almond red eyes had returned to almost red. Hiei's katana was still under his chin. His face remained blank.

"Don't you remember our song Hiei?" Kurama knelt on the floor as he opened his mouth began to sing: "....If I had to live a day without you near me....the days would be so empty...the nights would seem so long......" Kurama looked up to Hiei with eyes glimmering with tears. He choked out the lyric: "And with you I see forever oh so clearly
I might have been in love before......But it never felt this strong..... If the road ahead is not so easy....Our love will lead a way for us......Like a guiding star......I'll be there for you if you should need me......You don't have to change a thing........I love you just the way you are......"

Hiei slowly lowered his katana down. He began to whisper those words...... "Nothing's gonna change my love for you...You ought to know by now how much I love you........One thing you can be sure of.......I'll never ask for more than your love.....Nothing's gonna change my love for you.......You ought to know by now how much I love you.....You'll only change my whole life through........Nothing's gonna change my love for you.."

The team in the cage was weeping away by the touching scene.

"Hiei.... give me another chance to prove my love for you. Come back to me...for my heart remains the same..... come back to me...for my love remains unchanged...."

Hiei looked to those sincere emerald eyes. Clink..... a tear gem fell to the floor.

"Kurama......" Hiei whispered as his eyes were welled up with tears of his own.

"Hiei...." Kurama walked on his knees to Hiei and gently pulled him close into an embrace.

Behind Hiei, Pazeru was watching with rage.

"Kurama watch out!" Yuusuke and Kavelu both shouted out.

"Iya!!!!" A black sword appeared in Pazeru's hand. "Die!!!" He launched it forward toward Hiei's body. Kurama's eyes snapped open and saw the coming danger.

"Hiei!" Kurama yelled as he swiftly turned his back to Pazeru with Hiei still in his arms.

"Ah!" Kurama cried out as the tip of the sword came deeply into his back.

"Kurama!" Hiei and Setsuyo both screamed his name at the same time.

Hiei used his katana that was still in his hand and thrust it forward into Pazeru's heart.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh~~~~~~~~~!!!!!" Pazeru screamed with anguish. He slumped on the floor. "You....you've......hurt me......."

Hiei's katana dropped loudly onto the stone floor. He knelt down beside Kurama. "Kurama.... are you all right?" He asked softly as he lifted up his head to his lap. "I am so glad to have you back, Hiei." Kurama said breathlessly. He summoned his planet around the cage and forced the lock to open.

"Hey! We are free!!!" Kuwabara said happily as they all ran out and prepare to fight.

"I am glad to be back to." Hiei said as he touched Kurama's sweaty paled cheek.

Kurama smiled. "I...think I might have to break my promise to you...."

"Don't say that! You are going to be fine." Hiei said with hurt. "You will fulfil your promise to me...we will be spending the whole Christmas day together...." A tear dropped.

Kurama moaned as the pain increased. "There is something I have to say to you..before.....before I lose my chance again......"

"Shhh...keep your strength. Tell me after okay?"

Kurama shook his head. "Hiei, ...when you love someone, it is not because you understand that person. You love that person...... because you haven't understand that person yet. .......You will never fully understand me....and nor will I fully understand you.. ....But can't you see? This is why we love each other." Kurama paused as he looked tenderly into Hiei's teary eyes. "People change, Hiei. Nobody can fully understand anybody...I don't care if Setsuyo knows what I like to eat..or any other things. You ...... .and only you can tell how I feel......"

"And only you can tell how I feel..." Hiei replied as he lowered his forehead and touched it with Kurama's.

"Don't let others destroy this love we've built so hard at...." Kurama said.

"I will never again...." Just like that, they stayed in that position for a long time.


"Kurama?" Hiei called.

"Kurama!?" No reply.

Hiei lifted up his head and saw Kurama's eyes closed.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Hiei cried out. "Please Kurama...stay with me...... pleasssseeeeee....."

Yuusuke made a movement to run to the couple, but was stopped. Kavelu put a hand on his shoulder. Yuusuke turned to face him and saw Kavelu slowly shaking his head.

They looked for Kuwabara and found he looking at Hiei with his gripped tightened that his knuckles turned white.

"He will never wake up." Pazeru slowly stood up.

Hiei glared at him."

"My sword usually has poison on it."

Hiei unbandaged his wrap on his arm, showing the tattoo.

"What are you going to do? " Pazeru laughed evilly.

Hiei lifted his arm and closed his eyes. "Please...Black Dragon... I, Hiei summons you to come to this world and destroy this inhuman evil....Use your dark fire and put him into forever burning flame!!!!!!!!!"

With that, Hiei's arm began to have smoke coming up.

"Oh no! He is going to use the dragon!"

"But he doesn't have enough strength!" Kuwabara cried out.

"Well...we need to lend him some....don't we?" Yuusuke looked at him.

Kuwabara looked shocked for a second...then nodded determinedly.

The smoke filled up the great hall and suddenly like a sudden blast of fire, the black dragon appeared in the centre between Hiei and Pazeru.

"This dragon can destroy me? I don't think so."

"Go dragon!!!!!!!!!!" Hiei shouted as he concentrated his ki to the dragon....but soon he felt dizziness. Suddenly, behind him, some hands touched his back. He turned his head and saw Yuusuke, Kuwabara, and Kavelu....and even Setsuyo was there.

"Borrow our strength, Hiei. And take vengeance for Kurama." Yuusuke said.

Hiei nodded with gratitude.

"FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Hiei screamed as the Black dragon burst and became larger and larger as the team contribute their ki.

The dragon roared as it flew swiftly toward Pazeru.

"Go to hell!!!!!!" Hiei shouted as he saw Pazeru's face was condensed with horror.



"How do you feel Koibito?" Hiei turned to his lover beside him, his elbow supporting his head..

"Hmm..? Cold." Kurama's lips curved into a faint smile.

"How about this?" Hiei snuggled to him, leaning his hot bare skin to Kurama's.

"That's much better." Kurama looked down and there was happiness glimmering in his eyes.

It had been two days after the nightmare. It turned out that the poison didn't really affect Kurama's system because he was a youko. After Yukina's healing power, Kurama was recovering with shocking speed.

And the best of all, he had kept his promise to Hiei.

"Hiei...." Kurama said mildly.

"What fox?" Hiei replied before his lips was sealed by hot lips from Kurama.

Hiei gently pushed him away.

"No fox. Don't kiss me like that."

Kurama's face turned innocent. "Why not?"

Hiei swallowed. "Because..because I can't control myself."

Kurama smiled, his emerald eyes had come back to life as before.

"Then don't. I like to see you lose control." Kurama said sexily.

"Stupid fox. Your wound is not even healed yet." But Hiei was already on top of Kurama, looking at him with tender red eyes.

"Be gently with me then..."

They locked into a passionate kiss.

A Crack In Love

A crack within love

Happens when there is a doubt.

For if there is not enough trust,

Love will begin to rust.

The only way to win,

Is to break the haunted spell within.

Thus the crack will seal and meet,

And the love will lastly be free.

---------------------------------The End -----------------------------

The story A Crack In Love and the poem A Crack In Love are both by Gini H. L Graciela. Copyright © 1999

"He might have your mind, but your heart belongs to me" is a phrase from Sailor Moon.

The song, "Nothing is gonna change my love for you" is by Medeiros Glenn.

All main characters are from Yu Yu Hakusho.

Write me at [email protected] if you have any comments. ^_^


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