Questions & Answers


1) How old are you?

Herofox: I'm 17. I turn 18 in January 16th next year.


2) What inspiered you to write this series?

Watching Digimon series 2 and then playing a Dreamcast game called "Tech romancer"


3) Why did you make Tails the hero?

Cause I didn't like the way he was shown in SatAM. So I decided to try making him more like Davis from digimon.


4) Why did you make Sally the first villan?

Cause in my opinion she got waaaaaaay too much atention in SatAM, and the Archie comics. I wanted to do a bit of Sally bashing so I made her the bad guy. Eventually I started to not mind her as much so I restored the Princess to her former glory.  


5) Who is Hellfox?

Hellfox was the guy who helped design the site. He's taught me some HTML coding so now I can make updates all by myself.



6) Where do you get such good ideas for stories?

Insparation can come from anything. Watching TV, playing a game, or reading a comic.


7) What's the deal with the exchanges page?

I once did an exchange with Angel Cabbit and I wanted to post the picture she did for me. So that page is now for pictures people did as exchanges with me.


8) Can I do an exchange with you?

^o^ Sure! I need the practise! Just send me a POLITE email asking me if I'd like to do the exchange. Also state what you'd like me to draw and I'll mail you back stating what I'd like to be drawn in exchange.


9) How did you come up with the name "Hero Fox"?

Hellfox suggested a play on the names "Heero" from Gundam Wing and "Fox". I liked that name so it stuck with me.


10) Do you have a girlfreind?

WHAT THE...?!?!?! No. Heh heh...^_^;;;


If you have anymore questions, please let me know.






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