This is a documentation/walkthrough/review file for the "Viper V16" H anime game. It's originally available in Japanese from Sogna, but Hobibox now has a Japanese/English/Italian/Spanish/German version! I'm hoping that if they sell enough copies to the non-Japanese-reading adult gamers, they'll be encouraged to make more products in English. Li Sun said for "Imagine": Our guy is computer student in a college. He knows 3 girls there, a singer, actress and voice actress. Can he go from being friends to lovers? The beginning of this game look very much like a normal dating game, but ah well, nope, it is still a viper series game. And for "Rise": Three waitress got kidnapped by some underground people to be used as breeders. Can they escape? This viper game actually has a normal ending with no H scene on the way, wow. Li Sun provides two saved game files, but like Viper M1 it seems they are for the Japanese version. Just use what I have below for the Hobibox European version if you bought that one. The game comes as two CDs for Windows 95/98, in a very nice storage box with text in English, Italian, Spanish and German. The system requirements and the one line of instructions on how to play are on the back of the case. Inside is a double-sided small (about 7.5" by 10") poster of the 3 girls in "Rise". One CD is for the "Rise" story, the other is for the "Imagine" story. You can play either one in any order. You have the choice of playing the game direct from the CD with music provided by MIDI, or installing it on your hard drive with music provided by CD audio tracks. That's the "Play/Install" option you get before playing either story. You can select any language, and switch between them during play. But voice is always in Japanese. No special text display software is needed to display the text, in Japanese or any of the other languages. Personally, I couldn't get the CD audio to work or even spin up the CD when I installed either "Rise" or "Imagine", so I uninstalled and played from the CD for both stories. The installer program also says it will need about 80MB on your hard drive, but really needs much less. The CD audio tracks can be accessed by a standard CD player. Track 1 is the computer data, but it's apparently set to extremely low volume so it won't damage your stereo (or else my car's CD player is really smart). The last track on Disk 1 (Rise) is possibly an omake, because it appears to be a story involving two girls, one sounds very young and calls the other oni-sama a lot, a male voice, and a lot of sound effects. If somebody who understands spoken Japanese lets me know what this is, I'll pass it on to everyone else. Hardware requirements are on the game case; any PC bought new in the last 4 years should be able to handle it. I couldn't find any keys to speed up text display (i.e. turbo mode). Right clicking and pressing the space bar sometimes works, but often you have to wait through animations of girls talking. The main selling point of the Viper series is the animation used throughout the game. Japanese voice is also used for all characters except the main one (the big-busted redhead martial artist Akira in "Rise", cherry-popping game programmer Io in "Imagine"). If you don't catch what somebody said the first time, or want to see the animation again, there is a handy "Repeat" option on the menu, but it may reset your progress back several screens. While you can save a game at any time, when you load it back you may be set back several screens. There are 2 stories in the game, "Rise" and "Imagine." They each play like the usual H adventures, with choices like "Look" or "Think", but with a lot more animation to the graphics than most. I have no idea what the titles have to do with the stories. In case you can't figure it out from the package art, "Rise" is Disk 1 with Akira's cleavage in the spotlight. "Imagine" is Disk 2, with another 3 girls featured. One immediate problem with the product is that there is no documentation provided beyond "To run the game just wait for the selfboot screen or click on V16.exe." That's why this text file is longer than usual for an English product. The "Registry" option on the Save menu will create or update a Windows Registry file containing the game's saved values, including the saved games and replay flags. One special option that rarely occurs during play is when the cursor in the lower right corner changes to a "swirling" mouse. At those times, you can right click and drag the image to see more, either left/right or up/down. These usually happen during H scenes. You can't advance to the next screen until you return the image to where it started. When you have finished one of the stories, you will see a "REPLAY" option under "START". Choose REPLAY to get one or more vertical blocks of images to remind you who this ending is with. Click on one (look for white highlight) to start going through the game again with a few differences: you have no choices, right click exits the replay. I did "Rise" (Disk 1) first below, but there's no order to or linkage between the stories. A walkthrough of some kind will avoid the trial-and-error sometimes leading to "Game Over" that can consume hours. I'm skipping any unimportant stuff until you get to important choices. RISE: The Replay screen shows "block/blur censorship" versions of the endings you haven't seen yet. But if you haven't seen any endings yet, the Replay option won't even appear under the Start one. To win the combat against the green monster, one guaranteed sequence is: continued chop, continued chop, continued kick. A loser is: normal kick, normal chop, normal punch, normal kick, normal punch. To win the combat against the blue monster, one guaranteed sequence is: continued kick, continued punch. A loser is: normal punch, normal kick, normal chop, normal punch. To win the combat against the white-haired man in black, one guaranteed sequence is: continued kick, continued punch, continued chop, continued kick. A loser is: normal punch, normal chop, normal kick, normal punch. "Rise" Endings: (as shown on Replay screen from left to right, top to bottom) 1: "Anyway, to run away" -> Akira paralyzed and covered in sperm, bad end. 2 through 8: choose "To observe the situation" instead, then 2: right, (lose combat) -> Akira doggy style, bad end 3: left, left, (lose combat) -> Akira clothes torn off, bad end 4: left, left/right, (win combat), (lose combat) -> Akira is sex slave 5: left, right, (win combat), (win combat) -> all raped & brainwashed 6: left, left, (win combat), (win combat) -> Saki raped but stays with man in black, then visits with kid 7: right, (win combat), right, (win combat), (lose combat) -> Karin stays, other 2 escape 8: right, (win combat), left, (win combat), (win combat) -> Saki stays with man in black, then visits with kid As Li Sun said above, one of these actually has no H graphics at all! IMAGINE: The Replay screen shows nothing for the endings you haven't seen yet. But if you haven't seen any endings yet, the Replay option won't even appear under the Start one. There are several significant choices during play. Most important is if you are serious or playing in your first two classes. These put you on tracks towards the various endings. Most of them will get you a replay, #6 is one without a girlfriend, but it's possible to have no sex at all - no replay for that. Notice who shows up at lunch after your first two classes. First will always be Nami, second will be either Takako or Haruka. If it was Takako, she will show up later and you'll get the Assault/Don't assault choice. If it was Haruka, you'll get the Don't answer/Answer the telephone choice; "don't answer" will get you a no-sex ending with no replay. You get that same ending if you go to school after answering the phone. "Imagine" Endings: (as shown on Replay screen from left to right) 1 through 3: Serious, Playing -or- Playing, Serious then 1. Answer, Don't go, Go -> sex with Haruka & girlfriend 2. Answer, Don't go, Don't go, I need Haruka -> Haruka twice & girlfriend, sex with Takako only implied 3. Answer, Don't go, Don't go, I need Takako -> sex with Haruka once, Takako sex & girlfriend 4. Playing, Playing, Assault -> sex with Takako & girlfriend 5. Serious, Serious, Don't assault -> sex with Nami, Takako visits, Nami girlfriend 6. Serious, Serious, Assault -> sex with Takako, no girlfriend Replay Flags Patch: You can copy the following Registry file and Merge it to set up the proper replay flags for both stories. It won't include any saved games, because those would be another 28KB of text. So each story will think you have 10 saved games after running this patch. What you care about is that all the endings/replays are shown. Copy all the text between the dashed lines into the file V16_REPLAY.REG, save and close it, then double-click on it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SOGNA\V16_US\RISE] "Language"=dword:0001 "SystemFlag"=dword:c03ff "MasterVolume"=dword:ffff "MusicVolume"=dword:ffff "VoiceVolume"=dword:ffff "SaveSystem"=hex:02,00,01,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\ 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,ff,00,01,00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SOGNA\V16_US\IMAGINE] "Language"=dword:0001 "SystemFlag"=dword:a03ff "MasterVolume"=dword:ffff "MusicVolume"=dword:ffff "VoiceVolume"=dword:bfff "SaveSystem"=hex:00,00,01,00,00,00,01,00,02,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\ 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,3f,00,01,00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SystemFlag should have bits set for each saved game. Therefore, making SystemFlag=c000 or =a000 should turn off all 10 saved games. I kept them on for you out there, so I didn't cut off access to your existing saved games. If this bothers you, change the last 10 bits of SystemFlag so it reflects which saved games you actually saved so far; if you don't understand binary, just live with 10 saves shown. As these stories are rather short, and I think I figured out all the endings, I don't think there's any more work to be done on this game. It looks like there isn't any photoshop for these stories, just the replays. If you know different, let me know! Pete's Review: Good graphics, I guess good Japanese voice too. Some mosaic and "bright light from the crotch" censorship, which I guess is unavoidable without completely redoing the Japanese graphics. The English translation needs some more work, but I can't read the other languages well enough to comment on them. I wonder why no French? As before, I strongly suggest companies use native speakers as proofreaders, please! I volunteer for English... You can usually figure out the intent, but there are lots of "your bases are belong to us"-type of phrases. While the poster is a nice omake, some documentation would have been better! "Imagine" consistently translates "ecchi" as "pig", where "pervert" might have been better. I also was puzzled for a while by all the girls talking about "resisting" during sex, until I found one mention of resisting pain. No wonder Takako swore off further sex in one bad ending. Aside from jumping back to saved games to look for more endings, there is no replay value, so you may have these discs in your computer only once for a few hours - unless you want to look at the animations again some lonely night... The 2 stories are also rather short, and there would have been a lot of room left over on the CDs for more story if they'd skipped the CD music. But I guess that's the way Sogna does things, and they've apparently done pretty well in Japan so far. I hope that Hobibox or Sogna releases more of the Viper series in English! Please, everyone support them by buying the official release rather than sharing pirate copies! If you have anything to add to this file, let me know. Peter Karsanow - bishoujo.helper[AT}sbcglobal{DOT)net