Philip V
= Filipe V
Born: 1683
Louis, Le Grand Dauphin, son of Louis XIV
Maria Anna of Bavaria
King: 1700-1746
Age: 17
Wives: 1.
Maria Luisa of Savoy (1701)
Elisabetha Farnese (1714)
Louis I, Felipe Luis (1709), Felipe Pedro Gabriel (1712-1719),
Ferdinand VI (1)
Charles III, Francisco (1717), Filipe (1720-1765), Duke of Parma,
              Luis Antonio Jaime (1727-1785), Maria Ana Vitoria (1718-1781),
              Maria Teresa Antonietta Rafaela (1726-1746),
              Maria Antonieta Fernanda (1729-1785) (2)
Died: 1746
Age: 63
At only sixteen he was already the Duc d'Anjou and, after his brother, in line for the French throne; but the death of King Carlos II of Spain changed all this. The news of his death arrived in France on the 9th of November 1700 and Louis XIV ordered court morning for his brother-in-law. However, on 16 November, Louis XIV received the Spanish ambassador and introduced him to the Duc d'Anjou with the words: "This, sir, is the Duke of Anjou, whom you may salute as your 
king." The ambassador then sank to his knees and the war of the Spanish Succession had begun. 
Philippe left France in January 1701, never to return. Archduke Charles claimed the Spanish throne and the British took Gibraltar. This war dragged on for some fourteen years until after the treaty of Utrecht, signed on 11 April 1713, when Philippe was finally recognised as King Felipe V of Spain. 
Felipe V was a reasonably attractive young man and, like many Bourbons, highly sexed. However, his religious scruples allowed him satisfaction only within marriage. In November 1701 he married Princess Maria Luisa Gabriela of Savoy and they became the parents of four sons. She was astute politically and a great asset to her husband. However, she wore herself out in his cause, both politically 
and sexually, and died, aged only twenty-five, in February 1714. Immediately a search was made for a new queen. The Duke of Parma's representative, Alberoni, together with the Princesse des Ursins, suggested the Duke's niece, Elisabeth Farnese. The proxy wedding took place on 16 September 1714 and they were married in person on 24 December 1714. 
Even though Elisabeth Farnese was marked with smallpox, she was considered good-looking, was an accomplished horsewoman and passionatly fond of music. On arrival Elisabeth was abused by the Princesse des Ursins who both disliked her appearance and accused her of being late. Elisabeth, quiet at first, called to Alberoni: "Count Alberoni, take away this mad woman who dares to insult me!" The Princesse des Ursins was then arrested and sent into exile. Elisabeth, a masterful woman in every way, subsequently attained an ascendancy over her husband which she would maintain for the rest of his life. Still nursing his hopes for the French throne, in 1724 Felipe V abdicated in favour of his eldest son, Luis I. However, after seven months Luis I died of smallpox and Felipe V returned to the Spanish throne. Towards the end of his life he wore old clothes and lapsed  into premature senility, although he was only in his early sixties. He died in July 1746 of apoplexy.
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