vaclav havel - freedom also means open criticism

political dissident : vaclav havel.

he is a famous political dissident, politician and author from czechoslovakia.

he was co-signer of CHARTA 77. where the czechoslovakian opposition protested over the conditions in the country.

in 1989 he was elected president in czechoslovakia. after sovjiet has gone over to democraty. by the support of gorbatjov and jeltsin.

books about him :

politic and conscience
the power of the powerless
the demonia of power
the letters to olga (breve til sin kone under f�ngselsophold)
the art of the impossibel
angst vor der freiheit
fors�g p� at leve i sandhed
historierne og det totalit�re
freedom and power
man is the goal of all structures

articels about him : (atiklerne kan l�nes p� biblioteket) :

freedom also means open criticism
the world deserves a better future
europes conscience
til forsvar for hjemstavnen
europes hope
havels song of courage
man is given his rights
we cannot fool history
a centurys witness about the power of the spoken word
en forunderlig epoke
he listen to the conscience
decades chance for peace and democraty
poet and president
about kafka
saint vaclav cannot be touched
fra dissident til president
the new president of the peace
when man is dehumanized
my prison, my country

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