the american torture-scandals - USA and torture

the american torture-scandals.

. in guantalnamo and Iraq it has turned out that the americans executed torture.

what already has emerged is horrible and concerns systematic torture and murder.

besides that, the american investagation-commision of the torture-scandals has been denied to see 2000 pages of the report, who might be even worse.

while clinton respected human rights, bush seems to have begun to sweep the floor with human rights.

some few scapegoats have been revealed, but the case has a much bigger extent, and go a lot deeper. in reality it is a new watergate. and bush should really have resigned after the torture-scandals have emerged. rumsfeldt, who has sanctioned certain torture-forms, as the least, should have been removed.

it turns out, that up to 90 % of the arrested iraqians are innoncent. just the same, they are tortured, until they sometimes confess crimes, they have not committed, to make the torture stop.

one likes to critisize torture that happens in china and the sovjiet. but when torture turns up on EU and USAs own doorstep, then one do not wish to talk about it.

articels about torture (in danish) :

Kun menige straffes for tortur
Laegernes usunde tavshed i Abu Ghraib og på Guantánamo
soldiers torture
Guantanamo er blevet et symbol på retsloeshed
Utroligt at 22 procent af danskerne vil forsvare tortur
Rumsfeld godkendte brugen af tortur
Tortur med laegernes assistance

Stemmer fra Abu Ghraib - 13 fangers vidneudsagn fra Abu Ghraib-faengslet i Irak fortaeller om de overgreb hele verden har set billeder af

to see others beeing tortured - by Susan Sontag
Nye vidneudsagn om fangemishandling
Torturboedlernes billeder vil aendre historiens gang
USA's afghanske Gulag

USA's afghanske Gulag - USAs problemer med at overholde Geneve-konventionen

USA's regering havde ikke fuldmagt til at anvende forbudte forhoersteknikker

På spejderaere - hommel anklaget for tortur
Hommel tiltalt for fangeovergreb

This lawless world : Guantanamo and other stories
Guantánamo : America's war on human rights

Fange sat uden for lands lov og ret - den danske guantanamofange

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justice denied at Guantanamo Bay
war without rules
the small fishes in the small cages - guantanamo-prisoners
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Haard kritik af USA's fangelejr


Forside - - - oversigt - - - DANMARK-siden - - - Henrik Stampe Jensen

EU-modstand - oversigt - - menneskerettigheder - oversigt - - - ny kriminel teknik

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