Chechnya - tjetjenia, russia and a cry for freedom

Chechnya - tjetjenia, russia and a cry for freedom

when tjetjenia wished to be independant, russia negotiated with them. but the negotiations did not get anywhere.

and after some time russia began using military methods against the tjetjenians. when the tjetjenians would not obey. russia nearly ended up with, destroying tjetjenia totally with their tancs.

the tjetjenians have not though given up hope, for a negotiation-solution. the democratics wing, among others a leed by sakajev, have more than once suggested, to start the negotiations again.

as always it is unacceptable, when surpressed people, start using militant methods. but one can understand, that the tjetjenians get desperate, when they see their land destroyed.

but russia insists on using raw power against tjetjenians. with the result that the elected leaders becomes marionets for russia. without any background in the tjetjenian people. and every possibility for a genuine democratic solution is gone.

putin should both be supported and critized. crititzed for his behavoir in chechnya, and because he is taken over too much power from the parlament and reigning the country all by himself. and supported so the russians keep their new democraty, and do not return back to a one-party-ystem again. with the risk of starting a new cold war.

in a democraty the old communists will lead an ordenary democratic party, similiar to the dansih social-democrates. that was the intention, with the downcomming of the berlin wall (gorbatjov and jeltsin achievment). that the communists ought to be resepected for. if they are not supported in doing that, one riscs, that a maneuver will happen, where the old communist one-party-system is introduces again.

artikler om tjetjenien :

a cry for freedom - Et raab om frihed
a leader loved by the people was murdered - En folkekaer leder blev myrdet
small positiv developments for tjetjeniens
the soldiers bragg about torture-videos : i Rusland viser soldater gerne hjemmevideoer, hvor de piner tjetjenere
are the tjetjeniens human rights now - stonedead -
tjetjenia elects a new president, but moscow decides whom
the forgotten genocide on the tjetjeniens

Paa 10. aar fortsaetter raedslerne i Tjetjenien med bortfoerelser, massehenrettelser og oedelaeggelser. Ruslands praesident bedyrer at situationen er under kontrol, og at de resterende problemer skyldes terrorisme, som hele verden jo staar samlet om at bekaempe

everybody looses in tjetjenia
Tjetjenia - a Palaestin without a plan for peace
silence is also a weapon - why the tjetjeniens are allowed to die, alone in complete silence?

Forside - - - oversigt - - - DANMARK-siden - - - Henrik Stampe Jensen

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