the tjernobyl-disaster - nuclear disasters

the tjernobyl-disaster - nuclear disasters.

on the 26 th of april 1986 the biggest nuclear-disaster in the world in tjernobyl, happend. one first reported, that nothing had happend.

but one measured such an increase in the radioactivness in both denmark and sweden . that the russians had to admit, they had had a big accident on the nuclear plant tjernobyl.

the first news reported only two deaths, but later one had to admit that 32 had died. over 40.000 later got cancer from the readioactivity. and a larged area was cleared of all people, because the radioactivity there was too large.

after 16 years the people still struggle with the repercussions of the disaster. and millions of people still have to be supported after the disaster.

the movie - chinasyndrom - is about another disaster, that was nearly happening on the three mile island - nuclear plant in USA. but a disaster i prevented in the last moment. also the movie - silkwood - is about problems on a nuclear power plant.

nuclear plants are too riscy an energy-source. we have banned them in denmark. and one consider closing the plants down, both in sweden and germany. we must work for that nuclear plants are totally banned from europe and the rest of the world. before new inevitable nuclear-disasters happens.

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