becoming a political dissident in EU

valby den 28/11 2001

to amnesty international

I am declaring myself a political dissident in EU.
I have been pressured considarabel the last few days.
and feel no longer a can continue to be an ordenary
critic of EU even though I live in a democraty Denmark.

you can find some of my critic on my homesite >br>

below is some comments about the situastion.

I would like you to confirm that you have recieved
my letter.

I am sending it as well to london as Denmark.

yours sincerly

henrik stampe jensen
landlystvej 24 b 1 th
2500 valby
[email protected]

considarations about being a dissident in EU.

four comments on being a dissident in EU :

1. torture in the future maybe also in EU.
2. gulag and EU.
3. sexuality and dissidens.
4. civil disobedience.
5. miscarridged of justice and EU.

1. torture in the future maybe also in EU.

torture in the future will not be so clumsy,
as is know from dictatorships all around in
the world.

in the industrial democraties one is not so clumsy,
as to give people blue marks or kill them.

there one will inflict pain, by superior technic,
where one pull a cyberworld down over the persons
head and body. and simply inflict pain untill the
person changes his mind, or forget what he ment.

it is nice and clean, and nothing can be seen or
proven about it. and they will simply explain they
were trying to help you.

yours sincerly

henrik stampe jensen
landlyst vej 24 b, 1 th
2500 valby

2 . gulag and EU.

when sovjetunionen existed, EU criticised
it a lot, for sending its systemcritics to gulag.
and that systemcritics was locked op on a
mental hospital under sovjet, because they
thougth different.

EU will have to watch out for, that it dont
make the same mistake, in this area as sovjet.
I dont know if things like that, already has
happened in EU, but we are on our way to
a surveilence-Europe, and what follows
from that.

with the technical development we have in
progress, it will probably not be a real
mental hospital, the different-thinkink
will be locked up in. but a gulag in a cyber-
spaceworld, where you cant prove anything
of what happens, you cant defend yourself
against the cyberworld, which is pulled down
over your head, and you cant procecute the
responsible authority.

yours sincerly

henrik stampe jensen
landlystvej 24 b 1 th
2500 valby

3. sexuality and systemcritic.(dissidens).

in a dictatorship is it obviusly more
secure not to have a sexuality, if
you exercise critic of the society.
it makes it easier for the people in power
to get to you, if you have a sexuality.
but I would not do without it. and I
will take the risk of getting problems
any time.

the people in power will obviusly try to
isolate you, and deprive you of any social
contact. even in a democraty they often
put critics in a bad position, and try to
remove them from sexuality.

on the other hand, if you really have your
back against the wall, and really feel your
under pressure all the time. then nothing
helps better than sexual contact, nearness
and social accept.

it is a sad development in the industrial
democratis in EU, that the authorities and
others have gotten use to do the same to
critics, as in dictatorships. namely deprive
critics of their sexuality and social accept,
if they can get away with it. and speculate
in shutting them up in this way. it is amba-
ressing for democraty that they stupe to things
like that.

yours sincerly

henrik stampe jensen
landlystvej 24 b 1 th
2500 valby

4. civil disobedience.

civil obedience is a very important
principel, who takes over when
democraty no longer is sufficient.

it is a fact, that most good laws, we
have, has come from civil disobedience
- people who have protested over, how
the society works.

one case in Denmark is hidding fugitives,
which is a very good example. those people,
who is behind things like that, deserves every
respect, for there work.

it is example like that, that lifts our democraty
to a higher level, and gives us respect in the
foreign countries, as a leading nation on
democratic rights.

another example are those systemcritics(dissidents),
who lives around the world. if EU dont watch out,
and keep up the democratic level, they risk
that they get their own systemcritics.

yours sincerly

henrik stampe jensen
landlystvej 24 b 1 th
2500 valby
email : [email protected]

5. miscarriage of justice and EU.

in USA a number of coloured people has been
executed on rather questionable bacis. and
new york police has been revealed in doing
a number of gross illegalnes, that has caused
innocent people to be convicted.

you can ask yourself, if similar injustices not
have been comitted behind the facade of EU.
we must all the time be on guard for that kind
of developments in EU s countries.

in sweden there has been a case about osmo vallo,
who maybe got beaten to death by the police. and
in Denmark there has been problems om station 1
and in herning. people have died in an unexplainebel
way. and ther have been numbers of complains about
the police, where word stands against word, and noone
can prove anything.

to defend the constitutional state against decay, one
could introduce internal investigation-department to
remove bad policeofficers from the police. in some
countries that has caused the number of complaints
over the police to fall drasticaly.

another thing one could do, is to give better conditions
to the judging power of the country. one could sometimes
get the impression, that their working-conditions were
not so good. which has the consequence that the basics
of their judgments were not so good.

miscarriage of justice cannot be totally avoided, neither
in EU. it is difficult to avoid it totally.
it is a good thing, that we do not have capital punishment
in EU, so we can correct any mistakes, if we have judged
unfairly or wrong.

yours sincerly

henrik stampe jensen
landlystvej 24 b, 1 th
2500 valby

I am a member of amnesty international.
if you are interested you can look at my homesite
email : [email protected]

systemkritiker og EU-modstander henrik stampe jnesen

Forside - - - oversigt - - - DANMARK-siden - - - Henrik Stampe Jensen

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