noam chomsky - worldknown political dissident

noam chomsky - political dissident

the book : manufacturing consent

political dissident : noam chomsky.

he is a professor in linquistics, and a wotldknown political dissident. his analyzies of the worldsituation is sharp, and gives a better understanding of what happens in the world.

he has been an activ and productiv - one man army - , and a leading critic og USAs imperialistic policy.

he has been called the american peoples consciousness, and the thorough Arts and Humanities Citation Index has registrated Noam Chomsky as the most quoted living intellectual.

his doublerole as professor and political provocateur has given Noam Chomsky the status as a heavyweight in critic of the world situation.

books and articels about him :

manufacturing consent : the political economy of massmedia
propaganda and the public mind
slyngelstaten USA (artikel)
the architecture of language
behind the propaganda : USA/NATOs angreb paa jugoslavien (artikel)
the essential chomsky : essays on freedom and democraty
democraty for sale (artikel)
narkoalliancen USA-columbia
the brainwashed west(artikel)
who has ever heard of east-timor (artikel)
chronicels of dissident
the fifth freedom : the freedom to exploit
necessary illousions
mind-control in the USA (artikel)
modern history is disorted : exsample vietnam
noam chomsky - a political biography
you cannot murder history (artikel)
the silent servant of the power
about language
knowledge and freedom

articels about him :

the iraqwars hollow pretence
en mur som vaaben, israel i modvind i haag
bush threatens worldpeace
USA is a terroriststat
slyngelstaten USA
profit over man
behind the propaganda
democraty for sale
freedom to be a human being
the brainwashed west
who have ever heard of east-timor
it is not about security
massmedia in USA - freedom of speech not freedom of the thought
mindcontrol in USA
the forgery of history has begun
the power behind watergate
about interpretating and changing the world
chomskys protest

selected lectures and articels :

Chomsky has written and lectured widely on linguistics, philosophy, intellectual history, contemporary issues, international affairs and U.S. foreign policy. His works include: Aspects of the Theory of Syntax; Cartesian Linguistics; Sound Pattern of English (with Morris Halle); Language and Mind; American Power and the New Mandarins; At War with Asia; For Reasons of State; Peace in the Middle East?; The Political Economy of Human Rights, Vol. I and II (with E.S. Herman); Rules and Representations; Lectures on Government and Binding; Towards a New Cold War; Radical Priorities; Fateful Triangle; Turning the Tide; Pirates and Emperors; On Power and Ideology; The Culture of Terrorism; Manufacturing Consent (with E.S. Herman); Necessary Illusions; Deterring Democracy; Year 501; Rethinking Camelot: JFK, the Vietnam War and US Political Culture; Letters from Lexington; World Orders, Old and New; The Minimalist Program; Powers and Prospects; The Common Good; Profit Over People; The New Military Humanism; Rogue States; A New Generation Draws the Line; 9-11; and Understanding Power.

noam chomsky - wikipedia leksikon

noam chomsky - tidsskrift - oversigt

noam chomsky - list of articles

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