nixon watergate and EU - all the presidents men - fogh rasmussen

nixon watergate and EU.

nixon was afraid that he would not win the next election. therefor he tried to control everything and everybody around him. that development got so much out of hand, that he exaggerated, and tried to brake into the democrates office. he tried to silence everybody , that ment something else than him. so the opposition would remain silence.

two serious journalists revealed this break-in, and so the roof came down on nixon. he had to resign as president. and got convicted for his crimes against the democraty and the opposition.

he paid for his scrupelessness and justice prevailed. the law showed its strength, againt semi-fascisr tendencies in the democraty.

unfortunately there also is a semifascist tendencies in EU. the increasing rightwing turn, is about to pertake the same character. and there are a number of indicators, that we might expect a new - pest over europe - as in hartvig frisch book from 1933.

our own danish primeminister fogh rasmussen should be aware, that he risk to get a similar watergate-lawsuit on his hands. he has already started polishing his boots.

ther has been made a film about watergate, called - all the presidents men -, who has gotten several oscars. it is about two journalists, who track down the break-in, and decide to investegate, who was really behind it. they felt threatened on their life. and both the police, CIA and FBI tried to cover up for nixon. but at last the journalists had the final proof, and nixon had to resign.

if the danish government do not clean up their act. they will haft to resign too. and will be brought to trial. like schlutter had to resign in the tamil-case in 1992.

Forside - - - oversigt - - - DANMARK-siden - - - Henrik Stampe Jensen

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