gorbatjov, jeltsin and the downcoming of the berlin wall

gorbatjov, jeltsin and the downcoming of the berlin wall.

gorbatjov and jeltsin deserves the credit for, that the soviet union close down itself. and form a number of democratic countries.

when gorbatjov came to power in 1985. he started a road to democraty by glasnost and perestroika.

a countercoup was tried against gorbatjov, to stop the democratic development. but jeltsin had influence in the russian army. he attac with militairy tancs, and stop the countercoup

in november 1989 the berlin-wall came down, between eastgermany and westgermany. and a democrtic process was started in all th eastern-countries, the soviet union had concisted off.

now ten years after, the west unfortunately cannot get it right-wing enough. forgotten is the respect from 1989, for the leftwing and the communist-party.

now-days one attacs the communists, instead of respecting them, as a legal political party. and gorbatjov and jeltsin must feel ridiculous, because the western capitalistic countries, are trying to take over everything. without any respect for the left wing of the political scene. the social-democratic party is disappearing from the scene, and is beginning to look more and more like the conservative party. which gives the voting member no real choice anymore, when they vote.

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