more political dissidents

Miguel Ángel Asturias - book - the green pope

leksikon - in danish - asturias

nobelprize - asturias

arbejderen - om asturias

book - Tales Based on Mayan Myths and Guatemalan Legends

Hombres de maiz first published in Buenos Aires, 1949, first published in English in 1975 as Men of Maize, is one of the most important novels published in Latin America. It describes the difficulties faced by indigenous peoples to maintain their culture in the face of overwhelming change and discrimination.

El Senor Presidente first published in Mexico City, 1946, first published in English in 1963 as The President, this novel is a grim indictment of the political corruption and despotism that characterized Guatemala's government during the 1930's and 1940's.

Viento fuerte (1950), el Papa verde (1954) and Los oyos de los enterrados (1960), in English translation known as Strong Wind or The Cyclone, The Green Pope, and The Eyes of the Interred, or all three together as the "banana trilogy," is Asturias' denunciation of U.S. imperialism and economic exploitation. The role of the United States government in the political fortunes of Guatemala has been a constant theme in much of the literature of Guatemala.

Gao Xingjian - chinese political dissident

lexicon - wikipedia - gao xingjian

book - One Man's Bible by Gao Xingjian

book - soul mountain by Gao Xingjian

about - one mans bible - :
In a Hong Kong hotel room in 1996, Gao Xingjian's lover, Marguerite, stirs up his memories of childhood and early adult life under the shadow of Mao Zedong and the Cultural Revolution. Gao has been living in self-imposed exile in France and has traveled to this Western-influenced Chinese city-state, so close to his homeland, for the staging of one of his plays.

What follows is a fictionalized account of Gao Xingjian's life under the Communist regime. Whether in "beehive" offices in Beijing or in isolated rural towns, daily life is riddled with paranoia and fear, as revolutionaries, counterrevolutionaries, reactionaries, counterreactionaries, and government propaganda turn citizens against one another. It is a place where a single sentence spoken ten years earlier can make one an enemy of the state. Gao evokes the spiritual torture of political and intellectual repression in graphic detail, including the heartbreaking betrayals he suffers in his relationships with women and men alike.

Wangari Maathai - african green belt network

lexicon - wikipedia - wangari maathai

debat - Kenyan Environmentalist and Women's Rights Advocate

Wangari Maathai, world-renowned environmentalist and advocate for women's rights, will discuss how her Green Belt Movement in Kenya has evolved into an international human rights campaign.

On World Environment Day in 1977, Wangari Maathai began urging Kenya's farmers (70 percent of whom are women) to plant "greenbelts" of trees, which would stop soil erosion, provide shade, and create a source of lumber and firewood. It was the culmination of numerous public forums, which identified environmental degradation as a pressing concern. Firewood was in short supply, as were fruits to cure malnutrition in children. Pesticides and herbicides used to grow cash crops were polluting the water.

In addition to the Green Belt Movement's program to distribute seedlings to rural women, an incentive system was set up for each seedling that survived. As a result, more than 50,000 small-scale farmers and households have planted over 15 million trees, new income has been produced for 80,000 people in Kenya alone, and the initiative has expanded to over 30 African countries, the U.S., and Haiti. The movement has also made it possible for more than one million Kenyan children to plant trees on school grounds.

Shirin Ebadi - iran political dissident

lexicon - wikipedia - Shirin Ebadi

article - human right watch

Shirin Ebadi has consistently used the law to fight for women, children, and victims of government repression. The 2003 Nobel Peace Prize winner has led efforts to change Iran’s discriminatory laws against women, to provide more protection for street children, and to free those detained for expressing their opposition to the government. She has continued her advocacy despite detention, suspension from legal practice, and repeated threats to her security.

Her work rests on the belief that international human rights standards need not contradict the principles of an Islamic society. While Iran’s political environment is often portrayed as a battle between reformists and conservatives, Ms. Ebadi has chosen to stay out of the political fray, always arguing that the struggle for basic human rights should not depend on who controls parliament or the security forces.

Kim Dae-jung - south korea political dissident

lexicon - wikipedia - Kim Dae-jung


Kim Dae Jung var oppositionsleder og systemkritiker under Park-styret og tilbragte af den grund flere år i husarrest. Efter Parks død i 1979 kom en ny militærregering til magten. Regeringen fængslede straks Dae Jung og dømte ham til døden - en dom, som senere blev ændret til livstid efter internationalt pres fra blandt andre Amnesty, og i 1982 blev han løsladt. Dae Jung forlod landet og levede i eksil i to år, før han atter vendte hjem til sit fædreland. I 1997 blev han valgt som Sydkoreas præsident, og i 2000 modtog han Nobels fredspris for sit arbejde for fred og demokrati.

Sydkoreas præsident, Kim Dae Jung, har sat hele sin prestige ind på den såkaldte Solskinspolitik, der i første række drejer sig om en forsoning med Nordkorea og siden sigter mod en genforening af de to lande på Den Koreanske Halvø.

TALE - 11-12-2001 :
- Jeg har hele tiden presset på med solskinspolitikken for at forhindre krig og skabe fred på Den Koreanske Halvø. Og endelig blev det historiske topmøde mellem de to Korea'er så holdt i juni sidste år.

Kernepunktet i vores solskinspolitik er opfordringen til fredelig sameksistens, kommunikation og samarbejde mellem de to Korea'er. Efter nogen tid, måske om 10 eller 20 år, når befolkningerne i Syd og Nord er nået til at stole på hinanden og føler sig trygge ved hinanden, håber vi at realisere vores endelige mål, en fredelig genforening.

Genforeningen vil komme. Det koreanske folk har levet i et forenet land i over 1.300 år, fra det syvende århundrede. Det er utænkeligt, at vi skulle opgive vores ønske om genforening, bare fordi vi har været adskilt i det sidste halve århundrede. Så længe det koreanske folk inderligt ønsker genforening, så længe De og hele verden fortsat yder støtte, er jeg fast overbevist om, at vi vil være i stand til at forene vores land i en ikke for fjern fremtid.


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