monopoly-like multinationals - a threat to democraty

monopoly-like multinationals - a threat to democraty.

there are becoming more and more multinationals. more and more firms must merge to survive and compeat.

in USA even big multinationals merge. and become monopoly-like colossus on clay feet, as for axsample ENRON.

in some years the same development will come to europe. then the mulitnationals will become a real threat to european democraties. and it will be difficult for the governments to be indepedant of the multinationals.

one must fear that a globalisation, will be the multinationals globalisation, where the powers of the market will reign, and profit-maximatation and over-consuming will be the goal.

one can fear that the dansih state soon will dissolve, and its functions will be taken over by multinational monopolies. TELEDANMARK; HT, FDB, SDS etc. has already been bought, and one must fear that DSB and POSTDANMARK are next. then the Danish communcationsystem and the transportsystem will controlled by multinationals, instead of the dansih government.. a typical consequence of the european union will be. there will be fever and fever firms, who will be om danish hands.

in USA for exsample most tv-stations have been bought by private firms. it gets more and more difficult for the tv-stations to be independant. one fears the same development in europe. it is therfor important to support the licensed-based public service stations.

EU means that everything should be private. as a conesequence EU nearly becomes controlled by foreign multinationale monopolies. and totally controlled by the mecanisms of the market-powers.

this is an unacceptable and irresponsible development. that the dansih politicians and the dansih democraty never should have accepted. no matter how good it looks on paper. untill the multinationals begin to lower the quality and increase the price, because they have no competition anymore.

even the american state has tried to limit the biggest monopolies, by bringing them to trial. and thereby trying to split them up. as with for instans MICROSOFT and IBM. both cases have been given up.


Forside - - - oversigt - - - DANMARK-siden - - - Henrik Stampe Jensen

EU-modstand - oversigt - - menneskerettigheder - oversigt - - - ny kriminel teknik

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