the massacre on the indians in chiapas in mexico

the massacre on the indians in chiapas in mexico.

the main cause, for red cross in chiapas, has been to help the internally driven away. they number in the end of 1997 about 20.000 people. the cause of, that many were driven away, was the indian movement EZLNs uprising, the first january of 1994.

under the motto - now it is enough - the rebels occupied a number of cities, for to protest against mexicos entry into the free trade agreement NAFTA, and to draw attention to marginalisation of the indian population-groups.

the mexican army tried to destroy the rebels, the socalled zapatists, in the first two weeks. but national and international protest stopped the beginning bloodshed.

later the mexican authorities launched another strategy. namely the use of socalled para-military groups, that with weapons and instructions from the army, either killed, or drow away the zapatist sympathizers.

the most horrible exsample of this low-intensity-warfair happend on 22. december 1997, where a para-military group attacked a small fugitive-camp near the village acteal. here were murdered 45 unarmed woman and children, who all belong to the pacifist religius group - las abejas -. who did not have anything to do with EZLN. the reason, that this group was driven away from its villages, was that they did not want to particepate in the buying of weapons for the para-military groups.


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