martin luther king - the road is non-violence -

the book : the road is non-violence


martin luther king - human rights person.

martin luther king (15/1 1929 - 68) priest and black leader.

he was leading in the protest against race-discrimination in the south-states, and against the use of violence in the struggle for civil rights. he was among the greatest human rights persons like gandhi and mandela.

he was head-speaker at the washington-march, 28. august 1963. where he held his famous speech - I have a dream - .

he was several times imprisoned for his views.

he was awarded the nobel peaceprice in 1964.

in spite several atempts on his life, he held on to the method - non-violence - . he was murdered after a meeting on the 4. april 1968.

books and articels about him :

a step toward freedom (1958)
the road is non-violence (1963)
we cannot wait (1964)

articels about him :

I have a dream
therefor non-violence
we have forgotten martin luther kings dream. he changed USA
he had a dream
fathers dream (interview med martin luther king II)
a shot killed a dream. king became one af USAs great freedomfighters
love your enemy
ignorance is the problem
therefor we demonstrate
such a person was king
from abraham lincoln to martin luther king
jesu teaching - and gandhis methods
we are strong enough to lay down our demands.

ghandi and king - the power of non-violent resistance (bog)
the dream - martin luther king and the speach that insired a nation (bog)
a call to conscience (bog)
I may not get there with you
martins big words (bog)
let the trumpet sound (bog)
the dual voices of the civil rights movement (bog)
the civil rights movemenet (bog)
justice - the negro with the bold dream (bog)
marching to freedom (bog)

mere om marchen til washington

the speech - I have a dream - 28. august 1963

lexicon - wikipedia

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