the concentrationscamps during the war - auschwitz

the concentrationscamps during the war - auschwitz.

the first were internation-camps for civilians, who was considered upponents of the policy of the people in power.

in germany was established a concentration-camp-system. where one placed the regimes political opponents.

after the start of the war in 1939 the number of camps increased. also in the occupied countries was established concentration-camps. here the purpose was to exterminate people, especially jews, and alone in auschwitz about four million people were murdered.

many people worked each day under inhuman, humiliating and degrading conditions. and they risked ending in the gas-chambers, if they were just the least bit uncareful, weak or showed pride.

among the most terrible concentration-camps, one can mention :
bergen-belsen, dachau, auschwitz, treblinka, neuengamme, buchenwald og sachsenhausen.

in auschwitz reigned the terrible doctor mengele. he was main responsible for the germans medical crimes. he experimented, among other things in 1943-45, on woman and children. and he gave them deadly injections, and operated on them without anaesthetic. he also participated in murdering prisoners, who could not work.

mengele has become synonym with all that is terrible and horrible.

auschwitz i polen

froeslevlejren i soenderjylland

horseroed i nordsjaelland

buchenwald i germany

treblinka i polen

dachau i germany

neuengamme i germany

sachsen-hausen i germany

bergen-belsen i germany

more about mengele and medical crimes

more about the occupation of denmark

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