heinrich bøll - peace-movement-leader

heinrich bøll (1917 - 85).

he was a great author and peace-lover. he was a human rights person, that spoke against nuclear-weapons destructiv power.

he has held a famous speech - end of modesty -. for several years he was the leader of PEN.

ther has been written several biographys about heinrich bøll. for instans one by søren schou.

he got the nobelprize in literature in 1972.

books about him :

House without Guardians
The Clown
the black sheep and other noveller
What's to Become of the Boy?
Group Portrait with Lady
The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum
rapporter om nationens sindelag
inteference needed : essays
Fürsorgliche Belagerung
decenty pays : essays
The Silent Angel
warning against german fanatism
Billiards at Half-Past Nine
letter to my sons
Women in a River Landscape
The Train Was on Time
he did not answer them
Irish Journal
every day a little of the freedom die (artikel)

artikler om ham :

to draw a circle
the not-held speech for the german bundestag
what we authors need is pride
Böll and the tabues
a lifelong struggle against civil virtues
a indispensable uundværligt westgerman authorship
Böll - germans true voice
humanity-traditions banner-leader
the strenght of the weak
he was his countrys bad conschience
he gave german conscience a voice
Heinrich Böll is awake and peace-lusting
the start of the hour of the wolf
Böll - the persecuteds poet
it is unending important to live
the man, who cleaned the german soul of Bismarck, Hitler og Adenauer

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