GULAG and dissidens in EU

gulag and EU.

when sovjetunionen existed, EU criticised it a lot, for sending its systemcritics to gulag. and that systemcritics was locked op on a mental hospital under sovjet, because they thougth different.

EU will have to watch out for, that it dont make the same mistake, in this area as sovjet. I dont know if things like that, already has happened in EU, but we are on our way to a surveilence-Europe, and what follows from that.

with the technical development we have in progress, it will probably not be a real mental hospital, the different-thinkink will be locked up in. but a gulag in a cyber- spaceworld, where you cant prove anything of what happens, you cant defend yourself against the cyberworld, which is pulled down over your head, and you cant procecute the responsible authority.

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