greenpeace and pollution-control - forureningsbekaempelse

greenpeace and pollution-control - forureningsbekaempelse.

greenpeace is an international organization, that do a big work fighting pollution around the world.

who do not remember the environment-ship rainbow warrior protesting against the french nuclear-power-experiments. or the times we have seen green- peaces boat sail between a whaleboat and a threatened whale.

they also have chained themselves to a polluting chimney or to trees in forrest-areras, which should be cut down (faeldet).

it is good to see, that someone is doing something to save our threatened earth.

some try to say that mans pollution do not have so big consequences as said. but the truth is, that if do not do something ourselves. so nature itself will react to our destruction. and it will have far bigger consequences for the people on the earth.

who do not rember the DOORS-text :

What have they done to the earth?
What have they done to our fair sister?
Ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit her
Stuck her with knives in the side of the dawn
And tied her with fences and dragged her down

suggestion to extention of human rights

nature an environment - sustainability - ecology

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exsample of threatened spices

greenpeace Nordic

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