genocide on southamerican indians

genocide on southamerican indians.

one exsample of genocide happend in guatemala in 1981 and 1982. where the governments soldiers destroyed about 400 maya-indian villages.

this kind of abuse of the indians, have been going on since columbus came to america.

one also know the problem from incidens like general custer and wounded knee.

the regrettable thing is, that it happens in our days too. militant governments and multinational companies are driving away indians from their territorium.

unfortunably a lot of things happen, also in our days. that do not get out to the public, or get printed in the newspapers.

for instans the b ig oilcompanies has found oil in the amazon-woods, so they cut down waste tree-areas and pollute, so the places where the indians lives and hunt get limited or wanish as a whole. it is nearly impossible for the indians to get through with protest over the oilcompagnies illegal conduct.

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