the thirty forgotten wars

the thirty forgotten wars.

it is not everyhing that happens in the world, one hears about.

all the time small wars and conflicts happens in the world, that we do not hear about.

they are nearly not mentioned in the media. they are the forgotten wars.

these kind of guerilla-wars and wars. that one do not hear about, neither in africa, southamerica nor in asia.

in this way, a lot of people who are suffering. and a lot of bad democraties and dictatorships, are forgotten.

one exsample is the surpressed east-timor. who was ignored by the world -press. when one at last began to talk about its exsistens. something happened, and east-timor became a free country again. and could start to build up a democraty.

we must not forget the overseen burning-points in the world. people you do not hear about. and who lives under bad conditions.

there are unfortunanly too few good democraties in the world. UN has a big responsibility, to work for more free and independant democraties. as for exsample the nordic democraties. who are some of the best exsample of, how a positiv development in a democraty, can be.

den oprindelige befolkning - undertrykte folk

Forside - - - oversigt - - - DANMARK-siden - - - Henrik Stampe Jensen

EU-modstand - oversigt - - menneskerettigheder - oversigt - - - ny kriminel teknik

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