chile pinochet and the missing people

chile pinochet and the missing people.

in 1973 the democratic president of chile allende was murdered, and a dictatorish military-junta leed by pinochet took over the country. pinochet held chile in an iron-glove for 17 years.

first in 1990 free election was held, and a democratic development started. under the dictatorship pinochet tortured and murdered thousands of chileans, who was against the military-government. many kidnappings and disappearings happend in chile under that period. first of all by the secret police DINA.

many chileans disappeared and was never found again. one thinks that they were doped and flew out over the open sea, where they were dumped in the ocean.

many children of the murdered was stolen and adopted by childless officers. many people still search for their missing grandchildren. over 60 has been found and reunioned with their real family.

pinochet has several times been tried to be convicted of his crimes. but untill now he has escaped justice. the official reason is his bad health.

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