aung san suu kyi - Burmas rightfull leader

aung san suu kyi still fights for justice in Burma

human rights symbol : aung san suu kyi.

aung san suu kyi : (19. juni 1945) leader of burma.

leader of the non-violent human right - democraty - movement in burma.

she is the daughter of the national laeder of burma aung san (murdered 19. july 1947).

18. september 1988 the military reestablished power. and crushed the democratic movemnet. and killed hundreds of people.

24. september 1988 - the national league for democraty - is formed, with aung san suu kyi as leader.

at the democratic election in burma on the 27. maj 1990 she won a landslide victory, with 82 % of the votes.

the militaryjunta refused to acknowledge the election result. and continued to keep her in house-arrest.

10. juli 1991 she was awarded sakharovs human right prize.

14. oktober 1991 she was awarded the nobel peaceprize.

she do not dare to leave Burma to see her dying husband. he dies on 27. marts 1999 in london.

15. september 2000 she does another try to break her housearrest. but is preventented in that by the authorities.

the people that inspired her are mahatma ghandi, whom she learned to know, when her mother was ambassador in india. and her father aung san. who was the leader of Burmas freedom-fight.

ther has been made a movie - rangoon -, which tries to give a realistic picture og, what is happening in burma under the military-juntas surpression.

on her 60-year birthday, on the 19. june 2005, she is still in housearrest. for about 12 years, she has been denied, the right to freedom, without being accussed, or put before a judge.

there is at least 1350 political prisoners in burma. the judical system is used for silencing peaceful political activists.
among her books and articels are :

the nobelprizewinner in the golden gulag (artikel)
where the ten commandments does not apply : Burma (bog)
Burmas generals holds on to the power (artikel)
hope is not far away (artikel)
deadlock in Burma (artikel )
the people of Burmas awaits for the power (artikel)
aung san and the struggle for burmese independence (bog)
the dram has not died (artikel)
mother of Burma (artikel)
the struggle against a life in fear (artikel)
burma smilitatyregime : will crush the oppostion (artikel)
aung san suu kyi : standing up for democrazy in Burma (bog)
Burmas mild mother : democraty in housearrest (artikel)
the symbol of a dream of freedom (artikel)
letters from Burma (bog af hende)
the voice of hope (bog af hende)
aung san suu kyi : fearless voice of Burma (bog)
when democraty comes (artikel)
they call her the nelson mandela of asia (artikel)
my Burma and other articels (bog af hende)
a courageours voice in the land of fear (artikel)

lexicon - wikipedia

aung san - speech - january 1999 - we cannot go on living in a fantasy world

aung san suu kiys homepage

nobelprize - biography

interview with ron gluckman


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