the atombomb - hiroshima and nagasaki

the atombomb - hiroshima and nagasaki.

the 6 th of august 1945 the americans threw the first atombomb over hiroshima. the terrible event killed more than 80.000 and disabled over 50.000.

at 8.15 the atombbomb feld and caused a strong flash of light, a shock-wave and a huge atom-cloud

thre days later they threw a second atombomb over nagasaki. the town was nearly totally destroyed. many first died after a while, of cancer caused by the radioactiv radiation.

thereby the world fully realized, what a terrible weapon, that had been invented.

the two atombombs were thrown, to make the japanese surrender quicker, so the second worldwar could be ended. but that was a poor excuse for using such a terrible weapon.

under the cold war, the east and the west all the time, held each other in check, by the atombomb. several time the situation nearly got out of hand, and a nuclear-war could have been started.

even today in the year 2004, there are enough nuclear-weapons in the world. to start a nuclear-war, that will destroy the earth.

it was oppenheimer who invented the atombomb, but he did not know, what he had invented. first when one saw the destructiv consequences of the first nuclear test, the scientists realized, what they were dealing with.

more and more countries in the world have got the atombomb. the consequence is that the world has become a less safe place to be, and the risc of a nuclear-war has become bigger. even after the ending of the cold war.

leksikon om hiroshima

things that tell the story of the bombing

lexicon - wikipedia - about hiroshima

links about hiroshima

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