anschluss of austria to germany in 1938

anschluss of austria to germany in 1938,

anschluss of austria to germany in 1938 - anschluss as hitler called the annexation.

the 12 of march 1938 - they day before the austrian election, about their relationsship with germany, should have taken place - the german troups invaded austria. the 13 of march the whole of austria was annexationed to the german empire ( - anschluss - ).

this anschluss also has been describe in the great movie - sound of music -. were the principal characters protested against, that the german empire was occupying austria. and they had to flee the country, after having sung the traditional austrian song - edelweis - for the people of austria.

hitlers manoeuvre reminded a bit about, what EU is doing to Denmark. hitler planned NEUROPA, in the same way that one in the year 2004 is planning the european union, or the united states of europe. our native countries thereby are disolved, and our borders are removed, as hitler dreamt about.

the start of this NEUROPA was the anschluss of austria to germany in 1938. the same as the disolvation of our native countries, is started by the EU-constitution (EU-FORFATNINGEN).

it was a big crime agains the austrian people, the germans committed. by forcing them into a community (europæisk fællesskab), that they did not want.


Forside - - - oversigt - - - DANMARK-siden - - - Henrik Stampe Jensen

EU-modstand - oversigt - - menneskerettigheder - oversigt - - - ny kriminel teknik

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