andrei sakharov - a document on suffering

political dissident : andrei sakharov.

andrei sakharov (1921 - 1989).

the political dissident andrei sakharov became, by couragous to speak truth against the power, the cold wars conscience.

he was marriede to the humanrightsfighter jelena bonner.

he was awarded the nobelprice for peace in 1975.

there has been named a price after skaharov. the sakaharov-price for freedom of the thought. it has been awarded humanrightsfighters since 1988.

among his books can be mentioned :

progress, coixsistence and intellectual freedom
how I see the future
manifest on progress
alternativ to the world going under
sakharov speaks
sakharov-hearing (documents on human rights in sovjiet)
my country and the world
a year in the life of sakharovs
alarm and hope
opinions (important declarstions and interviews)
the voice of sakharov (selected articels)
memories (among other things about his dissident work)

among his articels can be mentioned :

a very big human being
that is how sakharov managed the long evil years
sakharov broke the russian intellectuals isolation
the people are not passiv inside
the road to glasnost
by idea shall idea be fougt
now we wait for sakharov
a documemnt on suffering
sakharov - one man against the sovjiet
jelena bonner : I fear to leave sakharov alone
bohr and sakharov
the sovjiet leaders know their treatment of sakharov is wrong
what sakharov can say us
if jelena dies - I die too
give sakharov peace and freedom
if the bomb falls
the progressive intellectuals in the west
fear and hope
disturbing times

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