alva myrdal - great nordic disarmament-ambassador

Alva myrdal (1902 � 86) great swedish politician.

she worked with the most conflicting areas, as population-problems, disarmament and womans lib.

shw has work for UNESCO, and been swedish disarmament-minister for several years.

she has written the book � the game Of disarmament -, that expresses disappointment over how reluctant USA and USSR were at disarmament.

she got the nobel peaceprize in 1982, for her engagement in the disarmament-policy.

she has all her life been an activ and engaged social-democrate. she was married to gunnar myrdal.

articels about her :

the welfare-societies mamma
incentives in europian disarmament
realization of a nuclear-free europe

Stop the weapons-race, there is enough other areas to use the billions on

rice countries brutality and violens is the worst abotu our time
women who have learn to believe in themselves

books about her :

Alva, et kvindeliv (bog)
Alva myrdal : sense must prevail (bog)
the game of disarmament (bog)
equalities conditions : a manifest
the biggest wrong calculation : the armament race of the world (bog)
Alva and gunnar myrdal in the service of peace (bog)

Forside - - - oversigt - - - DANMARK-siden - - - Henrik Stampe Jensen

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