Two Cents
... Or More Like A Dollar And Some Change
Recently I have run across sites with messages to Ani about her decision with the NFL, the decisions with Alana Davis, talks about "Sean" and his Photo Pass.  Once again, why is it that you like Ani DiFranco?  Is it because her songs are not found in connection with the NFL?  Is it because nobody else has covered her songs?  Is it because she used to give photo passes to anyone who asks for them?  If those are the reasons that you liked Ani then I understand your recent protest against her and RBR. 

Ani DiFranco, just like you is a human being.  We as humans change our mind constantly everyday, every hour, every second. Why would you expect her to be the same person that she was 10 years ago, hell even one hour ago?  So what, she has a song now with the NFL to play in some commercial.  So what Alana Davis covered one of her songs, So what Sean got the last Photo Pass and now they don?t give them out as easy anymore.  If it wasn?t the NFL, if it wasn?t Alana Davis, if it wasn?t Sean then I promise it would of been someone else - and I can guarantee that Ani will do more things like this that will seem "unfair" to you.  Move on, grow up, and get over it!  Like you have never made a decision that someone else was not happy with?  Like you are so perfect. 

So now Ani is playing bigger events, so now Ani is talking with MTV - whom she was against less then a year ago.  So now you can find her videos and CD?s at "Blockbuster" now.  So you now see more web pages popping up left and right about her (such as this one).  So fucking what? 

Ani is still Ani, If Ani went hard core rap, or Country music, if Ani stopped playing music and started selling hotdogs on a Manhattan street corner she would still be Ani, and I would and will still love and respect her for being the beautiful person that she is and has been!
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