The "Orphan" Craig Project

It is hoped that the "Orphan" Project will reunite the isolated generations of some of our members' Craig ancestors to one of the several larger Craig Family Pedigrees, or in some cases, to discover some of our common ancestors. These are charts that are being worked on by single researchers, or sometimes a few people, who are looking for more family, and to take their charts further back than they can. Craigs who just "show up in the middle of no where" with no ideas about where they came from, or to whom they are related. By posting these lineages and queries here from people on the Craig List, we have already found several who fit into larger families. We hope that this year, we find may more.


Team Coordinator: Judith Cato

bigredbal.gifLists-updated 8 June 1999

bigredbal.gifThe Online Orphan Submission Form


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