
The Craig E-Mail Discussion List is for anyone who has an interest in genealogy related to the Craig surname (including variant spellings) and related families.


If you would like to join this list, choose either the List or Digest version. When the e-mail window appears, type


in the body of the letter. Do not type a subject, and do not type anything else in the body of the letter. Please turn your signature file OFF, if you have one, when sending this command. You will receive notification of your subscription and the list's rules shortly after your message is sent.


To unsubscribe, do the same as above, except type the word


as the body of your message.


To post messages to the list, you may address them to

[email protected]

Remember, Craig-L is a private list. If you are not subscribed to the list, you cannot post to the list.


Rootsweb archives the Craig List, and past volumes may be searched at:



Questions may be emailed to the Craig List owner, John Brandt.


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