- Mormon Tithing Calculator -

Enter the data and see what could have happened had you not put your money into the Mormon Corporation

Figure it out for yourself. See what would happen if you put that tithing money into savings instead of tithing. Temple admission is granted only for those who pay a full tithing -- 10% of their gross income.

If you listen to the early LDS Church President, Brigham Young, indeed, you best be saving!

"If you wish to get rich, save what you earn. A fool can earn money, but it takes a wise man to save and dispose of it to his own advantage."
-- Brigham Young, President of LDS, Mormon Church (displayed on wall in Zion's Bank, downtown Salt Lake City).

INSTRUCTIONS: Your gross income is entered in the first line. The second line displays your 10% tithing debt in a per month figure. The third line allows you to enter the number of years you will contribute to tithing. Line 4 allows you to put in the interest rate your bank would pay should you have instead put the tithing amount on line 2 into savings. Line 5 displays your accumulated income after those years of deposits. Line 6 shows the amount per month you would earn off just the interest alone for this accumulated investment.

Important - Do not enter commas in your figures.

Enter your gross income
This is your LDS tithing obligation per month
Enter number of years for savings
Enter the Yearly Earnings Rate (5.5 = 5.5%)
This is the amount you would have accumulated
had the money instead been put into savings.
(Click in box at right after any change above)
Your Monthly Earnings on this
investment would be

NOTE: A 10% Tithing on your gross income is mandated by the LDS Church in order to get "eternal salvation," gain entrance into Mormon Temples and gain permission to attend your own son's or daughter's wedding ceremony.

Payments into tithing do not take into consideration your ability to pay. Also, typical Mormon members pay significantly more than just the 10% tithe donation. There are a myriad of other expenses associated with joining the LDS, Mormon, religion... such as paying for your daughter's or son's (required) mission.

Page Modified June 30, 2005

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