When shopping for a religion, Mormonism would be one of the last choices

Mormons are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They are also referred to as LDS or Latter Day Saints.

An important choice

The purpose of these pages is to help the investigator who is shopping around for a religion. Specifically, these pages were prepared as a result of being born into the Mormon religion. Unfortunately, it wasn't until my later life that I learned all the facts about Mormonism. After studying the religion thoroughly, it would be among my last choices as a desirable or valid religion to join.

Random thought for today ....



In order to clarify what Mormonism is, the following manuscript has been prepared. It is a detached and frank look at Mormonism. It is offered as a word of caution to those investigating to become a "Mormon." While the sexual moral standards of the LDS Church are touted to be high, so are those of most other religions. Abstinence from smoking and alcoholic beverages seem a plus; nevertheless, the number of negatives far outweigh the positives. One should seriously study and know the religion before committing themselves.

A decision to join the LDS religion is not just a choice that will affect your own life. It is a choice that will affect your children and all other family members. Further, it is not possible to easily back out of the religion. It is not a religion you can "try on for size." A misjudged decision now can lead to serious psychological consequences later. Mormonism is more than just a personal commitment .... It is a family and even a multi-generational commitment. The following link gives testimonials to some of the problems many have expressed in accepting the LDS religion:

Removing your name from the LDS records may not be as easy as you think

http://www.exmormon.org/ - Several personal experiences, wounds and regrets from joining Mormonism

A personal story about how one is entrapped by Mormonism ... "Why we are trapped by Mormonism"

The religion exercises many cult-like entrapment techniques. For one, you are told that it is "the only true church." Thus, backing out is considered one of the worst things you could do. They teach that once you have "accepted the Mormon doctrine, you should never forsake it, otherwise you will never receive any high heavenly positions."

For example, only recently was it made publicly known to Mormon members they could have their name removed with no excommunication or church trial. A bitter legal battle was stirred up by the LDS Church against a Web site that disclosed this sensitive information about how to go about name removal without retribution from those above you.

Links to more educational and doctrinal helps on Mormonism can be found at



Early historical facts find that founder of LDS Church, Joseph Smith, lies about some of his translations



New members are most often baptized into the religion with little factual knowledge or the extent of their true obligations and commitment. It is a religion that benefits the well-to-do, but not a typical worker with average or low income. It is a religion that negates the use of an individual's common logic and emphasizes "feeling" and "spirit." It is a religion that mandates a minimum 10% tithing contribution regardless of income, while actual donations easily exceed this amount because of church pressures. It is also a religion that mandates regular strict weekly church attendance.

(To put the 10% tithing donation into perspective, the Catholic member typically gives about one percent of his income to the church.) (Also, a good LDS, Mormon, member far exceeds this 10% donation since there are many "other" obligatory donations that go far beyond than just tithing)

The Mormon "clergy" are untrained. They are ordinary people who work in various occupations. Thus, the rules and judgments depend heavily upon a multitude of individual responses to any given situation. For example, a Mormon bishop (minister) may be called upon to counsel a couple considering divorce. Seldom does he have qualified skills or expertise in this area.

Mormonism is a religion with a fuzzy, indistinct course. General Conferences are held semi-annually in an attempt to unify the teachings. However, the rapid rotation of Mormon clergy in various positions tends to erase any consistency. Further, the speakers at General Conference, are themselves, untrained clergy. What is said from the stand is often only one particular person's uneducated and unfounded, ill-thought-out view. While the members may walk away inspired, they also walk away confused.

With this brief introduction, here are some specifics that should be addressed before joining:

Mormonism is addictive

While this sounds like a strange statement for a religion; nevertheless, several stories attest to the fact that once into and involved with Mormonism, it is very difficult and sometimes impossible to get back out. In every respect, Mormonism is dangerously addictive.

One of the most popular web sites is http://www.exmormon.org/. The site is called, "Recovery from Mormonism." Comparable to addiction to alcohol, smoking, and drugs, Mormonism has similar addictive properties. At "Recovery from Mormonism," hundreds document personal stories and their negative experiences with Mormonism are sadly told. Both a personal story file along with a Bulletin Board System (updated daily), details personal encounters and problems from former leaders, missionaries, members, and others who are and have been trying to regain normal lives by leaving Mormonism.

Consequences of pulling out of Mormonism is reflected in this link to a personal story.

Your life style should be a factor in your decision

Few religions demand a tithe from it's members in trade for salvation. In contrast, the LDS faith makes tithing central to one's salvation. All good Mormons must pay a minimum of 10% of their gross pay. No matter what your income, the 10% tithing is mandated ... and is not based upon ability to pay. Even a young child is taught to pay 10% of his allowance or any other earning, gift, or money he receives.

No drinking of coffee, alcoholic drinks, or use of tobacco are permitted. This in LDS terms is referred to as the "word of wisdom." Further, attending all your church meetings is mandatory. Failure to meet any of these standards will deny a member a "temple recommend" and attendance to the LDS Church temples. Attending the temple ceremonies is a measure by which other members, your bishop and stake president (ministers) will judge your worthiness. You are forced by social embarrassment to "pay up" regardless of your ability to do so.

The temple ceremony may or may not be your cup of tea. A former LDS member and member of his church leadership comments about the temple and his work in temple ceremonies.

Being a good Mormon, LDS, member requires considerably more time and dedication than in the case of most other religions. A Mormon has at least three main meetings on Sunday -- Priesthood, Sunday School, and Sacrament Meeting. Besides these there are, among others, home teaching assignments, stake farm projects, scouting assignments, and group leadership meetings.

One of the positives touted by the LDS Church is its high moral code -- chastity and faithfulness during marriage. Mormonism also tends to lead one to believe that it is the only religion with such high moral standards. Bzzzt! Wrong! Most other religions have these same moral codes. After all, society demands these minimums to assure a child is raised with a mother, father, and is not left scarred for life by the effects of poverty, venereal disease and AIDS. Multiple mates only bring on much greater chances for societal deterioration through the spread of disease and the resultant child abuse because of the lack of responsible parenting.

Additionally, divorce rate statistics for Mormons don't show Mormon's significantly better off when compared to the national averages. If anything, there may be more unrest in a Mormon family.

Would you feel comfortable with a temple marriage?

Marriage in the temple is considered one of the most important "blessings" and important parts of Mormonism. Marriage is for "all eternity." A man can be "sealed" to more than one wife; however a woman cannot be sealed but to one man. While the main body of the LDS, Mormon Church claims not practice polygamy in a mortal life, polygamy "after death" is okay. However, the main body of the LDS Church still has published doctrine which authorizes the practice of polygamy during mortal life. See Polygamy and the Mormon Church Today.

A marriage and sealing is a bond between a man and women for eternity -- not just of this lifetime. Only those with temple recommends are allowed into the temple to witness the marriage. Thus, even the bride and groom's parents and immediate family would be barred from the ceremony because they are "unworthy." You MUST be a member "in good standing" (paying a full tithing and attending all meetings). Likewise, a member must set up regular appointments with their "bishop" and "stake president" (ministers of the LDS religion). If both, in their judgment, you have paid a full 10% tithing, have been morally clean, attended all church meetings, and have abided by the "word of wisdom" (no drinking, smoking, or use of tobacco), they will then grant you a temple recommend which will allow attendance to the marriage ceremony. A personal story which gives good insight into Mormon temple weddings.

A good Mormon feels obligated to renew his temple ordinances regularly. Monthly visits (or oftener) to a nearby Mormon Temple are encouraged. The temple ceremony is closely copied after the similar ritualistic Masonic temple ceremonies. Special white temple clothing must be worn throughout this ceremony. Such clothing is purchased or rented. An anointing with oil is also done as part of this ceremony.

Additionally, baptisms and ordinance work "for the dead" are performed in the Mormon temples. Names are drawn from the enormous LDS Genealogical Library. Church temple volunteers then do baptisms and ordinance work for the dead (regardless of their previous religious ties). This is because the LDS believe they are the only "true church." Thus, the only way the dead can be saved is for the mortal members to do earthly ordinances in a Mormon temple for them by proxy. Since any other faith is not of "the true church," (according to Mormon indoctrination) the only way to salvation for those passed on is through this "work for the dead." Dead members of other religions are free game also. Their names are also submitted. They are "given an opportunity to accept the 'true' church."

The LDS Church has the largest and probably most complete genealogical library in the world. However, these records are not publicly available for viewing until an individual has a Mormon baptism date recorded by his name, -- or has died. Such severe limitations can make it functionally useless to the living general public.

Special underclothing worn 24 hours a day and for your lifetime

Once the LDS member has been through the temple and taken out his "endowments," he is committed to wear special underclothing 24 hours a day for the remainder of his life. He will also be buried in this underclothing. These are commonly referred to as "the garments." This specially emblem-marked underclothing covers most of the body. It starts up over the shoulder and comes down just below the knee. Garments cannot be shed except upon limited circumstance -- such as when bathing or in the case of many sports activities where the garments may show. They are, of course, worn to bed at night. The unique garment style can sometimes be seen beneath white outer clothing. This gives an important clue as to whether you are talking to a good "brother" or "sister" of the LDS religion.

Income is a measure of success in the LDS faith

The LDS Church considers a full ten percent of your gross pay as "tithing." Further, expect your total church donations of 10% to far exceed this amount. A myriad of other expenses lie in wait for the good LDS member. A member that does not pay a full tithing is denied temple admittance. Temple visits are a measure of a member's dedication to his faith.

One major expense beyond tithing is the sending of your and other family's children on missions -- they are almost totally supported by the family above and beyond his tithing payments. Also, "fast offerings" are requested once a month to "support the needy." Countless other expenses associated with church work and youth programs which are part of the LDS church can take a heavy toll on a family of low to moderate income. And yet another tragedy is the Mormonism belief in large families. Children are often the recipients of neglect caused by unealistically low money from which a family must survive. Particularly in Utah --- where food is taxed, where taxes are the highest of all Western states, where low pay prevails, and where school funding is one of the lowest in the nation, the problem is magnified.

Can you afford to be a Mormon? Frank talk from others who have paid a full tithing.

Serving a mission is expected for male members

Early on, during the formative years, all children are indoctrinated with the relentless and everlasting phrase, "When you go on your mission...." It is just "expected." The LDS Handbook of Instruction specifically states that any male member not interested in going on a mission be given "special" attention. In actual practice, only the male members are put under this high pressured indoctrination to serve on a mission. Women can go on missions, but it is not mandatory.

Age nineteen is considered the "proper age" for a boy to serve his mission. Thus, missions take a higher priority in the LDS scale of importance than extended education such as college education. Two years of a youth's most valuable prime years of life are taken up with this interruptive "mission calling."

Recent statistics show that Utah ranks fourth in the nation for the number of high school children who graduate; but falls to 18th position when it comes to the number graduating from college. This undoubtedly is due to the Mormon indoctrination programing to place a mission call at a higher priority above a college education.

It typically costs a family approximately $2,000 (year 1995 prices) to prepare the boy or girl for their mission (new suit, shoes, clothing, etc.) For the next two years, the family is expected to support the missionary by covering his monthly expenses. Only partial support is given by the LDS Church during this time. Be aware that these expenses are above and beyond the 10% required tithing payments on your gross income.

Some families are too poor to support their own son or daughter on a mission. In such cases, other members of the immediate family and church group are expected to "pitch in" and aid in supporting these missionaries. The LDS Church, itself, will not offer support to these missionaries out of tithing funds.

The new missionary seldom has a choice about his final destination. Sometimes he is given a choice between a foreign mission and one in the United States. Foreign missions cost more for the family. It is not unlikely that a missionary will acquire short-term or even long-term illnesses while adjusting to and living in the foreign environment. A personal story from a missionary serving on a foreign mission

In addition, retired and even non-retired individuals are encouraged to "be called" on missions later in their lives. Again, the financial burden is placed upon the individual. The term "calling" is a misnomer. It infers a "spiritual calling from heaven." However, meeting church obligations, paying a full tithing, and attending all church meetings will assure one to be "called," regardless of heavenly messages.

Being a missionary

Because young missionaries are sent during their prime years of life, soon after they reach age 19 for a boy, 21 for a girl, the mission can interfere with college educational plans. A story telling of the extreme pressure LDS families can put upon their sons to go on mission

Before leaving for his assignment, a missionary is sent to the Brigham Young University "Missionary Training Center," or a similar facility, for a few weeks. Here an excellent course is taught in teaching language speaking skills (if it is a foreign assignment). However, for others and the rest, the training is purely directed in how to sell the LDS Church -- learning what to say and how to say it in order to hook a new member. Not even courses in nutrition and meal preparation are taught -- a survival skill that will be needed by most serving on their missions. From the Missionary Training Center, he is directly shipped out to his assigned area. Usually, the airport, is the last time the family will see the missionary until his return two years later (or 1 � years for a girl).

Once in the field, missionaries work in pairs, living together in a single two bedroom apartment. They must wear dark colored suits with a black name tag identifying them as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They are periodically visited by group supervisors (other experienced missionaries and the mission president). While on their mission, one of the rules is that no missionary can be out of sight of the other. One day a week is designated as a "P" day in which they can dress casually, write letters home, shop for groceries, do necessary washing of clothes, and participate in basketball or other approved activities. Often, missionaries volunteer for helping in the painting, building, repairing of a member or investigator's home. A variety of other jobs and chores may be assigned.... of course, all without any pay whatsoever.

The missionaries have to prepare their own meals unless they happen to get an invite out to another member or investigator's home. Likewise they must do their own washing and ironing.

Sunday is spent in church. Other days involve "tracting." This is word used for the annoying door to door solicitation for new members at nearby homes. Foot travel and bicycles are used for areas where contacts live close by. Cars are used when an area exceeds what a missionary can reach by bicycle. The remainder of his or her time is expected to be spent reading the scriptures (Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Convenants, and King James version of the Bible). The missionary is allowed to call home and talk to family only on Mother's Day and Christmas. In some rare cases, a missionary may be assigned to his local missionary administrative office where he will do office work. A foreign mission can be particularly trying because of poor living conditions.

Death of the missionary's father, mother, or other immediate family member does not warrant a missionary coming home, even temporarily. The missionary is NOT permitted to attend his parent's funeral.

While it is inferred that serving a mission will "develop the spirit and increase a closer bond to the religion," this is not always the case. Many returning missionaries turn away from the religion after experiencing their missions.

As for medical attention, the LDS Church does provide "insured health care" through one of their church-owned businesses. However, in the case of my son who had a bronchial infection, while a doctor was just next door to their mission apartment, he had to travel 50 miles to a specific "networked health provider" for care. To make matters worse, the doctor was hard of hearing and could not understand my son who had laryngitis. So much for "good" health care. Other missionaries have reported poor health care due to lack of recognition and understanding of some diseases -- particularly in the foreign missions.

Salt Lake Tribune article reveals more details for one going on a mission

Some personal experiences are told at http://www.exmormon.org/.

Women and older people in the mission

Female members are also encouraged to serve on missions. However, the pressure upon a female member to serve on a mission is much less. Often, it amounts to a case where a girl has not been married or has no pospects of marriage, that she can serve on a mission. They are "not required" to serve a mission in order to gain "salvation," as in the case of male members.

Many older couples serve as husband and wife on a mission "calling." Many serve tracting as younger missionaries do or more likely as full time "workers" in the central missionary administrative office or in other assignments. Again, the couple must furnish all their own living expenses. Another unseen burden is the home they have to leave and maintain at home in order to serve their 1 1/2 year mission.

Being a Mormon means raising many children

Seeing a family with many children reminds one of the typical Mormon family. The phrase, "Multiply and replenish the earth," is commonly taught. In short, the LDS are taught to raise as many children as possible during their lifetime. It stems from a belief that billions of "trapped" souls in heaven are "awaiting physical bodies."

The welfare program

Additional contributions are also expected for the "welfare of the poor." These are called "fast offerings." The first Sunday of each month is declared as "fast" day. The money normally used to feed the family is, instead, donated to the church. No meals are eaten that day until the end of the day, after all church services are over. Again, these are in addition to the 10% tithe offerings. A member can be expected to donate to any number of other church programs which, again, are above and beyond tithe donations. Welfare monies are mainly spent only upon members. A public "food kitchen" for the homeless is not supported by the LDS Church in Salt Lake City. Occasionally, food and aid is sent to an area or country, seemingly as a public relations attempt to advertise the charitable nature of the LDS Church. Such aid is erratic and not administered consistently. Additionally the aid is minimal and may be given only to members of the Mormon faith.

Members donate their time to work on "Stake Farms." These are church owned farms which raise produce. Also, members donate additional time and resources in the church food canning facilities. These canned foods are then used by the needy members within the church. A meeting with their bishop determines a member's "worthiness" for aid. Non-members are not encouraged to be supported.

Mormon Church Discipline -- Disfellowshipping, Excommunication

Being a Mormon also subjects you to additional scrutiny by your fellow members. The "Court of Love," is a disciplinary court made up of men only, to which members both male and female are summoned -- usually for the purpose of excommunication or disfellowshipping. Those who have been summoned to this court report that it is very embarrassing and demeaning. The best education about such courts can be found by reading comments from those who have gone through them.


Another important church supported program is the Boy Scouts. While this is part of the Boy Scouts of America program; again, the money you spend must come above and beyond tithe money. Frequent out of town trips are made with the boys and separate fund drives are made to gather additional monies needed for this program. A Boy Scout leader in the church can incur an enormous number and sizable out-of-pocket personal expenses.

Women's Relief Society

The women actively participate in the women's "Relief Society" program. Here the women prepare meals for the sick and needy. When a death in the family of a member occurs, the Relief Society bands together to prepare an entire dinner for the immediate family. Food is donated by member families preparing the meals.... again above and beyond tithe donations.

The LDS Church does not pay it's ministers

Often times, social gatherings are held. These will obligate a family to other monetary obligations from the back pocket above and beyond tithes. Weigh all these facts carefully, especially in light of the fact that none of the LDS Church ministers (or clergy) such as bishops, stake presidents or subordinate office holders receive any monetary remuneration for their services or time in serving out their assignments (callings). This donated time is taught to be one of the "blessings" of membership. Only the most high ranking officers (the three presidents of the LDS Church, the Council of Twelve and Seventies) receive pay and very nice executive perks and benefits out of the tithing fund. Church office workers and grounds people not serving on missions are usually paid at or below local wage rates. Wages in Utah are already among the lowest and taxes highest of all the Western states. Many LDS church jobs require temple recommends. This translates that 10% of their salary ends up back into the church coffers. Working as a paid worker in the LDS Church, then, ends up as being a double and triple whammy.

Only those members who can easily get ample release time, to serve in the jobs of non-paid Mormon ministers can be successful in their callings. Funerals, weddings, and other functions demand an LDS minister be able to take considerable time off from their regular jobs at a last minute moment. By the way, none of this donated time is ever counted as part of one's tithing. Tithing is a "money only," $$$$ thing. Time is not equated to money in Mormon teaching.

As a result of the high costs and demands in joining the Mormon Church, the average citizen can not comfortably meet the financial obligations or time commitments placed upon their shoulders. Serious feelings of guilt erode one's life under such pressures. Such guilt entraps the member to work harder in trying to "match up" to his more richly endowed "sisters and brothers." To be a good Mormon requires a hefty pocketbook and a boss with a very open mind to give you the time off.

Only certain occupations benefit by church membership

However, if you are a self employed doctor, lawyer, salesman, or other business person requiring public contact for the success of their business, there is a great advantage to LDS Church membership. Loyalty from the membership to use his or her products and services results in a good business flow. Also, of course, the more well-to-do receive beneficial tax writeoffs for their donations submitted to the LDS Church.... monies which would otherwise go to government taxes.

Church finances are confidential

No financial statements are published by the LDS Church. No member (or non-member) of the Mormon Church is permitted to view any financial statement of the LDS Church. Neither is any disclosure of how or in what way these monies are spent. "Only the president of the LDS Church hierarchy and the preparer" of the report are allowed to view this statement. See"Can one see the financial statement of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?" ... (Transcript of phone conversation made to Mormon Church offices December 4, 1994)

The financial statement is considered "confidential." All monies from tithes and other donations go into the "Corporation of the President." If one is to ask a member how he thinks the money is used, the common answer is that it is used "in the building of temples." It is not considered polite or proper that a member question where or how these monies are used. One "with the spirit" would never have to question. "Men of God are not corrupt," is the pervasive feeling a good member must learn to nurture. During quarterly general conferences, the "Financial Report" consists of reading the statement, ".... all is well." No figures are disclosed.

It was claimed the LDS Church spent 13 million on "charitable contributions" last year. The estimated income of the LDS Church was 12 BILLION dollars. This amounts to a contribution of about one tenth of one percent being used for charity.

For a humorous, but then not so humorous (for its corruption value), account, transcribed from actual court records, see Court Record of Joseph F. Smith. Joseph F. Smith was the sixth president of the LDS Church and was questioned under oath as to his financial involvements with the LDS Church and ties to private business.

Recent Time Magazine Article on Church Finances

In July, 1997, Time Magazine managed to crack into some of the Mormon finances. (The CBS network some years back tried, but was quickly "kicked out of town," upon attempting this feat.) Although the LDS Church still would not release it's financial statement, as such, to Time Magazine, some manner and estimate of the worth of the Mormon Church was obtained. The article stated,

"There are richer churches than the one based in Salt Lake City: Roman Catholic holdings dwarf Mormon wealth. But the Catholic Church has 45 times as many members. There is no major church in the U.S. as active as the Latter-day Saints in economic life, nor, per capita, as successful at it."

The LDS Church brings in 5.9 billion annually.... of this amount, 5.3 billion comes from tithes alone. Other monies come from church owned businesses. This figures out that the LDS Church brings in well over 16 million dollars a day, making the Mormon religion "the most prosperous in America."

Article in Time Magazine (Aug. 4, 1997) "Kingdom Come."

"The only true church."

The Mormons preach that they are "the only true church." The obvious assumption one then must make, of course, is that all other churches are wrong and false. Thus, anyone who is not a believer can be considered one who is being influenced by the devil and can not be saved. Anyone who does not subscribe to this belief that the LDS faith is "the only true church," is essentially barred from the "celestial" (top most part of heaven). A good LDS Mormon member must unquestioningly accept that the founder, Joseph Smith, was a divinely inspired prophet of God and that all past and current presidents are divinely inspired. Further, that the Book of Mormon is a divine work handed to Joseph Smith through the hands of God containing the "latest, most updated word from God.". Any member who has not yet come to this belief is "influenced by the devil" or has "not received the spirit." Of course, the inference here is that you would be making a mortal and eternal mistake by leaving the LDS, Mormon, religion or joining another religion.... a clever ploy to psychologically lock members into the religion through fear tactics.

The unwritten

Although not publicly documented, but kept as "unwritten" and talked about only in classrooms and meetings are the following: (1) Paying a full tithing will reap multiplied riches later on during your lifetime. (Mormon arithmetic: 2 + 2 = 7 -- things don't have to add up logically) (2) Serving a mission is equivalent to a college education. (3) You should never refuse a church calling. (4) Success in life and marriage is directly hinged upon your church attendance, paying a full tithing and obedience to all other LDS commandments. (5) A good missionary should be married within a year after returning from his mission. (6) No harm from earthquakes or other natural disasters can befall an LDS member in good standing. (7) No matter how small your earnings, if you pay a full tithing, all other financial problems will automatically work out. (8) A good LDS member will always vote the Republican Party ticket. A good Mormon is a Republican. Mormonism discourages individual thinking and logic. You are TOLD what to think and do.

Church authorities will not make public claim to these statements; ... however, in private, do admit this "is true."

Man is not a part of the evolutionary system

Mormons do not subscribe to the evolutionary theory for the evolvement of man. Every other form of life may have evolved, but not man.

Can you feel comfortable with the historical record?

The LDS historical record is clouded by many Mormon books which delete important portions of the early Mormon history. The complete historical record about the LDS Church and Mormonism is not revealed in LDS Church approved books. All unapproved books are termed by the LDS Church as "anti-Mormon" books -- a label commonly used to prevent members from reading only church approved material. Members are warned ("admonished") never to read them, "lest they lose their testimony." And, indeed it is true. Most would lose their testimony if they were permitted to read these materials.

Historians within church ranks who have dared to step out and tell beyond the already edited and sanitized historical record, have been excommunicated. For example, the LDS Film, "Legacy," shown daily near Temple Square in Salt Lake City never mentions polygamy which was one of the basic fundamental beliefs of the early Mormon religion. It was taught that the "only path to salvation is to have many wives." It was the polygamy issue which brought about deep friction between the Mormons and early non-Mormon settlers. Mormons often baptized young teenage girls then took them in as polygamous wives for old men, namely the church hierarchy. Most non-Mormons viewed this as lawless, open prostitution.

See Martha Ann Hughes Pulsipher Leavitt story -- married at age 14 to 68 year old LDS leader.

The Mountain Meadows Massacre - declared as one of the cowardly, bloody, and ruthless tragedies of our time, was hidden and dismissed by the LDS Church -- the LDS Church was fully involved. A very good video covering this subject is Brian Patrick's film, "Burying the Past -- Legacy of the Mountain Meadows Massacre."

An example of how the Mormon Church bans, destroys, modifies, and changes historical evidence is well documented in this account of how Joseph Smith's mother's writings were banned, then finally changed.

Documentation of the changes made by the LDS Church to Lucy Smith's written account of her son, Joseph Smith -- the prophet and founder.

Jerald and Sandra Tanner have compiled an excellent collection of early original documents. Their book, "Mormonism, Shadow or Reality," provides the most complete and accurate record on Mormon history available to date. While it does not read like a novel, all the information is there!

Mormon History - summations by Jerald and Sandra Tanner and related documents

The LDS Church claims today that it does not practice polygamy. This is not true. It is practiced in their temple ceremonies and remains plainly written in current main-stream Mormon doctrine. Also, there are a number of off-shoot "Fundamentalist Mormon" groups living in and near Salt Lake City that do openly practice polygamy and who do call themselves "Mormons."

It's not easy to back out of the Mormon Religion

Not disclosed to the new member are the many disciplinary procedures and other actions the LDS Church can take against a member. The "LDS Church Handbook of Instruction," has been shielded carefully from public and even member inspection over the years. Recent litigation trying to ban dissemination of the information in the book was attempted by the LDS Corporation. Their case was pointless in that the copyright law does permit sections of copyrighted material to be published for educational purposes. Further, the LDS Church did not lose money from it's public disclosure -- another provision in the copyright law that must be looked at. When the LDS Church attempted to sue under copyright infringement and failed, their emphasis then shifted toward trying to make Internet referals to the book, "illegal." This, of course, caused a worldwide firestorm on the Web. The case was finally quietly settled out of court with no damages against those being sued. The information openly released from the "Handbook," was that excommunication is not a member's only option to get out of the Mormon religion ... as was previously believed by most members. One CAN have their name removed without being forced to go through an LDS, Mormon, court for excommunication.

In essence, this "Handbook of Instruction" is no more than the LDS Corporate Mission Statement to enlistment, indoctrination, and entrapment. Only stake presidents and bishops (ministers) have access to this book. And even they are not always fully familiar with this manual.

The Mormon family unit is tightly bound by the LDS teachings. Once one has accepted the Mormon religion, it is not easy to back out. The psychological binding forces of Mormonism can be stronger than family bonds. Experience has proven it is not always just a simple matter of removing one's name from the LDS rolls. A definite procedure must be followed and threat of legal action against the LDS Church may be necessary to assure removal without the consequence of no action or even excommunication. Further, family members do not accept other family member's action to leave Mormonism. Many bitter family separations have resulted from someone trying to get out.

See: "Removing one's name properly from the Mormon, LDS, records."

See: "A case of excommunication when a name was attempted to be removed."

Because the process is embarrassing, usually one falls into the other option -- inactivity. These pressures are amplified when family members closer to the faith feels you have somehow "lost the spirit." Guilt and confusion usually replace common logic for the member desiring a release from the religion. A member, who cannot feel good about or cannot meet his full LDS obligations finds himself isolated and alone. If his family and generation group is mostly LDS, he ends up living in a hostile, harsh and lonely mental world. It is no secret that Utah is also the "Prozac capitol of the world." Are calming psychotic drugs necessary in order for Mormons to survive the deep psychological wounds caused by Mormonism? ??

One should also be aware that one of the basic teachings of the LDS faith is that anyone who has once been baptized and confirmed into the church, has "accepted the teachings of God." Once one has accepted these teachings but then rejects them, he is banned from the "celestial kingdom." Tragically, the LDS faith claims that a child at just age 7 "knows enough" to make a correct decision to be baptized into this religion. ????

Happiness is abiding 100%

If one can subscribe 100% to the "teachings," he or she can find great comfort and success as a member of the LDS faith. However, one that cannot for financial or other reasons meet even a very small part of the strict religious teachings, will only harbor guilt, disharmony, and disillusionment. Few, in any, attain harmony with their religion for even a portion of their lives.

A word about Mormonism and Sex Abuse

Unfortunately, the woman always takes the back seat in Mormonism. Similarly, sex abuse of women and children in Mormonism is the fault of the victim and not the abuser. Many legal actions have been filed against the LDS religion regarding this matter.

Court cases involving the LDS, Mormon, Church where sexual abuse has gone unreported and the victims -- women and children -- have had their rights ignored.

How Mormonism places blame on the victims and not the perpetrator - How Mormonism treats child sex abuse

Stripping away the spiritual

When one strips away the "spiritual" from the Mormon Church, it reveals a bare business structure of enormous proportions with a cornerstone of illegality and of little ethical responsibility. Tithe donations are gathered tax free, yet used in ways no one can examine -- the perfect framework for a scam.

A member must become overwhelmed by the "feeling and spirit," to find happiness in the LDS faith. It is not for the person of logical mind who will want to study and understand the past history, the inner workings, and know from a factual standpoint, the truthfulness of the religion.

The common statement used by missionaries to enlist new membership is "Pray about it." For a person given limited information, there is nothing in his mind to cause mental conflict in prayer to prevent his joining the religion. Members are restricted in their reading -- They are allowed to read only LDS Church approved books.... only those written or approved by LDS hierarchy. Constant battles are going on by the LDS Church to hide and conceal important historical data.

Do a little advance financial planning before committing yourself

Consider, first, just how much you will be investing in the religion. For example, a family with an annual income of $30,000 will pay 10% of that gross income into the LDS Church. This amounts to $3,000 a year ... or $250 a month.

Considering you continue at this rate of $250 a month donation and, instead, invest it into a current Certificate of Deposit offered by most credit unions at 6.5% interest; ... and you do it over a period of fifty years (the average earning period of a person's life), .... you will end up with $1,113,476.62 at the end of that period! In other words, managing this money yourself will yield well over one million dollars to your family. Too, keep in mind that your true and actual donation into the religion will far exceed the mandated 10% of your gross pay. See the tithing calculator page

Excellent story (story number one from www.exmormon.org) as to why after several years in Mormonism he left.

Some comments from both present and past members of the LDS Faith on Tithing

Tithing -- How does Mormon tithing compare to Catholic tithing?

Recommended Reading:

"By His Own Hand Upon Papyrus" by Charles M. Larson -- Many reading this book removed their names from Mormonism. Modern documentation proves Joseph Smith faked Mormon doctrine. Click here for summary

"Nightfall At Nauvoo" by Samuel W. Taylor (An excellent chronological historical record based upon essential fact)...Click Here for a Summary of This Book

"Mormonism - Shadow or Reality," by Jerald and Sandra Tanner (One of the most complete examinations of factual early and modern Mormonism available)

"Wife No. 19," by Ann-Eliza Young. This is the complete on-line autobiography of Brigham Young's 19th wife. Brigham Young was the second president of the LDS Church. She tells the grim story of her mother and herself entrapped into polygamy. This is an excellent reading banned by the LDS Church by their assigned label, "Anti-Mormon." Ann-Eliza Young expresses a woman's view living under early Mormonism as well as the negative side of Brigham Young, the man.

"No Man Knows My History" by Fawn M. Brodie (A highly recommended biography about Joseph Smith, the founder of the LDS Church) ...Click here for summary of this book...

"The Kingdom or Nothing" by Samuel W. Taylor (This is a biography of John Taylor who succeeded Brigham Young as president of the LDS Church --The author is the great grandson of the third polygamist Mormon president)

"Rocky Mountain Empire" by Samuel W. Taylor (covers the tumultuous times when Mormonism tried to cover up polygamy by moving underground with it)

"Family Kingdom" by Samuel W. Taylor (covers the history around the time of the author's polygamist father, a member of the Mormon hierarchy)

"Mormon Hierarchy - Origins of Power" by D. Michael Quinn (early Mormon hierarchy) This book reveals the behind the scenes view of the hierarchy --- of what went on and what was not known by the public.

"Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power" by D. Michael Quinn (dollar amounts earned by LDS presidency and other high offices -- specific details on close family relationships in the hierarchy and their behavior) Quinn refers to the administration of the LDS Church as a "dynasty."
Brief summary of this book

"Mormon America: The Power and the Promise" by Richard N. and Joan K. Ostling" gives a view of today's Mormonism -- as it is. Two book reviews

Another listing of books which can help lead you to a better and more complete understanding of Mormonism

Other Reading You May Enjoy

Most complete account of the Mormon Mountain Meadows Massacre atrocity -- "Blood of the Prophets," by Will Bagley.

Is the LDS, Mormon, religion considered a cult? This is a good place to look and ponder before joining the LDS religion.

A thorough treatise including what the Mormon missionaries won't tell you.

Mark Twain's review of the Book of Mormon upon visiting Salt Lake City

Is the Book of Mormon Inspired Scripture or a piece of Fiction?

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