We would like to apologize to anyone who showed up at Never On Sunday on July 14th or at Planet X on July 21st. There was an unfortunate mix up in the booking and it was impossible to contact everyone in time via the mailing list. Again we apologize for any inconvenience and will try to make it up to you at our next show!

Unbound is sad to announce the passing of a friend and colleague Joe Miller. Joe was responsible for mastering Unbound's debut CD and helped engineer our upcoming CD at FJM Studios in Dayton,Ohio. Joe was a super individual and will be greatly missed by all who knew him. Unbound sends his family our condolences and prayers!

As you all probably know, the recording of our second CD is complete. We're now ready for mixdown and mastering. We think we've got some great tracks down and are anxious to see how it turns out ! We'll keep you posted !

We were recently reviewed by a magazine out of Holland called Strutter Magazine. To see the review, CLICK HERE.

The voting at Krazy Eddie's site has changed. To vote for Unbound just click on the ANGELFIRE banner below. There is a prize to awarded at the end of the year to the winner. We're not sure yet how this really works so just give it a try !! Thanks, you guys are the best !!


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